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/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Robert Osfield
* This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under
* the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or
* (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file
* included with this distribution, and on the website.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details.
// Written by Wang Rui, (C) 2010
#include <osg/Plane>
#include <osgParticle/Operator>
#include <osgParticle/Particle>
namespace osgParticle
/** A domain operator which accepts different domain shapes as the parameter.
It can be derived to implement operators that require particles interacting with domains.
Refer to David McAllister's Particle System API (
class OSGPARTICLE_EXPORT DomainOperator : public Operator
struct Domain
enum Type
Domain( Type t ) : r1(0.0f), r2(0.0f), type(t) {}
osg::Plane plane;
osg::Vec3 v1;
osg::Vec3 v2;
osg::Vec3 v3;
osg::Vec3 s1;
osg::Vec3 s2;
float r1;
float r2;
Type type;
: Operator()
DomainOperator( const DomainOperator& copy, const osg::CopyOp& copyop = osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY )
: Operator(copy, copyop), _domains(copy._domains), _backupDomains(copy._backupDomains)
META_Object( osgParticle, DomainOperator );
/// Add a point domain
inline void addPointDomain( const osg::Vec3& p );
/// Add a line segment domain
inline void addLineSegmentDomain( const osg::Vec3& v1, const osg::Vec3& v2 );
/// Add a triangle domain
inline void addTriangleDomain( const osg::Vec3& v1, const osg::Vec3& v2, const osg::Vec3& v3 );
/// Add a rectangle domain
inline void addRectangleDomain( const osg::Vec3& corner, const osg::Vec3& w, const osg::Vec3& h );
/// Add a plane domain
inline void addPlaneDomain( const osg::Plane& plane );
/// Add a sphere domain
inline void addSphereDomain( const osg::Vec3& c, float r );
/// Add a box domain
inline void addBoxDomain( const osg::Vec3& min, const osg::Vec3& max );
/// Add a disk domain
inline void addDiskDomain( const osg::Vec3& c, const osg::Vec3& n, float r1, float r2=0.0f );
/// Add a domain object directly, used by the .osg wrappers and serializers.
void addDomain( const Domain& domain ) { _domains.push_back(domain); }
/// Get a domain object directly, used by the .osg wrappers and serializers.
const Domain& getDomain( unsigned int i ) const { return _domains[i]; }
/// Remove a domain at specific index
void removeDomain( unsigned int i )
{ if (i<_domains.size()) _domains.erase(_domains.begin() + i); }
/// Remove all existing domains
void removeAllDomains() { _domains.clear(); }
/// Get number of domains
unsigned int getNumDomains() const { return _domains.size(); }
/// Apply the acceleration to a particle. Do not call this method manually.
void operate( Particle* P, double dt );
/// Perform some initializations. Do not call this method manually.
void beginOperate( Program* prg );
/// Perform some post-operations. Do not call this method manually.
void endOperate();
virtual ~DomainOperator() {}
DomainOperator& operator=( const DomainOperator& ) { return *this; }
virtual void handlePoint( const Domain& /*domain*/, Particle* /*P*/, double /*dt*/ ) { ignore("Point"); }
virtual void handleLineSegment( const Domain& /*domain*/, Particle* /*P*/, double /*dt*/ ) { ignore("LineSegment"); }
virtual void handleTriangle( const Domain& /*domain*/, Particle* /*P*/, double /*dt*/ ) { ignore("Triangle"); }
virtual void handleRectangle( const Domain& /*domain*/, Particle* /*P*/, double /*dt*/ ) { ignore("Rectangle"); }
virtual void handlePlane( const Domain& /*domain*/, Particle* /*P*/, double /*dt*/ ) { ignore("Plane"); }
virtual void handleSphere( const Domain& /*domain*/, Particle* /*P*/, double /*dt*/ ) { ignore("Sphere"); }
virtual void handleBox( const Domain& /*domain*/, Particle* /*P*/, double /*dt*/ ) { ignore("Box"); }
virtual void handleDisk( const Domain& /*domain*/, Particle* /*P*/, double /*dt*/ ) { ignore("Disk"); }
inline void computeNewBasis( const osg::Vec3&, const osg::Vec3&, osg::Vec3&, osg::Vec3& );
inline void ignore( const std::string& func );
std::vector<Domain> _domains;
std::vector<Domain> _backupDomains;
inline void DomainOperator::addPointDomain( const osg::Vec3& p )
Domain domain( Domain::POINT_DOMAIN );
domain.v1 = p;
_domains.push_back( domain );
inline void DomainOperator::addLineSegmentDomain( const osg::Vec3& v1, const osg::Vec3& v2 )
Domain domain( Domain::LINE_DOMAIN );
domain.v1 = v1;
domain.v2 = v2;
domain.r1 = (v2 - v1).length();
_domains.push_back( domain );
inline void DomainOperator::addTriangleDomain( const osg::Vec3& v1, const osg::Vec3& v2, const osg::Vec3& v3 )
Domain domain( Domain::TRI_DOMAIN );
domain.v1 = v1;
domain.v2 = v2;
domain.v3 = v3;
domain.plane.set(v1, v2, v3);
computeNewBasis( v2-v1, v3-v1, domain.s1, domain.s2 );
_domains.push_back( domain );
inline void DomainOperator::addRectangleDomain( const osg::Vec3& corner, const osg::Vec3& w, const osg::Vec3& h )
Domain domain( Domain::RECT_DOMAIN );
domain.v1 = corner;
domain.v2 = w;
domain.v3 = h;
domain.plane.set(corner, corner+w, corner+h);
computeNewBasis( w, h, domain.s1, domain.s2 );
_domains.push_back( domain );
inline void DomainOperator::addPlaneDomain( const osg::Plane& plane )
Domain domain( Domain::PLANE_DOMAIN );
_domains.push_back( domain );
inline void DomainOperator::addSphereDomain( const osg::Vec3& c, float r )
Domain domain( Domain::SPHERE_DOMAIN );
domain.v1 = c;
domain.r1 = r;
_domains.push_back( domain );
inline void DomainOperator::addBoxDomain( const osg::Vec3& min, const osg::Vec3& max )
Domain domain( Domain::BOX_DOMAIN );
domain.v1 = min;
domain.v2 = max;
_domains.push_back( domain );
inline void DomainOperator::addDiskDomain( const osg::Vec3& c, const osg::Vec3& n, float r1, float r2 )
Domain domain( Domain::DISK_DOMAIN );
domain.v1 = c;
domain.v2 = n;
domain.r1 = r1;
domain.r2 = r2;
domain.plane.set(n, c);
_domains.push_back( domain );
inline void DomainOperator::computeNewBasis( const osg::Vec3& u, const osg::Vec3& v, osg::Vec3& s1, osg::Vec3& s2 )
// Copied from David McAllister's Particle System API (, pDomain.h
osg::Vec3 w = u ^ v;
float det = w.z()*u.x()*v.y() - w.z()*u.y()*v.x() - u.z()*w.x()*v.y() -
u.x()*v.z()*w.y() + v.z()*w.x()*u.y() + u.z()*v.x()*w.y();
det = 1.0f / det;
s1.set( v.y()*w.z() - v.z()*w.y(), v.z()*w.x() - v.x()*w.z(), v.x()*w.y() - v.y()*w.x() );
s1 = s1 * det;
s2.set( u.y()*w.z() - u.z()*w.y(), u.z()*w.x() - u.x()*w.z(), u.x()*w.y() - u.y()*w.x() );
s2 = s2 * (-det);
inline void DomainOperator::ignore( const std::string& func )
OSG_NOTICE << className() << ": " << func << " domain not yet implemented. " << std::endl;