#the old construct SUBDIRS( was substituded by ADD_SUBDIRECTORY that is to be preferred according on CMake docs. FOREACH( mylibfolder OpenThreads osg osgDB osgUtil osgGA osgText osgManipulator osgSim osgFX osgParticle osgShadow osgTerrain osgVolume osgViewer ) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(${mylibfolder}) ENDFOREACH( mylibfolder ) OPTION(BUILD_OSGWIDGET "Enable to build osgWidget" ON) IF (BUILD_OSGWIDGET) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(osgWidget) ENDIF(BUILD_OSGWIDGET) OPTION(BUILD_OSG_PLUGINS "Enable to build OSG Plugins" ON) IF (BUILD_OSG_PLUGINS) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(osgPlugins) ENDIF(BUILD_OSG_PLUGINS) OPTION(BUILD_OSG_WRAPPERS "Enable to build Introspection and Wrappers" OFF) IF (BUILD_OSG_WRAPPERS) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(osgIntrospection) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(osgWrappers) ENDIF(BUILD_OSG_WRAPPERS) IF(MSVC80) OPTION(OSG_MSVC_GENERATE_PLUGINS_AND_WRAPPERS_MANIFESTS "Generate or not manifests files under VS8 for dynamically loaded dlls" ON) ENDIF(MSVC80)