# Adjust these for your build environment. win32 { OSGHOME=c:/Program Files/OpenSceneGraph } else { OSGHOME=/usr/osg/OpenSceneGraph-2.8.1 #OUT_OF_SOURCE_POSTFIX= # OUT_OF_SOURCE_POSTFIX=.build_debug OUT_OF_SOURCE_POSTFIX=.build_release } D= # Uncomment to enable debug library linkinig # CONFIG += debug # D=d #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is untested... # Added for Qt-4.5.1 which now requires linking with Frameworks # /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.5.1/lib/QtGui.framework/QtGui # # QMAKE_FLAGS += -F/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.5.1/lib/ # LIBS += -framework QtGui -framework QtCore #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEMPLATE = app QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_THREAD += -pthread CONFIG += thread #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- win32 { cpu_type = win32_x86 } else { cpu_type = $$system(uname -m) OBJECTS_DIR = $${cpu_type} TARGET = $${OBJECTS_DIR}/qosgwidget } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- win32 { CONFIG += console DEPENDPATH += . INCLUDEPATH += . $$quote("\"$${OSGHOME}/include\"") } else { # Need the extra path to find OpenThreads/Config with out-of-source builds. INCLUDEPATH += $${OSGHOME}$${OUT_OF_SOURCE_POSTFIX}/include $${OSGHOME}/include } macx { CONFIG += x86 # Uncomment to turn off qDebug() messages: # When uncommented there's a problem with a Frameworks header file??!! # DEFINES += QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT } else { # Comment out to turn on qDebug() messages: DEFINES += QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT } FORMS = testMainWin.ui testOutboardWin.ui HEADERS = testMainWin.h testOutboardWin.h QOSGWidget.h CompositeViewerQOSG.h SOURCES += main.cpp testMainWin.cpp testOutboardWin.cpp QOSGWidget.cpp \ CompositeViewerQOSG.cpp OSG_LIBS= -losgText$${D} -losgGA$${D} -losgFX$${D} \ -losgDB$${D} -losgUtil$${D} -losg$${D} \ -lOpenThreads$${D} -losgViewer$${D} \ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- win32 { OSG_LIB_DIR=$${OSGHOME}/lib QMAKE_LFLAGS += /LIBPATH:$$quote("\"$${OSG_LIB_DIR}\"") LIBS += $${OSG_LIBS} } else { LIBS += -L$${OSGHOME}$${OUT_OF_SOURCE_POSTFIX}/lib $${OSG_LIBS} }