#include #include #include using namespace osg; State::State() { _contextID = 0; } State::~State() { } void State::reset() { /* for(ModeMap::iterator mitr=_modeMap.begin(); mitr!=_modeMap.end(); ++mitr) { ModeStack& ms = mitr->second; ms.valueVec.clear(); ms.last_applied_value = !ms.global_default_value; ms.changed = true; } */ _modeMap.clear(); _modeMap[GL_DEPTH_TEST].global_default_value = true; // go through all active StateAttribute's, applying where appropriate. for(AttributeMap::iterator aitr=_attributeMap.begin(); aitr!=_attributeMap.end(); ++aitr) { AttributeStack& as = aitr->second; as.attributeVec.clear(); as.last_applied_attribute = NULL; as.changed = true; } // _attributeMap.clear(); _drawStateStack.clear(); } void State::pushStateSet(const StateSet* dstate) { _drawStateStack.push_back(dstate); if (dstate) { // iterator through all StateAttribute's in incomming StateSet // for each Type entry push it to the back of the appropriate // attribute stack, taking into consideration current override status. const StateSet::AttributeList& ds_attributeList = dstate->getAttributeList(); for(StateSet::AttributeList::const_iterator aitr=ds_attributeList.begin(); aitr!=ds_attributeList.end(); ++aitr) { // get the attribute stack for incomming type {aitr->first}. AttributeStack& as = _attributeMap[aitr->first]; if (as.attributeVec.empty()) { // first pair so simply push incomming pair to back. as.attributeVec.push_back( AttributePair(aitr->second.first.get(),aitr->second.second)); } else if (as.attributeVec.back().second & StateAttribute::OVERRIDE) // check the existing override flag { // push existing back since override keeps the previoius value. as.attributeVec.push_back(as.attributeVec.back()); } else { // no override on so simply push incomming pair to back. as.attributeVec.push_back( AttributePair(aitr->second.first.get(),aitr->second.second)); } as.changed = true; } // iterator through all OpenGL modes in incomming StateSet // for each GLMode entry push it to the back of the appropriate // mode stack, taking into consideration current override status. const StateSet::ModeList& ds_modeList = dstate->getModeList(); for(StateSet::ModeList::const_iterator mitr=ds_modeList.begin(); mitr!=ds_modeList.end(); ++mitr) { // get the mode stack for incomming GLmode {mitr->first}. ModeStack& ms = _modeMap[mitr->first]; if (ms.valueVec.empty()) { // first pair so simply push incomming pair to back. ms.valueVec.push_back(mitr->second); } else if (ms.valueVec.back() & StateAttribute::OVERRIDE) // check the existing override flag { // push existing back since override keeps the previoius value. ms.valueVec.push_back(ms.valueVec.back()); } else { // no override on so simply push incomming pair to back. ms.valueVec.push_back(mitr->second); } ms.changed = true; } } } void State::popStateSet() { if (_drawStateStack.empty()) return; const StateSet* dstate = _drawStateStack.back().get(); if (dstate) { // iterator through all StateAttribute's in incomming StateSet // for each Type entry pop_back of the appropriate // attribute stack. const StateSet::AttributeList& ds_attributeList = dstate->getAttributeList(); for(StateSet::AttributeList::const_iterator aitr=ds_attributeList.begin(); aitr!=ds_attributeList.end(); ++aitr) { // get the attribute stack for incomming type {aitr->first}. AttributeStack& as = _attributeMap[aitr->first]; if (!as.attributeVec.empty()) { as.attributeVec.pop_back(); } as.changed = true; } // iterator through all OpenGL modes in incomming StateSet // for each GLMode entry pop_back of the appropriate // mode stack. const StateSet::ModeList& ds_modeList = dstate->getModeList(); for(StateSet::ModeList::const_iterator mitr=ds_modeList.begin(); mitr!=ds_modeList.end(); ++mitr) { // get the mode stack for incomming GLmode {mitr->first}. ModeStack& ms = _modeMap[mitr->first]; if (!ms.valueVec.empty()) { ms.valueVec.pop_back(); } ms.changed = true; } } // remove the top draw state from the stack. _drawStateStack.pop_back(); } void State::captureCurrentState(StateSet& stateset) const { // empty the stateset first. stateset.setAllToInherit(); for(AttributeMap::const_iterator aitr=_attributeMap.begin(); aitr!=_attributeMap.end(); ++aitr) { const AttributeStack& as = aitr->second; if (!as.attributeVec.empty()) { stateset.setAttribute(const_cast(as.attributeVec.back().first)); } } for(ModeMap::const_iterator mitr=_modeMap.begin(); mitr!=_modeMap.end(); ++mitr) { // note GLMode = mitr->first const ModeStack& ms = mitr->second; if (!ms.valueVec.empty()) { stateset.setMode(mitr->first,ms.valueVec.back()); } } } void State::apply(const StateSet* dstate) { // equivilant to: //pushStateSet(dstate); //apply(); //popStateSet(); if (dstate) { // first handle attribute changes { const StateSet::AttributeList& ds_attributeList = dstate->getAttributeList(); StateSet::AttributeList::const_iterator ds_aitr=ds_attributeList.begin(); AttributeMap::iterator this_aitr=_attributeMap.begin(); while (this_aitr!=_attributeMap.end() && ds_aitr!=ds_attributeList.end()) { if (this_aitr->firstfirst) { // note attribute type = this_aitr->first AttributeStack& as = this_aitr->second; if (as.changed) { as.changed = false; if (!as.attributeVec.empty()) { const StateAttribute* new_attr = as.attributeVec.back().first; apply_attribute(new_attr,as); } else { apply_global_default_attribute(as); } } ++this_aitr; } else if (ds_aitr->firstfirst) { // ds_mitr->first is a new attribute, therefore // need to insert a new attribute entry for ds_aistr->first. AttributeStack& as = _attributeMap[ds_aitr->first]; const StateAttribute* new_attr = ds_aitr->second.first.get(); apply_attribute(new_attr,as); // will need to disable this mode on next apply so set it to changed. as.changed = true; ++ds_aitr; } else { // this_mitr & ds_mitr refer to the same mode, check the overide // if any otherwise just apply the incomming mode. AttributeStack& as = this_aitr->second; if (!as.attributeVec.empty() && as.attributeVec.back().second) { // override is os, there just treat as a normal apply on modes. if (as.changed) { as.changed = false; const StateAttribute* new_attr = as.attributeVec.back().first; apply_attribute(new_attr,as); } } else { // no override on or no previous entry, therefore consider incomming mode. const StateAttribute* new_attr = ds_aitr->second.first.get(); if (apply_attribute(new_attr,as)) { as.changed = true; } } ++this_aitr; ++ds_aitr; } } // iterator over the remaining state modes to apply any previous changes. for(; this_aitr!=_attributeMap.end(); ++this_aitr) { // note attribute type = this_aitr->first AttributeStack& as = this_aitr->second; if (as.changed) { as.changed = false; if (!as.attributeVec.empty()) { const StateAttribute* new_attr = as.attributeVec.back().first; apply_attribute(new_attr,as); } else { apply_global_default_attribute(as); } } } // iterator over the remaining incomming modes to apply any new mode. for(; ds_aitr!=ds_attributeList.end(); ++ds_aitr) { // ds_mitr->first is a new attribute, therefore // need to insert a new attribute entry for ds_aistr->first. AttributeStack& as = _attributeMap[ds_aitr->first]; const StateAttribute* new_attr = ds_aitr->second.first.get(); apply_attribute(new_attr,as); // will need to update this attribute on next apply so set it to changed. as.changed = true; } } // then handle mode changes. { const StateSet::ModeList& ds_modeList = dstate->getModeList(); StateSet::ModeList::const_iterator ds_mitr = ds_modeList.begin(); ModeMap::iterator this_mitr=_modeMap.begin(); while (this_mitr!=_modeMap.end() && ds_mitr!=ds_modeList.end()) { if (this_mitr->firstfirst) { // note GLMode = this_mitr->first ModeStack& ms = this_mitr->second; if (ms.changed) { ms.changed = false; if (!ms.valueVec.empty()) { bool new_value = ms.valueVec.back() & StateAttribute::ON; apply_mode(this_mitr->first,new_value,ms); } else { // assume default of disabled. apply_mode(this_mitr->first,ms.global_default_value,ms); } } ++this_mitr; } else if (ds_mitr->firstfirst) { // ds_mitr->first is a new mode, therefore // need to insert a new mode entry for ds_mistr->first. ModeStack& ms = _modeMap[ds_mitr->first]; bool new_value = ds_mitr->second & StateAttribute::ON; apply_mode(ds_mitr->first,new_value,ms); // will need to disable this mode on next apply so set it to changed. ms.changed = true; ++ds_mitr; } else { // this_mitr & ds_mitr refer to the same mode, check the overide // if any otherwise just apply the incomming mode. ModeStack& ms = this_mitr->second; if (!ms.valueVec.empty() && ms.valueVec.back() & StateAttribute::OVERRIDE) { // override is on, there just treat as a normal apply on modes. if (ms.changed) { ms.changed = false; bool new_value = ms.valueVec.back() & StateAttribute::ON; apply_mode(this_mitr->first,new_value,ms); } } else { // no override on or no previous entry, therefore consider incomming mode. bool new_value = ds_mitr->second & StateAttribute::ON; if (apply_mode(ds_mitr->first,new_value,ms)) { ms.changed = true; } } ++this_mitr; ++ds_mitr; } } // iterator over the remaining state modes to apply any previous changes. for(; this_mitr!=_modeMap.end(); ++this_mitr) { // note GLMode = this_mitr->first ModeStack& ms = this_mitr->second; if (ms.changed) { ms.changed = false; if (!ms.valueVec.empty()) { bool new_value = ms.valueVec.back() & StateAttribute::ON; apply_mode(this_mitr->first,new_value,ms); } else { // assume default of disabled. apply_mode(this_mitr->first,ms.global_default_value,ms); } } } // iterator over the remaining incomming modes to apply any new mode. for(; ds_mitr!=ds_modeList.end(); ++ds_mitr) { ModeStack& ms = _modeMap[ds_mitr->first]; bool new_value = ds_mitr->second & StateAttribute::ON; apply_mode(ds_mitr->first,new_value,ms); // will need to disable this mode on next apply so set it to changed. ms.changed = true; } } } else { // no incomming stateset, so simply apply state. apply(); } } void State::apply() { // go through all active StateAttribute's, applying where appropriate. for(AttributeMap::iterator aitr=_attributeMap.begin(); aitr!=_attributeMap.end(); ++aitr) { AttributeStack& as = aitr->second; if (as.changed) { as.changed = false; if (!as.attributeVec.empty()) { const StateAttribute* new_attr = as.attributeVec.back().first; apply_attribute(new_attr,as); } else { apply_global_default_attribute(as); } } } // go through all active OpenGL modes, enabling/disable where // appropriate. for(ModeMap::iterator mitr=_modeMap.begin(); mitr!=_modeMap.end(); ++mitr) { // note GLMode = mitr->first ModeStack& ms = mitr->second; if (ms.changed) { ms.changed = false; if (!ms.valueVec.empty()) { bool new_value = ms.valueVec.back() & StateAttribute::ON; apply_mode(mitr->first,new_value,ms); } else { // assume default of disabled. apply_mode(mitr->first,ms.global_default_value,ms); } } } } /** mode has been set externally, update state to reflect this setting.*/ void State::have_applied(const StateAttribute::GLMode mode,const StateAttribute::GLModeValue value) { ModeStack& ms = _modeMap[mode]; ms.last_applied_value = value & StateAttribute::ON; // will need to disable this mode on next apply so set it to changed. ms.changed = true; } /** attribute has been applied externally, update state to reflect this setting.*/ void State::have_applied(const StateAttribute* attribute) { if (attribute) { AttributeStack& as = _attributeMap[attribute->getType()]; as.last_applied_attribute = attribute; // will need to update this attribute on next apply so set it to changed. as.changed = true; } }