654 lines
26 KiB
654 lines
26 KiB
#include <osgFX/BumpMapping>
#include <osgFX/Registry>
#include <osg/VertexProgram>
#include <osg/FragmentProgram>
#include <osg/Texture2D>
#include <osg/Depth>
#include <osg/TexEnv>
#include <osg/TexEnvCombine>
#include <osg/BlendFunc>
#include <osg/Geometry>
#include <osg/Notify>
#include <osgUtil/TangentSpaceGenerator>
#include <osgDB/ReadFile>
#include <sstream>
using namespace osgFX;
using osg::NodeVisitor;
// this is a visitor class that prepares all geometries in a subgraph
// by calling prepareGeometry() which in turn generates tangent-space
// basis vectors
class TsgVisitor: public NodeVisitor {
TsgVisitor(BumpMapping* bm): NodeVisitor(NodeVisitor::TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN), _bm(bm) {}
void apply(osg::Geode& geode)
for (unsigned i=0; i<geode.getNumDrawables(); ++i) {
osg::Geometry* geo = dynamic_cast<osg::Geometry* >(geode.getDrawable(i));
if (geo) {
BumpMapping* _bm;
// this visitor generates texture coordinates for all geometries in a
// subgraph. It is used only for demo purposes.
class TexCoordGenerator: public osg::NodeVisitor {
TexCoordGenerator(int du, int nu): NodeVisitor(NodeVisitor::TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN), du_(du), nu_(nu) {}
void apply(osg::Geode& geode)
const osg::BoundingSphere &bsphere = geode.getBound();
float scale = 10;
if (bsphere.radius() != 0) {
scale = 5 / bsphere.radius();
for (unsigned i=0; i<geode.getNumDrawables(); ++i) {
osg::Geometry* geo = dynamic_cast<osg::Geometry* >(geode.getDrawable(i));
if (geo) {
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec2Array> tc = generate_coords(geo->getVertexArray(), geo->getNormalArray(), scale);
geo->setTexCoordArray(du_, tc.get());
geo->setTexCoordArray(nu_, tc.get());
osg::Vec2Array* generate_coords(osg::Array* vx, osg::Array* nx, float scale)
osg::Vec2Array* v2a = dynamic_cast<osg::Vec2Array*>(vx);
osg::Vec3Array* v3a = dynamic_cast<osg::Vec3Array*>(vx);
osg::Vec4Array* v4a = dynamic_cast<osg::Vec4Array*>(vx);
osg::Vec2Array* n2a = dynamic_cast<osg::Vec2Array*>(nx);
osg::Vec3Array* n3a = dynamic_cast<osg::Vec3Array*>(nx);
osg::Vec4Array* n4a = dynamic_cast<osg::Vec4Array*>(nx);
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec2Array> tc = new osg::Vec2Array;
for (unsigned i=0; i<vx->getNumElements(); ++i) {
osg::Vec3 P;
if (v2a) P.set((*v2a)[i].x(), (*v2a)[i].y(), 0);
if (v3a) P.set((*v3a)[i].x(), (*v3a)[i].y(), (*v3a)[i].z());
if (v4a) P.set((*v4a)[i].x(), (*v4a)[i].y(), (*v4a)[i].z());
osg::Vec3 N(0, 0, 1);
if (n2a) N.set((*n2a)[i].x(), (*n2a)[i].y(), 0);
if (n3a) N.set((*n3a)[i].x(), (*n3a)[i].y(), (*n3a)[i].z());
if (n4a) N.set((*n4a)[i].x(), (*n4a)[i].y(), (*n4a)[i].z());
int axis = 0;
if (N.y() > N.x() && N.y() > N.z()) axis = 1;
if (-N.y() > N.x() && -N.y() > N.z()) axis = 1;
if (N.z() > N.x() && N.z() > N.y()) axis = 2;
if (-N.z() > N.x() && -N.z() > N.y()) axis = 2;
osg::Vec2 uv;
switch (axis) {
case 0: uv.set(P.y(), P.z()); break;
case 1: uv.set(P.x(), P.z()); break;
case 2: uv.set(P.x(), P.y()); break;
default: ;
tc->push_back(uv * scale);
return tc.release();
int du_;
int nu_;
const unsigned int NO_VALID_CONTEXT = 0xffffffff;
// a state attribute class that grabs the initial inverse view matrix
// and sends it to a VertexProgram.
// NOTE: due to lack of support for per-context parameters in VertexProgram,
// this class will send the matrix to the vp only while the first context
// is being rendered. All subsequent contexts will use the first context's
// matrix.
class ViewMatrixExtractor: public osg::StateAttribute {
: osg::StateAttribute(),
ViewMatrixExtractor(const ViewMatrixExtractor& copy, const osg::CopyOp& copyop)
: osg::StateAttribute(copy, copyop),
_vp(static_cast<osg::VertexProgram* >(copyop(copy._vp.get()))),
ViewMatrixExtractor(osg::VertexProgram* vp, int param)
: osg::StateAttribute(),
META_StateAttribute(osgFX, ViewMatrixExtractor, VIEWMATRIXEXTRACTOR);
int compare(const osg::StateAttribute& sa) const
COMPARE_StateAttribute_Types(ViewMatrixExtractor, sa);
if (_vp.get() != rhs._vp.get()) return -1;
if (_param < rhs._param) return -1;
if (_param > rhs._param) return 1;
return 0;
void apply(osg::State& state) const
if (_first_context == NO_VALID_CONTEXT) {
_first_context = state.getContextID();
if (state.getContextID() == _first_context) {
if (_vp.valid()) {
osg::Matrix M = state.getInitialInverseViewMatrix();
for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
_vp->setProgramLocalParameter(_param+i, osg::Vec4(M(0, i), M(1, i), M(2, i), M(3, i)));
mutable osg::ref_ptr<osg::VertexProgram> _vp;
int _param;
mutable unsigned int _first_context;
// let's register this cool effect! :)
Registry::Proxy proxy(new BumpMapping);
// "Full ARB" technique uses ARB vertex program and fragment program.
// Handles ambient, diffuse and specular lighting transparently. A texture
// for the diffuse component is required as well as a normal map texture.
class FullArbTechnique: public Technique {
FullArbTechnique(int lightnum, int diffuseunit, int normalunit, osg::Texture2D* diffuse_tex, osg::Texture2D* normal_tex)
: Technique(),
"Single-pass technique, requires ARB_vertex_program and ARB_fragment_program."
void getRequiredExtensions(std::vector<std::string>& extensions) const
void define_passes()
int freeunit;
for (freeunit=0; freeunit==_diffuse_unit||freeunit==_normal_unit; ++freeunit) {}
// vertex program
std::ostringstream vp_oss;
vp_oss <<
"OPTION ARB_position_invariant;"
"PARAM c4 = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };"
"PARAM c5 = { 0.5, 4, 0, 0 };"
"TEMP R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8;"
"ATTRIB v5 = vertex.attrib[15];"
"ATTRIB v4 = vertex.attrib[7];"
"ATTRIB v3 = vertex.attrib[6];"
"ATTRIB v25 = vertex.texcoord[" << _diffuse_unit << "];"
"ATTRIB v24 = vertex.texcoord[" << _normal_unit << "];"
"ATTRIB v18 = vertex.normal;"
"ATTRIB v16 = vertex.position;"
"PARAM s259[4] = { state.matrix.mvp };"
"PARAM s18 = state.light[0].position;"
"PARAM s77 = state.lightprod[0].specular;"
"PARAM s4 = state.material.shininess;"
"PARAM s75 = state.lightprod[0].ambient;"
"PARAM s223[4] = { state.matrix.modelview };"
"PARAM c0[4] = { program.local[0..3] };"
" MOV result.texcoord[" << freeunit << "].xyz, s75.xyzx;"
" MOV result.texcoord[" << freeunit << "].w, s4.x;"
" MOV result.texcoord[" << _normal_unit << "].zw, s77.zwzw;"
" MOV result.texcoord[" << _normal_unit << "].xy, v24;"
" MOV result.texcoord[" << _diffuse_unit << "].zw, s77.xyxy;"
" MOV result.texcoord[" << _diffuse_unit << "].xy, v25;"
" MOV R5, c0[0];"
" MUL R0, R5.y, s223[1];"
" MAD R0, R5.x, s223[0], R0;"
" MAD R0, R5.z, s223[2], R0;"
" MAD R0, R5.w, s223[3], R0;"
" DP4 R1.x, R0, v16;"
" MOV R4, c0[1];"
" MUL R2, R4.y, s223[1];"
" MAD R2, R4.x, s223[0], R2;"
" MAD R2, R4.z, s223[2], R2;"
" MAD R7, R4.w, s223[3], R2;"
" DP4 R1.y, R7, v16;"
" MOV R3, c0[2];"
" MUL R2, R3.y, s223[1];"
" MAD R2, R3.x, s223[0], R2;"
" MAD R2, R3.z, s223[2], R2;"
" MAD R6, R3.w, s223[3], R2;"
" DP4 R1.z, R6, v16;"
" MOV R2, c0[3];"
" MUL R8, R2.y, s223[1];"
" MAD R8, R2.x, s223[0], R8;"
" MAD R8, R2.z, s223[2], R8;"
" MAD R8, R2.w, s223[3], R8;"
" MOV R8.x, R5.w;"
" MOV R8.y, R4.w;"
" MOV R8.z, R3.w;"
" ADD R1.yzw, R8.xxyz, -R1.xxyz;"
" DP3 R1.x, R1.yzwy, R1.yzwy;"
" RSQ R1.x, R1.x;"
" DP4 R5.x, R5, s18;"
" DP4 R5.y, R4, s18;"
" DP4 R5.z, R3, s18;"
" DP3 R2.x, R5.xyzx, R5.xyzx;"
" RSQ R2.x, R2.x;"
" MUL R5.xyz, R2.x, R5.xyzx;"
" MAD R1.yzw, R1.x, R1.yyzw, R5.xxyz;"
" DP3 R1.x, R1.yzwy, R1.yzwy;"
" RSQ R1.x, R1.x;"
" MUL R4.xyz, R1.x, R1.yzwy;"
" DP3 R3.x, R0.xyzx, v3.xyzx;"
" DP3 R3.y, R7.xyzx, v3.xyzx;"
" DP3 R3.z, R6.xyzx, v3.xyzx;"
" DP3 R8.x, R3.xyzx, R4.xyzx;"
" DP3 R2.x, R0.xyzx, v4.xyzx;"
" DP3 R2.y, R7.xyzx, v4.xyzx;"
" DP3 R2.z, R6.xyzx, v4.xyzx;"
" DP3 R8.y, R2.xyzx, R4.xyzx;"
" DP3 R1.x, R0.xyzx, v5.xyzx;"
" DP3 R1.y, R7.xyzx, v5.xyzx;"
" DP3 R1.z, R6.xyzx, v5.xyzx;"
" DP3 R8.z, R1.xyzx, R4.xyzx;"
" MAD result.color.front.secondary.xyz, c5.x, R8.xyzx, c5.x;"
" DP3 R0.y, R0.xyzx, v18.xyzx;"
" DP3 R0.z, R7.xyzx, v18.xyzx;"
" DP3 R0.w, R6.xyzx, v18.xyzx;"
" DP3 R0.x, R0.yzwy, R0.yzwy;"
" RSQ R0.x, R0.x;"
" MUL R6.xyz, R0.x, R0.yzwy;"
" DP3 R0.x, R6.xyzx, R4.xyzx;"
" MUL result.color.front.secondary.w, c5.y, R0.x;"
" DP3 R0.x, R3.xyzx, R5.xyzx;"
" DP3 R0.y, R2.xyzx, R5.xyzx;"
" DP3 R0.z, R1.xyzx, R5.xyzx;"
" MAD result.color.front.primary.xyz, c5.x, R0.xyzx, c5.x;"
" DP3 R0.x, R6.xyzx, R5.xyzx;"
" MUL result.color.front.primary.w, c5.y, R0.x;"
// fragment program
std::ostringstream fp_oss;
fp_oss <<
"PARAM c0 = {1, 2, 0.5, 0};"
"PARAM c1 = {0, 0, 0, 1};"
"TEMP R0;"
"TEMP R1;"
"TEMP R2;"
"TEX R0, fragment.texcoord[" << _normal_unit << "], texture[" << _normal_unit << "], 2D;"
"TEX R1, fragment.texcoord[" << _diffuse_unit << "], texture[" << _diffuse_unit << "], 2D;"
"ADD R0, R0, -c0.z;"
"MUL R0.xyz, c0.y, R0;"
"ADD R2.xyz, fragment.color.primary, -c0.z;"
"MUL R2.xyz, c0.y, R2;"
"DP3_SAT R0.w, R0, R2;"
"ADD R2, fragment.color.secondary, -c0.z;"
"MUL R2.xyz, c0.y, R2;"
"DP3_SAT R0.x, R0, R2;"
"POW R0.x, R0.x, fragment.texcoord[" << freeunit << "].w;"
"MOV R2.xyz, fragment.texcoord[" << freeunit << "].xyyx;"
"MOV R2.w, c1.w;"
"MOV_SAT R0.y, fragment.color.primary.w;"
"MUL R0.w, R0.y, R0.w;"
"ADD R2, R2, R0.w;"
"MUL R1.xyz, R1, R2;"
"MOV_SAT R0.y, fragment.color.secondary.w;"
"MUL R0.xyz, R0.y, R0.x;"
"MOV R2.xy, fragment.texcoord[" << _diffuse_unit << "].zwzz;"
"MOV R2.z, fragment.texcoord[" << _normal_unit << "].z;"
"MUL R2.xyz, R0, R2;"
"ADD R2.xyz, R1, R2;"
"MOV result.color.xyz, R2;"
"MOV result.color.w, c0.x;"
osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateSet> ss = new osg::StateSet;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::VertexProgram> vp = new osg::VertexProgram;
ss->setAttributeAndModes(vp.get(), osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE|osg::StateAttribute::ON);
osg::ref_ptr<osg::FragmentProgram> fp = new osg::FragmentProgram;
ss->setAttributeAndModes(fp.get(), osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE|osg::StateAttribute::ON);
ss->setAttributeAndModes(new ViewMatrixExtractor(vp.get(), 0), osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE|osg::StateAttribute::ON);
if (_diffuse_tex.valid()) {
ss->setTextureAttributeAndModes(_diffuse_unit, _diffuse_tex.get(), osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE|osg::StateAttribute::ON);
if (_normal_tex.valid()) {
ss->setTextureAttributeAndModes(_normal_unit, _normal_tex.get(), osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE|osg::StateAttribute::ON);
int _lightnum;
int _diffuse_unit;
int _normal_unit;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Texture2D> _diffuse_tex;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Texture2D> _normal_tex;
// "ARB Vp" technique uses ARB vertex program and DOT3 texture environment.
// Ambient and specular components are not handled. A texture for the diffuse
// component is required as well as a normal map texture.
class ArbVpTechnique: public Technique {
ArbVpTechnique(int lightnum, int diffuseunit, int normalunit, osg::Texture2D* diffuse_tex, osg::Texture2D* normal_tex)
: Technique(),
"Two-passes technique, requires ARB_vertex_program and ARB__textureenv_dot3."
"Only diffuse lighting, no ambient, no specularity."
void getRequiredExtensions(std::vector<std::string>& extensions) const
void define_passes()
if (_diffuse_unit != (_normal_unit + 1)) {
OSG_WARN << "Warning: osgFX::BumpMapping: this technique (ArbVpTechnique) requires that _diffuse_unit == (_normal_unit + 1). Effect may not show up properly.\n";
// first pass, diffuse bump
std::ostringstream vp_oss;
vp_oss <<
"OPTION ARB_position_invariant;"
"PARAM c0 = { 0.5, 1, 0, 0 };"
"TEMP R0, R1, R2;"
"ATTRIB v5 = vertex.attrib[15];"
"ATTRIB v4 = vertex.attrib[7];"
"ATTRIB v3 = vertex.attrib[6];"
"ATTRIB v24 = vertex.texcoord[" << _normal_unit << "];"
"ATTRIB v25 = vertex.texcoord[" << _diffuse_unit << "];"
"ATTRIB v18 = vertex.normal;"
"ATTRIB v16 = vertex.position;"
"PARAM s259[4] = { state.matrix.mvp };"
"PARAM s18 = state.light[" << _lightnum << "].position;"
"PARAM s223[4] = { state.matrix.modelview };"
" MOV result.texcoord[" << _diffuse_unit << "].xy, v25;"
" MOV result.texcoord[" << _normal_unit << "].xy, v24;"
" DP3 R0.y, s223[0].xyzx, v3.xyzx;"
" DP3 R0.z, s223[1].xyzx, v3.xyzx;"
" DP3 R0.w, s223[2].xyzx, v3.xyzx;"
" DP3 R0.x, s18.xyzx, s18.xyzx;"
" RSQ R0.x, R0.x;"
" MUL R2.xyz, R0.x, s18.xyzx;"
" DP3 R1.x, R0.yzwy, R2.xyzx;"
" DP3 R0.x, s223[0].xyzx, v4.xyzx;"
" DP3 R0.y, s223[1].xyzx, v4.xyzx;"
" DP3 R0.z, s223[2].xyzx, v4.xyzx;"
" DP3 R1.y, R0.xyzx, R2.xyzx;"
" DP3 R0.x, s223[0].xyzx, v5.xyzx;"
" DP3 R0.y, s223[1].xyzx, v5.xyzx;"
" DP3 R0.z, s223[2].xyzx, v5.xyzx;"
" DP3 R1.z, R0.xyzx, R2.xyzx;"
" MAD result.color.front.primary.xyz, c0.x, R1.xyzx, c0.x;"
" MOV result.color.front.primary.w, c0.y;"
osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateSet> ss = new osg::StateSet;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::VertexProgram> vp = new osg::VertexProgram;
ss->setAttributeAndModes(vp.get(), osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE|osg::StateAttribute::ON);
if (_diffuse_tex.valid()) {
ss->setTextureAttributeAndModes(_diffuse_unit, _diffuse_tex.get(), osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE|osg::StateAttribute::ON);
if (_normal_tex.valid()) {
ss->setTextureAttributeAndModes(_normal_unit, _normal_tex.get(), osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE|osg::StateAttribute::ON);
osg::ref_ptr<osg::TexEnvCombine> tec = new osg::TexEnvCombine;
ss->setTextureAttributeAndModes(_normal_unit, tec.get(), osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE|osg::StateAttribute::ON);
osg::ref_ptr<osg::TexEnv> te = new osg::TexEnv;
ss->setTextureAttributeAndModes(_diffuse_unit, te.get(), osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE|osg::StateAttribute::ON);
// second pass, self-shadowing
bool selfShadowing = false;
if (selfShadowing)
std::ostringstream vp_oss;
vp_oss <<
"OPTION ARB_position_invariant;"
"PARAM c0 = { 8, 0, 1, 0 };"
"TEMP R0;"
"ATTRIB v18 = vertex.normal;"
"ATTRIB v16 = vertex.position;"
"PARAM s259[4] = { state.matrix.mvp };"
"PARAM s18 = state.light[" << _lightnum << "].position;"
"PARAM s631[4] = { state.matrix.modelview.invtrans };"
" DP4 R0.x, s631[0], v18;"
" DP4 R0.y, s631[1], v18;"
" DP4 R0.z, s631[2], v18;"
" DP3 R0.x, R0.xyzx, s18.xyzx;"
" MAX R0.x, R0.x, c0.y;"
" MUL R0.x, c0.x, R0.x;"
" MIN result.color.front.primary.xyz, R0.x, c0.z;"
" MOV result.color.front.primary.w, c0.z;"
osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateSet> ss = new osg::StateSet;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Depth> depth = new osg::Depth;
ss->setAttributeAndModes(depth.get(), osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE|osg::StateAttribute::ON);
osg::ref_ptr<osg::VertexProgram> vp = new osg::VertexProgram;
ss->setAttributeAndModes(vp.get(), osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE|osg::StateAttribute::ON);
osg::ref_ptr<osg::BlendFunc> bf = new osg::BlendFunc;
bf->setFunction(osg::BlendFunc::DST_COLOR, osg::BlendFunc::ZERO);
ss->setAttributeAndModes(bf.get(), osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE|osg::StateAttribute::ON);
ss->setTextureMode(_diffuse_unit, GL_TEXTURE_2D, osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE|osg::StateAttribute::OFF);
ss->setTextureMode(_normal_unit, GL_TEXTURE_2D, osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE|osg::StateAttribute::OFF);
int _lightnum;
int _diffuse_unit;
int _normal_unit;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Texture2D> _diffuse_tex;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Texture2D> _normal_tex;
: Effect(),
BumpMapping::BumpMapping(const BumpMapping& copy, const osg::CopyOp& copyop)
: Effect(copy, copyop),
_diffuse_tex(static_cast<osg::Texture2D* >(copyop(copy._diffuse_tex.get()))),
_normal_tex(static_cast<osg::Texture2D* >(copyop(copy._normal_tex.get())))
bool BumpMapping::define_techniques()
addTechnique(new FullArbTechnique(_lightnum, _diffuse_unit, _normal_unit, _diffuse_tex.get(), _normal_tex.get()));
addTechnique(new ArbVpTechnique(_lightnum, _diffuse_unit, _normal_unit, _diffuse_tex.get(), _normal_tex.get()));
return true;
void BumpMapping::prepareGeometry(osg::Geometry* geo)
osg::ref_ptr<osgUtil::TangentSpaceGenerator> tsg = new osgUtil::TangentSpaceGenerator;
tsg->generate(geo, _normal_unit);
if (!geo->getVertexAttribArray(6))
geo->setVertexAttribData(6, osg::Geometry::ArrayData(tsg->getTangentArray(), osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX,GL_FALSE));
if (!geo->getVertexAttribArray(7))
geo->setVertexAttribData(7, osg::Geometry::ArrayData(tsg->getBinormalArray(), osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX, GL_FALSE));
if (!geo->getVertexAttribArray(15))
geo->setVertexAttribData(15, osg::Geometry::ArrayData(tsg->getNormalArray(), osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX, GL_FALSE));
void BumpMapping::prepareNode(osg::Node* node)
osg::ref_ptr<TsgVisitor> tv = new TsgVisitor(this);
void BumpMapping::prepareChildren()
for (unsigned i=0; i<getNumChildren(); ++i)
void BumpMapping::setUpDemo()
// generate texture coordinates
TexCoordGenerator tcg(_diffuse_unit, _normal_unit);
for (unsigned i=0; i<getNumChildren(); ++i)
// set up diffuse texture
if (!_diffuse_tex.valid()) {
_diffuse_tex = new osg::Texture2D;
_diffuse_tex->setFilter(osg::Texture::MIN_FILTER, osg::Texture::LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR);
_diffuse_tex->setFilter(osg::Texture::MAG_FILTER, osg::Texture::LINEAR);
_diffuse_tex->setWrap(osg::Texture::WRAP_S, osg::Texture::REPEAT);
_diffuse_tex->setWrap(osg::Texture::WRAP_T, osg::Texture::REPEAT);
// set up normal map texture
if (!_normal_tex.valid()) {
_normal_tex = new osg::Texture2D;
_normal_tex->setFilter(osg::Texture::MIN_FILTER, osg::Texture::LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR);
_normal_tex->setFilter(osg::Texture::MAG_FILTER, osg::Texture::LINEAR);
_normal_tex->setWrap(osg::Texture::WRAP_S, osg::Texture::REPEAT);
_normal_tex->setWrap(osg::Texture::WRAP_T, osg::Texture::REPEAT);
// generate tangent-space basis vector
// recreate techniques on next step