class OSGSIM_EXPORT SequenceGroup: public osg::Object
- sequence group which can be used to synchronize related blink sequences
class OSGSIM_EXPORT BlinkSequence: public osg::Object
class OSGSIM_EXPORT ColorRange: public ScalarsToColors
- ColorRange is a ScalarsToColors object to define a color spectrum for a scalar range.
class OSGSIM_EXPORT DOFTransform: public osg::Transform
- DOFTransform - encapsulates Multigen DOF behavior
class GeographicLocation: public osg::Referenced
- Stores a double precision geographic location, latitude and longitude.
class OSGSIM_EXPORT LightPoint
class OSGSIM_EXPORT LightPointNode: public osg::Node
class LightPointSystem: public osg::Object
class OSGSIM_EXPORT MultiSwitch: public osg::Group
- MultiSwitch is a Group node which allows switching between sets of selected children.
class OSGSIM_EXPORT ScalarBar: public osg::Geode
- A ScalarBar is an osg::Geode to render a colored bar representing a range of scalars.
class OSGSIM_EXPORT ScalarsToColors: public osg::Referenced
- ScalarsToColors defines the interface to map a scalar value to a color, and provides a default implementation of the mapping functionaltity, with colors ranging from black to white across the min - max scalar range
class Sector: public osg::Object
class OSGSIM_EXPORT AzimRange
class OSGSIM_EXPORT ElevationRange
class OSGSIM_EXPORT AzimSector: public Sector, public AzimRange
class OSGSIM_EXPORT ElevationSector: public Sector, public ElevationRange
class OSGSIM_EXPORT AzimElevationSector: public Sector, public AzimRange, public ElevationRange
class OSGSIM_EXPORT ConeSector: public Sector
class OSGSIM_EXPORT DirectionalSector: public Sector
class OSGSIM_EXPORT SphereSegment: public osg::Geode
- A SphereSegment is a Geode to represent an portion of a sphere (potentially the whole sphere).
class OSGSIM_EXPORT VisibilityGroup: public osg::Group
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