namespace osg
class SG_EXPORT AlphaFunc: public StateAttribute
- Encapsulate OpenGL glAlphaFunc
class SG_EXPORT AnimationPath: public osg::Referenced
- AnimationPath for specify the time varying transformation pathway to use when update camera and model objects.
class SG_EXPORT Array: public Object
template<typename T, Array::Type ARRAYTYPE, int DataSize, int DataType> class TemplateArray: public Array, public std::vector<T>
typedef TemplateArray<Vec4,Array::Vec4ArrayType,4,GL_FLOAT> Vec4Arrayclass ArrayVisitor
class SG_EXPORT Billboard: public Geode
- Billboard - a Geode which orientates its child osg::Drawable's to face the eye point.
class SG_EXPORT BlendFunc: public StateAttribute
- BlendFunc - encapsulates the OpenGL blend/transparency state
class SG_EXPORT BoundingBox
- General purpose axis-aligned bounding box class for enclosing objects/vertices.
class SG_EXPORT BoundingSphere
- General purpose bounding sphere class for enclosing nodes/objects/vertices.
template<class T>inline void clampGEQUAL(T& value, const T minValue, const char* valueName)
- if value is greater than or equal to minValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified maximum value and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped
template<class T>inline void clampLEQUAL(T& value, const T maxValue, const char* valueName)
- if value is less than or equal to maxValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified maximum value and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped
template<class T>inline void clampBetweenRange(T& value, const T minValue, const T maxValue, const char* valueName)
- if value is between or equal to minValue and maxValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified to range and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped.
template<class A, class T>inline void clampArrayElementGEQUAL(A& value, const unsigned int i, const T minValue, const char* valueName)
- if array element value[i] is greater than or equal to minValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified maximum value and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped
template<class A, class T>inline void clampArrayElementLEQUAL(A& value, const unsigned int i, const T maxValue, const char* valueName)
- if array element value[i] is less than or equal to maxValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified maximum value and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped
template<class A, class T>inline void clampArrayElementBetweenRange(A& value, const unsigned int i, const T minValue, const T maxValue, const char* valueName)
- if array element value[i] is between or equal to minValue and maxValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified to range and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped.
template<class A, class T>inline void clampArrayElementsGEQUAL(A& value, const unsigned int first, const unsigned int last, const T minValue, const char* valueName)
- if array elements are greater than or equal to minValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified maximum value and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped
template<class A, class T>inline void clampArrayElementsLEQUAL(A& value, const unsigned int first, const unsigned int last, const T maxValue, const char* valueName)
- if array elements are less than or equal to maxValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified maximum value and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped
template<class A, class T>inline void clampArrayElementsBetweenRange(A& value, const unsigned int first, const unsigned int last, const T minValue, const T maxValue, const char* valueName)
- if array elements are between or equal to minValue and maxValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified to range and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped.
template<class A, class T>inline void clampArray3GEQUAL(A& value, const T minValue, const char* valueName)
- if array4 elements are greater than or equal to minValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified maximum value and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped
template<class A, class T>inline void clampArray3LEQUAL(A& value, const T maxValue, const char* valueName)
- if array4 elements are is less than or equal to maxValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified maximum value and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped
template<class A, class T>inline void clampArray3BetweenRange(A& value, const T minValue, const T maxValue, const char* valueName)
- if array4 elements are between or equal to minValue and maxValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified to range and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped.
template<class A, class T>inline void clampArray4GEQUAL(A& value, const T minValue, const char* valueName)
- if array4 elements are greater than or equal to minValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified maximum value and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped
template<class A, class T>inline void clampArray4LEQUAL(A& value, const unsigned int first, const unsigned int last, const T maxValue, const char* valueName)
- if array4 elements are is less than or equal to maxValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified maximum value and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped
template<class A, class T>inline void clampArray4BetweenRange(A& value, const T minValue, const T maxValue, const char* valueName)
- if array4 elements are between or equal to minValue and maxValue do nothing - legal value, otherwise clamp value to specified to range and return warning with valueName specifying which variable was clamped.
class SG_EXPORT Camera: public osg::Referenced
- Camera class for encapsulating the view position and orientation and projection (lens) used.
class SG_EXPORT ClearNode: public Group
- ClearNode is a Group node which controls the clearing of the color and depth buffers at the start of each frame.
class SG_EXPORT ClipNode: public Group
- Leaf Node for defining the position of ClipPlanes in the scene
class SG_EXPORT ClipPlane: public StateAttribute
- ClipPlane state class which encapsulates OpenGL glClipPlane() functionality
class SG_EXPORT CollectOccludersVisitor: public osg::NodeVisitor, public osg::CullStack
class SG_EXPORT ColorMask: public StateAttribute
- Encapsulate OpenGL glColorMaskFunc/Op/Mask functions
class SG_EXPORT ColorMatrix: public StateAttribute
- Texture Matrix state class for encapsulating OpenGL texture matrix functionality
class SG_EXPORT ConvexPlanarOccluder: public Object
- A class for representing convex clipping volumes made up.
class SG_EXPORT ConvexPlanarPolygon
- A class for representing convex clipping volumes made up.
class SG_EXPORT CopyOp
- Copy Op(erator) used to control the whether shallow or deep copy is used during copy construction and clone operation
class SG_EXPORT CullFace: public StateAttribute
- Class to globally enable/disable OpenGL's polygon culling mode=
class SG_EXPORT CullingSet: public Referenced
- A CullingSet class which contains a frustum and a list of occluder.
class SG_EXPORT CullStack
- A CullStack class which accumulates the current project, modelview matrices and the CullingSet.
class SG_EXPORT Depth: public StateAttribute
- Encapsulate OpenGL glDepthFunc/Mask/Range functions
class SG_EXPORT DisplaySettings: public osg::Referenced
- DisplaySettings class for encapsulating what visuals are required and have been set up, and the status of stereo viewing
class SG_EXPORT DOFTransform: public Transform
- DOFTransform - encapsulates Multigen DOF behavior
class SG_EXPORT Drawable: public Object
- Pure virtual base class for drawable Geometry.
template<class T> class TriangleFunctor: public Drawable::PrimitiveFunctor, public T
class SG_EXPORT DrawPixels: public Drawable
- DrawPixels is an osg::Drawable subclass which encapsulates the drawing of images using glDrawPixels
template<class T> class fast_back_stack
- Simple stack implementation that keeps the back() cached locally for fast access rather than at the back of the vector which is the traditional stack implementation.
class SG_EXPORT Fog: public StateAttribute
- Fog - encapsulates OpenGL fog state.
class SG_EXPORT FrameStamp: public Referenced
- Class which encapsulates the frame number, reference time and calander time of specific frame, used to synchonize operations on the scene graph and other machines when using a graphics cluster.
class SG_EXPORT FrontFace: public StateAttribute
- Class to specifies the orientation of front-facing polygons
class SG_EXPORT Geode: public Node
- Leaf Node for grouping Drawables
class SG_EXPORT Geometry: public Drawable
class SG_EXPORT GeoSet: public Drawable
- Note, osg::GeoSet is now deprecated, please use osg::Geometry instead.
template<class T> void for_each_triangle(GeoSet& gset, T& op)
- Template function for iterating through a GeoSet operating on triangles with templated functor.
SG_EXPORT extern const bool isGLExtensionSupported(const char* extension)
- return true if OpenGL "extension" is supported.
inline void* getGLExtensionFuncPtr(const char* funcName)
- return the address of the specified OpenGL function.
inline void* getGLExtensionFuncPtr(const char* funcName, const char* fallbackFuncName)
- return the address of the specified OpenGL function, if not found then check a second function name, if this fails then return NULL as function is not supported by OpenGL library.
SG_EXPORT extern const bool isGLUExtensionSupported(const char* extension)
- return true if OpenGL "extension" is supported.
inline void* getGLUExtensionFuncPtr(const char* funcName)
class SG_EXPORT Group: public Node
- General group node which maintains a list of children.
class SG_EXPORT Image: public Object
- Image class for encapsulating the storage texture image data
SG_EXPORT extern Geode* createGeodeForImage(Image* image)
- Convenience function to be used by images loaders to generate a valid geode to return for readNode().
SG_EXPORT extern Geode* createGeodeForImage(Image* image, const float s, const float t)
- Convenience function to be used by images loaders to generate a valid geode to return for readNode().
class SG_EXPORT Impostor: public LOD
- Impostor - is a form of Level Of Detail group node which allows both switching between children depending on distance from eye point and image caching.
class SG_EXPORT ImpostorSprite: public Drawable
- An ImposterSprite is a textured quad which is rendered in place a 3D geometry.
class SG_EXPORT ImpostorSpriteManager: public Referenced
- Helper class for managing the reuse of ImpostorSprite resources
class SG_EXPORT Light: public StateAttribute
- Light state class which encapsulates OpenGL glLight() functionality
class SG_EXPORT LightModel: public StateAttribute
class SG_EXPORT LightSource: public Group
- Leaf Node for defining a light in the scene
class SG_EXPORT LineSegment: public Referenced
- LineSegment class for representing a line segment
class SG_EXPORT LineStipple: public StateAttribute
class SG_EXPORT LineWidth: public StateAttribute
- LineWidth - encapsulates the OpenGL glLineWidth for setting the width of lines in pixels
class SG_EXPORT LOD: public Group
- LOD - Level Of Detail group node which allows switching between children depending on distance from eye point.
class SG_EXPORT Material: public StateAttribute
- Material - encapsulates OpenGL glMaterial state
class SG_EXPORT Matrix: public Object
inline Vec3 operator* (const Vec3& v, const Matrix& m )
inline Vec4 operator* (const Vec4& v, const Matrix& m )
inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Matrix& m )
class SG_EXPORT MatrixTransform: public Transform
- MatrixTransform - is a subclass of Transform which has an osg::Matrix which represent a 4x4 transformation of its children from local cordinates into the Transform's parent coordinates
class SG_EXPORT NodeCallback: public Referenced
class SG_EXPORT NodeVisitor: public Referenced
- Visitor for type safe operations on osg::Node's.
struct NodeAcceptOp
- Convenience functor for assisting visiting of arrays of osg::Node's
enum NotifySeverity
- Range of notify levels from DEBUG_FP through to FATAL, ALWAYS is reserved for forcing the absorption of all messages.
global notify level.
global notify nul stream.
SG_EXPORT extern void setNotifyLevel(NotifySeverity severity)
- set the notify level, overriding the default or value set by the environmental variable OSGNOTIFYLEVEL
SG_EXPORT extern NotifySeverity getNotifyLevel()
- get the notify level.
SG_EXPORT extern bool initNotifyLevel()
- initialize notify level.
SG_EXPORT extern std::ostream& notify(const NotifySeverity severity)
- notify messaging function for providing fatal through to verbose debugging messages.
inline std::ostream& notify(void)
#define META_Object(library,name)
- META_Object macro define the standard clone, isSameKindAs and className methods.
class SG_EXPORT Object: public Referenced
- Base class/standard interface for objects which require IO support, cloning and reference counting.
class SG_EXPORT OccluderNode: public Group
- OccluderNode is a Group node which allows OccluderNodeing between children.
class SG_EXPORT Plane
- A plane class.
inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& output, const Plane& pl)
class SG_EXPORT Point: public StateAttribute
- Point - encapsulates the OpenGL point smoothing and size state
class SG_EXPORT PolygonMode: public StateAttribute
- Class to for setting OpenGL's polygon culling mode
class SG_EXPORT PolygonOffset: public StateAttribute
- PolygonOffset - encapsulates the OpenGL glPolygonOffset state
class SG_EXPORT Polytope
- A Polytope class for representing convex clipping volumes made up.
class SG_EXPORT PositionAttitudeTransform: public Transform
- PositionAttitideTransform - is Transform the set the coordinates transform up via a Vec3 position and Quat attitude
typedef std::vector<GLuint> VectorUIntclass VectorSizei: public std::vector<GLsizei>
class VectorUByte: public std::vector<GLubyte>
class VectorUShort: public std::vector<GLushort>
class VectorUInt: public std::vector<GLuint>
class Primitive: public Object
class SG_EXPORT DrawArrays: public Primitive
class SG_EXPORT DrawArrayLengths: public Primitive, public VectorSizei
class SG_EXPORT DrawElementsUByte: public Primitive, public VectorUByte
class SG_EXPORT DrawElementsUShort: public Primitive, public VectorUShort
class SG_EXPORT DrawElementsUInt: public Primitive, public VectorUInt
class SG_EXPORT Projection: public Group
- Projection nodes set up the frustum/orthographic projection used when rendering the scene
class SG_EXPORT Quat
- A quaternion class.
inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& output, const Quat& vec)
class SG_EXPORT Referenced
- Base class from providing referencing counted objects
template<class T> class ref_ptr
- Smart pointer for handling referenced counted objects
class SG_EXPORT Sequence: public Switch
- Sequence is a Group node which allows automatic, time based switching between children
class SG_EXPORT ShadeModel: public StateAttribute
- Class which encapsulates glShadeModel()
class SG_EXPORT ShadowVolumeOccluder
- ShadowVolumeOccluder is a helper class for implementating shadow occlusion culling.
#define GL_TEXTURE0
#define OSG_GL_DEBUG(message)
- macro for use with osg::StateAttrbiute::apply methods for detected and reporting OpenGL error messages
class SG_EXPORT State: public Referenced
- State class for managing a state stack.
#define META_StateAttribute(library,name,type)
- META_StateAttribute macro define the standard clone, isSameKindAs, className and getType methods.
#define COMPARE_StateAttribute_Types(TYPE,rhs_attribute)
- COMPARE_StateAttribute_Types macro is a helper for implementing the StatateAtribute::compare() method
#define COMPARE_StateAttribute_Parameter(parameter)
- COMPARE_StateAttribute_Parameter macro is a helper for implementing the StatateAtribute::compare() method.
class SG_EXPORT StateAttribute: public Object
- Base class for state attribuets
class SG_EXPORT StateSet: public Object
- Encapsulates OpenGL state modes and attributes.
class Statistics: public osg::Referenced, public osg::Drawable::PrimitiveFunctor
- Statistics base class.
class SG_EXPORT Stencil: public StateAttribute
- Encapsulate OpenGL glStencilFunc/Op/Mask functions
class SG_EXPORT Switch: public Group
- Switch is a Group node which allows switching between children.
class SG_EXPORT TexEnv: public StateAttribute
- TexEnv - encapsulates the OpenGL glTexEnv (texture environment) state
class SG_EXPORT TexEnvCombine: public StateAttribute
- TexEnvCombine - encapsulates the OpenGL glTexEnvCombine (texture environment) state
class SG_EXPORT TexGen: public StateAttribute
- TexGen - encapsulates the OpenGL glTexGen (texture coordinate generation) state
class SG_EXPORT TexMat: public StateAttribute
- Texture Matrix state class for encapsulating OpenGL texture matrix functionality
class SG_EXPORT Texture: public osg::StateAttribute
- Texture base class which encapsulates OpenGl texture functionality which common betweent the various types of OpenGL textures
class SG_EXPORT Texture1D: public Texture
- Texture state class which encapsulates OpenGl 1D texture functionality
class SG_EXPORT Texture2D: public Texture
- Texture state class which encapsulates OpenGl texture functionality
class SG_EXPORT Texture3D: public Texture
- Texture state class which encapsulates OpenGl 3D texture functionality
class SG_EXPORT TextureCubeMap: public Texture
- TextureCubeMap state class which encapsulates OpenGl texture cubemap functionality
class SG_EXPORT Timer
- A high resolution, low latency time stamper
class SG_EXPORT Transform: public Group
- A Transform is a group node for which all children are transformed by a 4x4 matrix.
class UByte4
- General purpose float quad, uses include representation of colour coordinates.
class Vec2
- General purpose float pair, uses include representation of texture coordinates.
class Vec3
- General purpose float triple for use as vertices, vectors and normals.
inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& output, const Vec3& vec)
const Vec3 X_AXIS(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)
const Vec3 Y_AXIS(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)
const Vec3 Z_AXIS(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)
class Vec4
- General purpose float quad, uses include representation of colour coordinates.
inline float operator * (const Vec3& lhs, const Vec4& rhs)
- Compute the dot product of a (Vec3,10) and a Vec4
inline float operator * (const Vec4& lhs, const Vec3& rhs)
- Compute the dot product of a Vec4 and a (Vec3,10)
class SG_EXPORT Viewport: public StateAttribute
- Encapsulte OpenGL glViewport
- inline void* getGLUExtensionFuncPtr(const char* funcName)
- inline Vec3 operator* (const Vec3& v, const Matrix& m )
- inline Vec4 operator* (const Vec4& v, const Matrix& m )
- inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Matrix& m )
- inline std::ostream& notify(void)
- inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& output, const Plane& pl)
- inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& output, const Quat& vec)
- #define GL_TEXTURE0
- inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& output, const Vec3& vec)
- const Vec3 X_AXIS(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)
- const Vec3 Y_AXIS(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)
- const Vec3 Z_AXIS(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)
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