552 lines
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552 lines
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/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield
* This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under
* the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or
* (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file
* included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details.
//osgParticle - Copyright (C) 2002 Marco Jez
#include <osgParticle/Export>
#include <osgParticle/Particle>
#include <vector>
#include <stack>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <osg/Object>
#include <osg/Drawable>
#include <osg/CopyOp>
#include <osg/State>
#include <osg/Vec3>
#include <osg/BoundingBox>
// 9th Febrary 2009, disabled the use of ReadWriteMutex as it looks like this
// is introducing threading problems due to threading problems in OpenThreads::ReadWriteMutex.
// #define OSGPARTICLE_USE_ReadWriteMutex
#ifdef OSGPARTICLE_USE_ReadWriteMutex
#include <OpenThreads/ReadWriteMutex>
#include <OpenThreads/Mutex>
#include <OpenThreads/ScopedLock>
namespace osgParticle
/** The heart of this class library; its purpose is to hold a set of particles and manage particle creation, update, rendering and destruction.
* You can add this drawable to any Geode as you usually do with other
* Drawable classes. Each instance of ParticleSystem is a separate set of
* particles; it provides the interface for creating particles and iterating
* through them (see the Emitter and Program classes).
class OSGPARTICLE_EXPORT ParticleSystem: public osg::Drawable {
enum Alignment {
ParticleSystem(const ParticleSystem& copy, const osg::CopyOp& copyop = osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY);
META_Object(osgParticle, ParticleSystem);
/// Get the alignment type of particles.
inline Alignment getParticleAlignment() const;
/// Set the alignment type of particles.
inline void setParticleAlignment(Alignment a);
/// Get the X-axis alignment vector.
inline const osg::Vec3& getAlignVectorX() const;
/// Set the X-axis alignment vector.
inline void setAlignVectorX(const osg::Vec3& v);
/// Get the Y-axis alignment vector.
inline const osg::Vec3& getAlignVectorY() const;
/// Set the Y-axis alignment vector.
inline void setAlignVectorY(const osg::Vec3& v);
/// Set the alignment vectors.
inline void setAlignVectors(const osg::Vec3& X, const osg::Vec3& Y);
enum ParticleScaleReferenceFrame
/** Set whether the particles should be scaled relative to world coordaintes or local coordinates.*/
void setParticleScaleReferenceFrame(ParticleScaleReferenceFrame rf) { _particleScaleReferenceFrame = rf; }
/** Get whether the particles should be scaled relative to world coordaintes or local coordinates.*/
ParticleScaleReferenceFrame getParticleScaleReferenceFrame() const { return _particleScaleReferenceFrame; }
/// Get the default bounding box
inline const osg::BoundingBox& getDefaultBoundingBox() const;
/** Set the default bounding box.
The default bounding box is used when a real bounding box cannot be computed, for example
because no particles has been updated yet.
inline void setDefaultBoundingBox(const osg::BoundingBox& bbox);
/// Return true if we use vertex arrays for rendering particles.
bool getUseVertexArray() const { return _useVertexArray; }
/** Set to use vertex arrays for rendering particles.
Lots of variables will be omitted: particles' shape, alive or not, visibility distance, and so on,
so the rendering result is not as good as we wish (although it's fast than using glBegin/glEnd).
We had better use this for GLSL shaders, in which particle parameters will be kept as uniforms.
This method is called automatically by <CODE>setDefaultAttributesUsingShaders()</CODE>.
void setUseVertexArray(bool v) { _useVertexArray = v; }
/// Return true if shaders are required.
bool getUseShaders() const { return _useShaders; }
/** Set to use GLSL shaders for rendering particles.
Particles' parameters will be used as shader attribute arrays, and necessary variables, including
the visibility distance, texture, etc, will be used and updated as uniforms.
void setUseShaders(bool v) { _useShaders = v; _dirty_uniforms = true; }
/// Get the double pass rendering flag.
inline bool getDoublePassRendering() const;
/** Set the double pass rendering flag.
Double pass rendering avoids overdraw problems between particle systems
and other opaque objects. If you can render all the particle systems after
the opaque objects, then double pass is not necessary and can be turned off (best choice).
If you set the default attributes with setDefaultAttributes, then the particle
system will fall into a transparent bin.
inline void setDoublePassRendering(bool v);
/// Return true if the particle system is frozen.
bool getFrozen() const { return _frozen; }
inline bool isFrozen() const;
/** Set or reset the <I>frozen</I> state.
When the particle system is frozen, emitters and programs won't do anything on it.
inline void setFrozen(bool v);
/// Get the number of allocated particles (alive + dead).
inline int numParticles() const;
/// Get the number of dead particles.
inline int numDeadParticles() const;
/// Get whether all particles are dead
inline bool areAllParticlesDead() const { return numDeadParticles()==numParticles(); }
/// Get a pointer to the i-th particle.
inline Particle* getParticle(int i);
/// Get a const pointer to the i-th particle.
inline const Particle* getParticle(int i) const;
/// Create a new particle from the specified template (or the default one if <CODE>ptemplate</CODE> is null).
virtual Particle* createParticle(const Particle* ptemplate);
/// Destroy the i-th particle.
inline virtual void destroyParticle(int i);
/// Reuse the i-th particle.
inline virtual void reuseParticle(int i) { _deadparts.push(&(_particles[i])); }
/// Get the last frame number.
inline unsigned int getLastFrameNumber() const;
/// Get the unique delta time for emitters and updaters to use
inline double& getDeltaTime( double currentTime );
/// Get a reference to the default particle template.
inline Particle& getDefaultParticleTemplate();
/// Get a const reference to the default particle template.
inline const Particle& getDefaultParticleTemplate() const;
/// Set the default particle template (particle is copied).
inline void setDefaultParticleTemplate(const Particle& p);
/// Get whether the particle system can freeze when culled
inline bool getFreezeOnCull() const;
/// Set whether the particle system can freeze when culled (default is true)
inline void setFreezeOnCull(bool v);
/** A useful method to set the most common <CODE>StateAttribute</CODE>'s in one call.
If <CODE>texturefile</CODE> is empty, then texturing is turned off.
void setDefaultAttributes(const std::string& texturefile = "", bool emissive_particles = true, bool lighting = false, int texture_unit = 0);
/** A useful method to set the most common <CODE>StateAttribute</CODE> and use GLSL shaders to draw particles.
At present, when enabling shaders in the particle system, user-defined shapes will not be usable.
If <CODE>texturefile</CODE> is empty, then texturing is turned off.
void setDefaultAttributesUsingShaders(const std::string& texturefile = "", bool emissive_particles = true, int texture_unit = 0);
/// (<B>EXPERIMENTAL</B>) Get the level of detail.
inline int getLevelOfDetail() const;
/** (<B>EXPERIMENTAL</B>) Set the level of detail. The total number of particles is divided by the detail value to
get the actual number of particles to be drawn. This value must be greater than zero.
inline void setLevelOfDetail(int v);
enum SortMode
/// Get the sort mode.
inline SortMode getSortMode() const;
/** Set the sort mode. It will force resorting the particle list by the Z direction of the view coordinates.
This can be used for the purpose of transparent rendering or <CODE>setVisibilityDistance()</CODE>.
inline void setSortMode(SortMode mode);
/// Get the visibility distance.
inline double getVisibilityDistance() const;
/** Set the visibility distance which allows the particles to be rendered only when depth is inside the distance.
When using shaders, it can work well directly; otherwise the sort mode should also be set to pre-compute depth.
inline void setVisibilityDistance(double distance);
/// Update the particles. Don't call this directly, use a <CODE>ParticleSystemUpdater</CODE> instead.
virtual void update(double dt, osg::NodeVisitor& nv);
virtual void drawImplementation(osg::RenderInfo& renderInfo) const;
virtual osg::BoundingBox computeBoundingBox() const;
#ifdef OSGPARTICLE_USE_ReadWriteMutex
typedef OpenThreads::ReadWriteMutex ReadWriterMutex;
typedef OpenThreads::ScopedReadLock ScopedReadLock;
typedef OpenThreads::ScopedWriteLock ScopedWriteLock;
typedef OpenThreads::Mutex ReadWriterMutex;
typedef OpenThreads::ScopedLock<OpenThreads::Mutex> ScopedReadLock;
typedef OpenThreads::ScopedLock<OpenThreads::Mutex> ScopedWriteLock;
ReadWriterMutex* getReadWriteMutex() const { return &_readWriteMutex; }
/** Resize any per context GLObject buffers to specified size. */
virtual void resizeGLObjectBuffers(unsigned int maxSize);
/** If State is non-zero, this function releases OpenGL objects for
* the specified graphics context. Otherwise, releases OpenGL objects
* for all graphics contexts. */
virtual void releaseGLObjects(osg::State* state=0) const;
virtual osg::VertexArrayState* createVertexArrayStateImplemenation(osg::RenderInfo& renderInfo) const;
void adjustEstimatedMaxNumOfParticles(int delta) { _estimatedMaxNumOfParticles += delta; }
void setEstimatedMaxNumOfParticles(int num) { _estimatedMaxNumOfParticles = num; }
int getEstimatedMaxNumOfParticles() const { return _estimatedMaxNumOfParticles; }
virtual ~ParticleSystem();
ParticleSystem& operator=(const ParticleSystem&) { return *this; }
inline void update_bounds(const osg::Vec3& p, float r);
void single_pass_render(osg::RenderInfo& renderInfo, const osg::Matrix& modelview) const;
void render_vertex_array(osg::RenderInfo& renderInfo) const;
void new_drawImplementation(osg::RenderInfo& renderInfo) const;
typedef std::vector<Particle> Particle_vector;
typedef std::stack<Particle*> Death_stack;
Particle_vector _particles;
Death_stack _deadparts;
osg::BoundingBox _def_bbox;
Alignment _alignment;
osg::Vec3 _align_X_axis;
osg::Vec3 _align_Y_axis;
ParticleScaleReferenceFrame _particleScaleReferenceFrame;
bool _useVertexArray;
bool _useShaders;
bool _dirty_uniforms;
bool _doublepass;
bool _frozen;
osg::Vec3 _bmin;
osg::Vec3 _bmax;
bool _reset_bounds_flag;
bool _bounds_computed;
Particle _def_ptemp;
mutable unsigned int _last_frame;
mutable bool _dirty_dt;
bool _freeze_on_cull;
double _t0;
double _dt;
int _detail;
SortMode _sortMode;
double _visibilityDistance;
mutable ReadWriterMutex _readWriteMutex;
int _estimatedMaxNumOfParticles;
void init();
void init3();
void reserve(unsigned int numVertices);
void resize(unsigned int numVertices);
void resizeGLObjectBuffers(unsigned int maxSize);
void releaseGLObjects(osg::State* state);
void clear();
void dirty();
void dispatchArrays(osg::State& state);
void dispatchPrimitives();
osg::ref_ptr<osg::BufferObject> vertexBufferObject;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec3Array> vertices;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec3Array> normals;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec4Array> colors;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec2Array> texcoords2;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec3Array> texcoords3;
typedef std::pair<GLenum, unsigned int> ModeCount;
typedef std::vector<ModeCount> Primitives;
Primitives primitives;
typedef osg::buffered_object< ArrayData > BufferedArrayData;
mutable BufferedArrayData _bufferedArrayData;
inline ParticleSystem::Alignment ParticleSystem::getParticleAlignment() const
return _alignment;
inline void ParticleSystem::setParticleAlignment(Alignment a)
_alignment = a;
inline const osg::Vec3& ParticleSystem::getAlignVectorX() const
return _align_X_axis;
inline void ParticleSystem::setAlignVectorX(const osg::Vec3& v)
_align_X_axis = v;
inline const osg::Vec3& ParticleSystem::getAlignVectorY() const
return _align_Y_axis;
inline void ParticleSystem::setAlignVectorY(const osg::Vec3& v)
_align_Y_axis = v;
inline void ParticleSystem::setAlignVectors(const osg::Vec3& X, const osg::Vec3& Y)
_align_X_axis = X;
_align_Y_axis = Y;
inline bool ParticleSystem::isFrozen() const
return _frozen;
inline void ParticleSystem::setFrozen(bool v)
_frozen = v;
inline const osg::BoundingBox& ParticleSystem::getDefaultBoundingBox() const
return _def_bbox;
inline void ParticleSystem::setDefaultBoundingBox(const osg::BoundingBox& bbox)
_def_bbox = bbox;
inline bool ParticleSystem::getDoublePassRendering() const
return _doublepass;
inline void ParticleSystem::setDoublePassRendering(bool v)
_doublepass = v;
inline int ParticleSystem::numParticles() const
return static_cast<int>(_particles.size());
inline int ParticleSystem::numDeadParticles() const
return static_cast<int>(_deadparts.size());
inline Particle* ParticleSystem::getParticle(int i)
return &_particles[i];
inline const Particle* ParticleSystem::getParticle(int i) const
return &_particles[i];
inline void ParticleSystem::destroyParticle(int i)
inline unsigned int ParticleSystem::getLastFrameNumber() const
return _last_frame;
inline double& ParticleSystem::getDeltaTime( double currentTime )
if ( _dirty_dt )
_dt = currentTime - _t0;
if ( _dt<0.0 ) _dt = 0.0;
_t0 = currentTime;
_dirty_dt = false;
return _dt;
inline void ParticleSystem::update_bounds(const osg::Vec3& p, float r)
if (_reset_bounds_flag) {
_reset_bounds_flag = false;
_bmin = p - osg::Vec3(r,r,r);
_bmax = p + osg::Vec3(r,r,r);
} else {
if (p.x() - r < _bmin.x()) _bmin.x() = p.x() - r;
if (p.y() - r < _bmin.y()) _bmin.y() = p.y() - r;
if (p.z() - r < _bmin.z()) _bmin.z() = p.z() - r;
if (p.x() + r > _bmax.x()) _bmax.x() = p.x() + r;
if (p.y() + r > _bmax.y()) _bmax.y() = p.y() + r;
if (p.z() + r > _bmax.z()) _bmax.z() = p.z() + r;
if (!_bounds_computed)
_bounds_computed = true;
inline Particle& ParticleSystem::getDefaultParticleTemplate()
return _def_ptemp;
inline const Particle& ParticleSystem::getDefaultParticleTemplate() const
return _def_ptemp;
inline void ParticleSystem::setDefaultParticleTemplate(const Particle& p)
_def_ptemp = p;
inline bool ParticleSystem::getFreezeOnCull() const
return _freeze_on_cull;
inline void ParticleSystem::setFreezeOnCull(bool v)
_freeze_on_cull = v;
inline int ParticleSystem::getLevelOfDetail() const
return _detail;
inline void ParticleSystem::setLevelOfDetail(int v)
if (v < 1) v = 1;
_detail = v;
inline ParticleSystem::SortMode ParticleSystem::getSortMode() const
return _sortMode;
inline void ParticleSystem::setSortMode(SortMode mode)
_sortMode = mode;
inline double ParticleSystem::getVisibilityDistance() const
return _visibilityDistance;
inline void ParticleSystem::setVisibilityDistance(double distance)
_visibilityDistance = distance;
if (_useShaders) _dirty_uniforms = true;