2005-11-15 10:05:31 +00:00

516 lines
16 KiB
Raw Blame History

#include <osg/Version>
#include <osg/ArgumentParser>
#include <osg/ApplicationUsage>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string> NamePair;
typedef std::set<NamePair> NameSet;
typedef std::vector< std::string > Words;
NamePair EmptyNamePair;
bool validName(const std::string& first)
if (first.empty()) return false;
if (first[0]<'A' || first[0]>'Z') return false;
if (first.size()>=2 && (first[1]<'a' || first[1]>'z') && (first[1]!='.') && (first[1]!=',')) return false;
if (first=="Added") return false;
if (first=="CameraNode") return false;
if (first=="CopyOp") return false;
if (first=="Fixed") return false;
if (first=="Creator") return false;
if (first=="CullVisitor") return false;
if (first=="Drawable") return false;
if (first=="Geode") return false;
if (first=="GeoSet") return false;
if (first=="Image") return false;
if (first=="Images/SolarSystem") return false;
if (first=="IntersectVisitor") return false;
if (first=="LongIDRecord") return false;
if (first=="Makefile") return false;
if (first=="Matrix") return false;
if (first=="MemoryManager") return false;
if (first=="MeshRecord") return false;
if (first=="Multigen") return false;
if (first=="NewCullVisitor") return false;
if (first=="Output") return false;
if (first=="PageLOD") return false;
if (first=="Improved") return false;
if (first=="PagedLOD") return false;
if (first=="Referenced") return false;
if (first=="StateAttribute") return false;
if (first=="Switch") return false;
if (first=="TechniqueEventHandler") return false;
if (first=="Uniform") return false;
if (first=="Vec*") return false;
if (first=="Viewer") return false;
if (first=="VisualStudio") return false;
if (first=="X") return false;
if (first=="Y") return false;
if (first=="Producer") return false;
if (first=="New") return false;
if (first=="Removed") return false;
if (first=="Ouput") return false;
if (first=="ReaderWriters") return false;
if (first=="NodeVisitor") return false;
if (first=="Fixes") return false;
if (first=="FontImplementation") return false;
if (first=="DisplaySettings") return false;
if (first=="AnimationPath") return false;
if (first=="AnimationPathCallback") return false;
if (first=="AnimationPathManipulator") return false;
if (first=="ArgumentParser") return false;
if (first=="AttrData") return false;
if (first=="Azimuth") return false;
if (first=="CluserCullingCallback") return false;
if (first=="ClusterCullingCallback") return false;
if (first=="CoordinateSystem") return false;
if (first=="CoordinateSystemNode") return false;
if (first=="CoordinateSystemNode&") return false;
if (first=="Copyright") return false;
if (first=="Cygwin") return false;
if (first=="CullCallbacks") return false;
if (first=="CullingSettngs") return false;
if (first=="DataVariance") return false;
if (first=="DatabasePager") return false;
if (first=="DrawElementsUByte") return false;
if (first=="Escape") return false;
if (first=="FluidProgram") return false;
if (first=="FrameStats") return false;
if (first=="FreeBSD") return false;
if (first=="GraphicsContextImplementation") return false;
if (first=="GraphicsThread") return false;
if (first=="Images") return false;
if (first=="IndexBlock") return false;
if (first=="Inventor") return false;
if (first=="Make") return false;
if (first=="Material") return false;
if (first=="MergeGeometryVisitor") return false;
if (first=="Mode") return false;
if (first=="Prodcuer") return false;
if (first=="ProxyNode") return false;
if (first=="ReentrantMutex") return false;
if (first=="ReferenceFrame") return false;
if (first=="RemoveLoadedProxyNodes") return false;
if (first=="RenderTargetFallback") return false;
if (first=="RenderToTextureStage") return false;
if (first=="Sequence") return false;
if (first=="Shape") return false;
if (first=="TessellationHints") return false;
if (first=="Support") return false;
if (first=="State") return false;
if (first=="SmokeTrailEffect") return false;
if (first=="TexEnv") return false;
if (first=="Texture3D") return false;
if (first=="TextureCubeMap") return false;
if (first=="TextureObjectManager") return false;
if (first=="TextureRectangle(Image*") return false;
if (first=="TextureType") return false;
if (first=="Texuture") return false;
if (first=="TriStripVisitor") return false;
if (first=="UserData") return false;
if (first=="Viewport") return false;
if (first=="Visual") return false;
if (first=="Studio") return false;
if (first=="Vec2d") return false;
if (first=="Vec3d") return false;
if (first=="Windows") return false;
if (first=="Version") return false;
if (first=="Viewport") return false;
if (first=="Core") return false;
if (first=="DataSet") return false;
if (first=="Endian") return false;
if (first=="ImageOptions") return false;
if (first=="ImageStream") return false;
if (first=="KeyboardMouse") return false;
if (first=="KeyboardMouseCallback") return false;
if (first=="AutoTransform") return false;
if (first=="LightModel") return false;
if (first=="MatrixManipulator") return false;
if (first=="MatrixTransform") return false;
if (first=="OpenDX") return false;
if (first=="ParentList") return false;
if (first=="TerraPage") return false;
if (first=="OveralyNode") return false;
if (first=="OpenThreads") return false;
if (first=="PolygonStipple") return false;
if (first=="SceneView") return false;
if (first=="PrimitiveIndexFunctor") return false;
if (first=="PolytopeVisitor") return false;
if (first=="Performer") return false;
if (first=="Paging") return false;
return true;
std::string typoCorrection(const std::string& name)
#if 0
if (name=="") return "";
if (name=="") return "";
if (name=="") return "";
if (name=="Micheal") return "Michael";
if (name=="Heirtlein") return "Hertlein";
if (name=="Yefrei") return "Yefei";
if (name=="Randal") return "Randall";
if (name=="Hooper") return "Hopper";
if (name=="Molishtan") return "Moloshtan";
if (name=="Vines") return "Vine";
if (name=="Connel") return "Connell";
if (name=="Bistroviae") return "Bistrovic";
if (name=="Christaiansen") return "Christiansen";
if (name=="Daust") return "Daoust";
if (name=="Daved") return "David";
if (name=="Fred") return "Frederic";
if (name=="Fredrick") return "Frederic";
if (name=="Fredric") return "Frederic";
if (name=="Garrat") return "Garret";
if (name=="Geof") return "Geoff";
if (name=="Gronenger") return "Gronager";
if (name=="Gronger") return "Gronager";
if (name=="Heirtlein") return "Heirtlein";
if (name=="Heirtlein") return "Hertlein";
if (name=="Hertlien") return "Hertlein";
if (name=="Hi") return "He";
if (name=="Inverson") return "Iverson";
if (name=="Iversion") return "Iverson";
if (name=="Jeoen") return "Joran";
if (name=="Johhansen") return "Johansen";
if (name=="Johnansen") return "Johansen";
if (name=="Johnasen") return "Johansen";
if (name=="Jolly") return "Jolley";
if (name=="Jose") return "Jos<EFBFBD>";
if (name=="J") return "Jos<EFBFBD>";
if (name=="Keuhne") return "Kuehne";
if (name=="Kheune") return "Kuehne";
if (name=="Lashari") return "Lashkari";
if (name=="Laskari") return "Lashkari";
if (name=="Macro") return "Marco";
if (name=="Mammond") return "Marmond";
if (name=="March") return "Marco";
if (name=="Marz") return "Martz";
if (name=="Molishtan") return "Molishtan";
if (name=="Molishtan") return "Moloshtan";
if (name=="Moloshton") return "Moloshtan";
if (name=="Moloshton") return "Moloshtan";
if (name=="Moule") return "Moiule";
if (name=="Nicklov") return "Nikolov";
if (name=="Olad") return "Olaf";
if (name=="Osfied") return "Osfield";
if (name=="Pail") return "Paul";
if (name=="Sewel") return "Sewell";
if (name=="Sjolie") return "Sj<EFBFBD>lie";
if (name=="Sokolosky") return "Sokolowsky";
if (name=="Sokolsky") return "Sokolowsky";
if (name=="Sonda") return "Sondra";
if (name=="Stansilav") return "Stanislav";
if (name=="Stefan") return "Stephan";
if (name=="Stell") return "Steel";
if (name=="Tarantilils") return "Tarantilis";
if (name=="Wieblen") return "Weiblen";
if (name=="Xennon") return "Hanson";
if (name=="Yfei") return "Yefei";
if (name=="Oritz") return "Ortiz";
if (name=="Cobin") return "Corbin";
return name;
void nameCorrection(NamePair& name)
if (name.first=="Eric" && name.second=="Hammil")
name.first = "Chris";
name.second = "Hanson";
if (name.first=="Nick" && name.second=="")
name.first = "Trajce";
name.second = "Nikolov";
if (name.first=="Julia" && name.second=="Ortiz")
name.first = "Julian";
name.second = "Ortiz";
if (name.first=="Rune" && name.second=="Schmidt")
name.first = "Rune";
name.second = "Schmidt Jensen";
if (name.first=="Romano" && name.second=="Jos<EFBFBD>")
name.first = "Romano";
name.second = "Jos<EFBFBD> Magacho da Silva";
if (name.first=="Rommano" && name.second=="Silva")
name.first = "Romano";
name.second = "Jos<EFBFBD> Magacho da Silva";
if (name.first=="Leandro" && name.second=="Motta")
name.first = "Leandro";
name.second = "Motta Barros";
if (name.first=="A" && name.second=="Botorabi")
name.first = "Ali";
name.second = "Botorabi";
if (name.first=="Waltice" && name.second=="")
name.first = "Walter";
name.second = "J. Altice";
if (name.first=="Drew" && name.second=="")
name.first = "Drew";
name.second = "Whitehouse";
void lastValidCharacter(const std::string& name, unsigned int& pos,char c)
for(unsigned int i=0;i<pos;++i)
if (name[i]==c)
pos = i;
void lastValidCharacter(const std::string& name, unsigned int& last)
lastValidCharacter(name, last, '.');
lastValidCharacter(name, last, ',');
lastValidCharacter(name, last, '\'');
lastValidCharacter(name, last, '/');
lastValidCharacter(name, last, '\\');
lastValidCharacter(name, last, ':');
lastValidCharacter(name, last, ';');
lastValidCharacter(name, last, ')');
NamePair createName(const std::string& first, const std::string& second)
if (first.empty()) return EmptyNamePair;
unsigned int last = first.size();
lastValidCharacter(first, last);
if (last==0) return EmptyNamePair;
std::string name;
name.append(first.begin(), first.begin()+last);
if (!validName(name)) return EmptyNamePair;
name = typoCorrection(name);
if (second.empty() ||
// filter any single or two letter words as unlike to be names.
if (name.size()<=2) return EmptyNamePair;
return NamePair(name,"");
last = second.size();
lastValidCharacter(second, last);
if (last>0)
std::string surname(second.begin(), second.begin()+last);
surname = typoCorrection(surname);
return NamePair(name, surname);
// filter any single or two letter words as unlike to be names.
if (name.size()<=2) return EmptyNamePair;
return NamePair(name,"");
bool submissionsSequence(const Words& words, unsigned int& i)
if (i+1>=words.size()) return false;
if (words[i]=="From" ||
words[i]=="from" ||
words[i]=="From:" ||
words[i]=="from:" ||
words[i]=="Added" ||
words[i]=="Merged" ||
words[i]=="Integrated") return true;
if (i+2>=words.size()) return false;
if (words[i]=="submitted" && words[i+1]=="by")
return true;
if (words[i]=="Folded" && words[i+1]=="in")
return true;
if (words[i]=="Checked" && words[i+1]=="in")
return true;
if (i+3>=words.size()) return false;
if (words[i]=="sent" && words[i+1]=="in" && words[i+2]=="by")
return true;
return false;
void readContributors(NameSet& names, const std::string& file)
std::ifstream fin(file.c_str());
Words words;
std::string keyword;
fin >> keyword;
std::string blank_string;
for(unsigned int i=0; i< words.size(); ++i)
if (submissionsSequence(words,i))
if (i+2<words.size() && validName(words[i+1]))
NamePair name = createName(words[i+1], words[i+2]);
if (!name.first.empty()) names.insert(name);
else if (i+1<words.size() && validName(words[i+1]))
NamePair name = createName(words[i+1], blank_string);
if (!name.first.empty()) names.insert(name);
if (names.size()>1)
for(NameSet::iterator itr = names.begin();
itr != names.end();
if (itr->second.empty())
NameSet::iterator next_itr = itr;
if (next_itr!=names.end() && itr->first==next_itr->first)
itr = next_itr;
void buildContributors(NameSet& names)
int main( int argc, char **argv)
osg::ArgumentParser arguments(&argc,argv);
arguments.getApplicationUsage()->setCommandLineUsage(arguments.getApplicationName()+" [options]");
arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-h or --help","Display this information");
arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-c or --contributors","Print out the contributors list.");
arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-r <file> or --read <file>","Read the changelog to generate an estimated contributors list.");
std::cout<<osgGetLibraryName()<< " "<< osgGetVersion()<<std::endl<<std::endl;
bool printContributors = false;
while ("-c") ||"--contributors")) printContributors = true;
std::string changeLog;
while ("-r",changeLog) ||"--read",changeLog)) printContributors = true;
// if user request help write it out to cout.
if ("-h") ||"--help"))
return 1;
if (printContributors)
NameSet names;
if (!changeLog.empty())
readContributors(names, changeLog);
std::cout<<names.size()<<" Contributors:"<<std::endl<<std::endl;
for(NameSet::iterator itr = names.begin();
itr != names.end();
std::cout<<" "<<itr->first<<" "<<itr->second<<std::endl;
return 0;