namespace osg

class SG_EXPORT AlphaFunc: public StateAttribute
Encapsulate OpenGL glAlphaFunc
class SG_EXPORT AnimationPath: public osg::Referenced
AnimationPath for specify the time varying transformation pathway to use when update camera and model objects.
class SG_EXPORT Array: public Object
template<typename T, Array::Type ARRAYTYPE, int DataSize, int DataType> class TemplateArray: public Array, public std::vector<T>
typedef TemplateArray<Vec4,Array::Vec4ArrayType,4,GL_FLOAT> Vec4Arrayclass ArrayVisitor
class SG_EXPORT Billboard: public Geode
Billboard - a Geode which orientates its child osg::Drawable's to face the eye point.
class SG_EXPORT BlendFunc: public StateAttribute
BlendFunc - encapsulates the OpenGL blend/transparency state
class SG_EXPORT BoundingBox
General purpose axis-aligned bounding box class for enclosing objects/vertices.
class SG_EXPORT BoundingSphere
General purpose bounding sphere class for enclosing nodes/objects/vertices.
template<class T>inline void clampGEQUAL(T& value, const T minValue, const char* valueName)
if value is greater than or equal to minValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified maximum value and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped
template<class T>inline void clampLEQUAL(T& value, const T maxValue, const char* valueName)
if value is less than or equal to maxValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified maximum value and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped
template<class T>inline void clampBetweenRange(T& value, const T minValue, const T maxValue, const char* valueName)
if value is between or equal to minValue and maxValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified to range and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped.
template<class A, class T>inline void clampArrayElementGEQUAL(A& value, const unsigned int i, const T minValue, const char* valueName)
if array element value[i] is greater than or equal to minValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified maximum value and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped
template<class A, class T>inline void clampArrayElementLEQUAL(A& value, const unsigned int i, const T maxValue, const char* valueName)
if array element value[i] is less than or equal to maxValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified maximum value and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped
template<class A, class T>inline void clampArrayElementBetweenRange(A& value, const unsigned int i, const T minValue, const T maxValue, const char* valueName)
if array element value[i] is between or equal to minValue and maxValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified to range and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped.
template<class A, class T>inline void clampArrayElementsGEQUAL(A& value, const unsigned int first, const unsigned int last, const T minValue, const char* valueName)
if array elements are greater than or equal to minValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified maximum value and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped
template<class A, class T>inline void clampArrayElementsLEQUAL(A& value, const unsigned int first, const unsigned int last, const T maxValue, const char* valueName)
if array elements are less than or equal to maxValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified maximum value and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped
template<class A, class T>inline void clampArrayElementsBetweenRange(A& value, const unsigned int first, const unsigned int last, const T minValue, const T maxValue, const char* valueName)
if array elements are between or equal to minValue and maxValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified to range and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped.
template<class A, class T>inline void clampArray3GEQUAL(A& value, const T minValue, const char* valueName)
if array4 elements are greater than or equal to minValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified maximum value and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped
template<class A, class T>inline void clampArray3LEQUAL(A& value, const T maxValue, const char* valueName)
if array4 elements are is less than or equal to maxValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified maximum value and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped
template<class A, class T>inline void clampArray3BetweenRange(A& value, const T minValue, const T maxValue, const char* valueName)
if array4 elements are between or equal to minValue and maxValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified to range and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped.
template<class A, class T>inline void clampArray4GEQUAL(A& value, const T minValue, const char* valueName)
if array4 elements are greater than or equal to minValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified maximum value and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped
template<class A, class T>inline void clampArray4LEQUAL(A& value, const unsigned int first, const unsigned int last, const T maxValue, const char* valueName)
if array4 elements are is less than or equal to maxValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified maximum value and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped
template<class A, class T>inline void clampArray4BetweenRange(A& value, const T minValue, const T maxValue, const char* valueName)
if array4 elements are between or equal to minValue and maxValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified to range and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped.
class SG_EXPORT Camera: public osg::Referenced
Camera class for encapsulating the view position and orientation and projection (lens) used.
class SG_EXPORT ClearNode: public Group
ClearNode is a Group node which controls the clearing of the color and depth buffers at the start of each frame.
class SG_EXPORT ClipNode: public Group
Leaf Node for defining the position of ClipPlanes in the scene
class SG_EXPORT ClipPlane: public StateAttribute
ClipPlane state class which encapsulates OpenGL glClipPlane() functionality
class SG_EXPORT CollectOccludersVisitor: public osg::NodeVisitor, public osg::CullStack
class SG_EXPORT ColorMask: public StateAttribute
Encapsulate OpenGL glColorMaskFunc/Op/Mask functions
class SG_EXPORT ColorMatrix: public StateAttribute
Texture Matrix state class for encapsulating OpenGL texture matrix functionality
class SG_EXPORT ConvexPlanarOccluder: public Object
A class for representing convex clipping volumes made up.
class SG_EXPORT ConvexPlanarPolygon
A class for representing convex clipping volumes made up.
class SG_EXPORT CopyOp
Copy Op(erator) used to control the whether shallow or deep copy is used during copy construction and clone operation
class SG_EXPORT CullFace: public StateAttribute
Class to globally enable/disable OpenGL's polygon culling mode=
class SG_EXPORT CullingSet: public Referenced
A CullingSet class which contains a frustum and a list of occluder.
class SG_EXPORT CullStack
A CullStack class which accumulates the current project, modelview matrices and the CullingSet.
class SG_EXPORT Depth: public StateAttribute
Encapsulate OpenGL glDepthFunc/Mask/Range functions
class SG_EXPORT DisplaySettings: public osg::Referenced
DisplaySettings class for encapsulating what visuals are required and have been set up, and the status of stereo viewing
class SG_EXPORT DOFTransform: public Transform
DOFTransform - encapsulates Multigen DOF behavior
class SG_EXPORT Drawable: public Object
Pure virtual base class for drawable Geometry.
template<class T> class TriangleFunctor: public Drawable::PrimitiveFunctor, public T
class SG_EXPORT DrawPixels: public Drawable
DrawPixels is an osg::Drawable subclass which encapsulates the drawing of images using glDrawPixels
template<class T> class fast_back_stack
Simple stack implementation that keeps the back() cached locally for fast access rather than at the back of the vector which is the traditional stack implementation.
class SG_EXPORT Fog: public StateAttribute
Fog - encapsulates OpenGL fog state.
class SG_EXPORT FrameStamp: public Referenced
Class which encapsulates the frame number, reference time and calander time of specific frame, used to synchonize operations on the scene graph and other machines when using a graphics cluster.
class SG_EXPORT FrontFace: public StateAttribute
Class to specifies the orientation of front-facing polygons
class SG_EXPORT Geode: public Node
Leaf Node for grouping Drawables
class SG_EXPORT Geometry: public Drawable
class SG_EXPORT GeoSet: public Drawable
Note, osg::GeoSet is now deprecated, please use osg::Geometry instead.
template<class T> void for_each_triangle(GeoSet& gset, T& op)
Template function for iterating through a GeoSet operating on triangles with templated functor.
SG_EXPORT extern const bool isGLExtensionSupported(const char* extension)
return true if OpenGL "extension" is supported.
inline void* getGLExtensionFuncPtr(const char* funcName)
return the address of the specified OpenGL function.
inline void* getGLExtensionFuncPtr(const char* funcName, const char* fallbackFuncName)
return the address of the specified OpenGL function, if not found then check a second function name, if this fails then return NULL as function is not supported by OpenGL library.
SG_EXPORT extern const bool isGLUExtensionSupported(const char* extension)
return true if OpenGL "extension" is supported.
[more]inline void* getGLUExtensionFuncPtr(const char* funcName)
class SG_EXPORT Group: public Node
General group node which maintains a list of children.
class SG_EXPORT Image: public Object
Image class for encapsulating the storage texture image data
SG_EXPORT extern Geode* createGeodeForImage(Image* image)
Convenience function to be used by images loaders to generate a valid geode to return for readNode().
SG_EXPORT extern Geode* createGeodeForImage(Image* image, const float s, const float t)
Convenience function to be used by images loaders to generate a valid geode to return for readNode().
class SG_EXPORT Impostor: public LOD
Impostor - is a form of Level Of Detail group node which allows both switching between children depending on distance from eye point and image caching.
class SG_EXPORT ImpostorSprite: public Drawable
An ImposterSprite is a textured quad which is rendered in place a 3D geometry.
class SG_EXPORT ImpostorSpriteManager: public Referenced
Helper class for managing the reuse of ImpostorSprite resources
class SG_EXPORT Light: public StateAttribute
Light state class which encapsulates OpenGL glLight() functionality
class SG_EXPORT LightModel: public StateAttribute
class SG_EXPORT LightSource: public Group
Leaf Node for defining a light in the scene
class SG_EXPORT LineSegment: public Referenced
LineSegment class for representing a line segment
class SG_EXPORT LineStipple: public StateAttribute
class SG_EXPORT LineWidth: public StateAttribute
LineWidth - encapsulates the OpenGL glLineWidth for setting the width of lines in pixels
class SG_EXPORT LOD: public Group
LOD - Level Of Detail group node which allows switching between children depending on distance from eye point.
class SG_EXPORT Material: public StateAttribute
Material - encapsulates OpenGL glMaterial state
class SG_EXPORT Matrix: public Object
[more]inline Vec3 operator* (const Vec3& v, const Matrix& m )
[more]inline Vec4 operator* (const Vec4& v, const Matrix& m )
[more]inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Matrix& m )
class SG_EXPORT MatrixTransform: public Transform
MatrixTransform - is a subclass of Transform which has an osg::Matrix which represent a 4x4 transformation of its children from local cordinates into the Transform's parent coordinates
class SG_EXPORT NodeCallback: public Referenced
class SG_EXPORT NodeVisitor: public Referenced
Visitor for type safe operations on osg::Node's.
struct NodeAcceptOp
Convenience functor for assisting visiting of arrays of osg::Node's
enum NotifySeverity
Range of notify levels from DEBUG_FP through to FATAL, ALWAYS is reserved for forcing the absorption of all messages.
global notify level.
global notify nul stream.
SG_EXPORT extern void setNotifyLevel(NotifySeverity severity)
set the notify level, overriding the default or value set by the environmental variable OSGNOTIFYLEVEL
SG_EXPORT extern NotifySeverity getNotifyLevel()
get the notify level.
SG_EXPORT extern bool initNotifyLevel()
initialize notify level.
SG_EXPORT extern std::ostream& notify(const NotifySeverity severity)
notify messaging function for providing fatal through to verbose debugging messages.
[more]inline std::ostream& notify(void)
#define META_Object(library,name)
META_Object macro define the standard clone, isSameKindAs and className methods.
class SG_EXPORT Object: public Referenced
Base class/standard interface for objects which require IO support, cloning and reference counting.
class SG_EXPORT OccluderNode: public Group
OccluderNode is a Group node which allows OccluderNodeing between children.
class SG_EXPORT Plane
A plane class.
[more]inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& output, const Plane& pl)
class SG_EXPORT Point: public StateAttribute
Point - encapsulates the OpenGL point smoothing and size state
class SG_EXPORT PolygonMode: public StateAttribute
Class to for setting OpenGL's polygon culling mode
class SG_EXPORT PolygonOffset: public StateAttribute
PolygonOffset - encapsulates the OpenGL glPolygonOffset state
class SG_EXPORT Polytope
A Polytope class for representing convex clipping volumes made up.
class SG_EXPORT PositionAttitudeTransform: public Transform
PositionAttitideTransform - is Transform the set the coordinates transform up via a Vec3 position and Quat attitude
typedef std::vector<GLuint> VectorUIntclass VectorSizei: public std::vector<GLsizei>
class VectorUByte: public std::vector<GLubyte>
class VectorUShort: public std::vector<GLushort>
class VectorUInt: public std::vector<GLuint>
class Primitive: public Object
class SG_EXPORT DrawArrays: public Primitive
class SG_EXPORT DrawArrayLengths: public Primitive, public VectorSizei
class SG_EXPORT DrawElementsUByte: public Primitive, public VectorUByte
class SG_EXPORT DrawElementsUShort: public Primitive, public VectorUShort
class SG_EXPORT DrawElementsUInt: public Primitive, public VectorUInt
class SG_EXPORT Projection: public Group
Projection nodes set up the frustum/orthographic projection used when rendering the scene
class SG_EXPORT Quat
A quaternion class.
[more]inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& output, const Quat& vec)
class SG_EXPORT Referenced
Base class from providing referencing counted objects
template<class T> class ref_ptr
Smart pointer for handling referenced counted objects
class SG_EXPORT Sequence: public Switch
Sequence is a Group node which allows automatic, time based switching between children
class SG_EXPORT ShadeModel: public StateAttribute
Class which encapsulates glShadeModel()
class SG_EXPORT ShadowVolumeOccluder
ShadowVolumeOccluder is a helper class for implementating shadow occlusion culling.
[more]#define GL_TEXTURE0
#define OSG_GL_DEBUG(message)
macro for use with osg::StateAttrbiute::apply methods for detected and reporting OpenGL error messages
class SG_EXPORT State: public Referenced
State class for managing a state stack.
#define META_StateAttribute(library,name,type)
META_StateAttribute macro define the standard clone, isSameKindAs, className and getType methods.
#define COMPARE_StateAttribute_Types(TYPE,rhs_attribute)
COMPARE_StateAttribute_Types macro is a helper for implementing the StatateAtribute::compare() method
#define COMPARE_StateAttribute_Parameter(parameter)
COMPARE_StateAttribute_Parameter macro is a helper for implementing the StatateAtribute::compare() method.
class SG_EXPORT StateAttribute: public Object
Base class for state attribuets
class SG_EXPORT StateSet: public Object
Encapsulates OpenGL state modes and attributes.
class Statistics: public osg::Referenced, public osg::Drawable::PrimitiveFunctor
Statistics base class.
class SG_EXPORT Stencil: public StateAttribute
Encapsulate OpenGL glStencilFunc/Op/Mask functions
class SG_EXPORT Switch: public Group
Switch is a Group node which allows switching between children.
class SG_EXPORT TexEnv: public StateAttribute
TexEnv - encapsulates the OpenGL glTexEnv (texture environment) state
class SG_EXPORT TexEnvCombine: public StateAttribute
TexEnvCombine - encapsulates the OpenGL glTexEnvCombine (texture environment) state
[more]#define GL_NORMAL_MAP_ARB
class SG_EXPORT TexGen: public StateAttribute
TexGen - encapsulates the OpenGL glTexGen (texture coordinate generation) state
class SG_EXPORT TexMat: public StateAttribute
Texture Matrix state class for encapsulating OpenGL texture matrix functionality
class SG_EXPORT Texture: public osg::StateAttribute
Texture base class which encapsulates OpenGl texture functionality which common betweent the various types of OpenGL textures
class SG_EXPORT Texture1D: public Texture
Texture state class which encapsulates OpenGl 1D texture functionality
class SG_EXPORT Texture2D: public Texture
Texture state class which encapsulates OpenGl texture functionality
class SG_EXPORT Texture3D: public Texture
Texture state class which encapsulates OpenGl 3D texture functionality
class SG_EXPORT TextureCubeMap: public Texture
TextureCubeMap state class which encapsulates OpenGl texture cubemap functionality
class SG_EXPORT Timer
A high resolution, low latency time stamper
class SG_EXPORT Transform: public Group
A Transform is a group node for which all children are transformed by a 4x4 matrix.
class UByte4
General purpose float quad, uses include representation of colour coordinates.
class Vec2
General purpose float pair, uses include representation of texture coordinates.
class Vec3
General purpose float triple for use as vertices, vectors and normals.
[more]inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& output, const Vec3& vec)
[more]const Vec3 X_AXIS(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)
[more]const Vec3 Y_AXIS(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)
[more]const Vec3 Z_AXIS(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)
class Vec4
General purpose float quad, uses include representation of colour coordinates.
inline float operator * (const Vec3& lhs, const Vec4& rhs)
Compute the dot product of a (Vec3,10) and a Vec4
inline float operator * (const Vec4& lhs, const Vec3& rhs)
Compute the dot product of a Vec4 and a (Vec3,10)
class SG_EXPORT Viewport: public StateAttribute
Encapsulte OpenGL glViewport



oinline void* getGLUExtensionFuncPtr(const char* funcName)

oinline Vec3 operator* (const Vec3& v, const Matrix& m )

oinline Vec4 operator* (const Vec4& v, const Matrix& m )

oinline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Matrix& m )

oinline std::ostream& notify(void)

oinline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& output, const Plane& pl)

oinline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& output, const Quat& vec)

o#define GL_TEXTURE0





oinline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& output, const Vec3& vec)

oconst Vec3 X_AXIS(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)

oconst Vec3 Y_AXIS(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)

oconst Vec3 Z_AXIS(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

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