//C++ header - Open Scene Graph - Copyright (C) 1998-2002 Robert Osfield //Distributed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL) //as published by the Free Software Foundation. #ifndef OSG_QUAT #define OSG_QUAT 1 #include #include #include namespace osg { /** A quaternion class. It can be used to represent an orientation in 3D space.*/ class SG_EXPORT Quat { public: /* ---------------------------------------------------------- DATA MEMBERS The only data member is a Vec4 which holds the elements In other words, osg:Quat is composed of an osg::Vec4 The osg::Quat aggregates an osg::Vec4 These seem to be different jargon for the same thing :-) ---------------------------------------------------------- */ Vec4 _fv; // a four-vector Quat(): _fv(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,1.0f) {} Quat( float x, float y, float z, float w ): _fv(x,y,z,w) {} Quat( const Vec4& v ): _fv(v) {} /* ---------------------------------- Methods to access data members ---------------------------------- */ inline Vec4& asVec4() { return _fv; } inline const Vec4& asVec4() const { return _fv; } inline const Vec3 asVec3() const { return Vec3(_fv[0], _fv[1], _fv[2]); } inline void set(const float x, const float y, const float z, const float w) { _fv.set(x,y,z,w); } inline void set(const osg::Vec4& v) { _fv = v; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- BASIC ARITHMETIC METHODS Implemented in terms of Vec4s. Some Vec4 operators, e.g. operator* are not appropriate for quaternions (as mathematical objects) so they are implemented differently. Also define methods for conjugate and the multiplicative inverse. ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /// Multiply by scalar inline const Quat operator * (const float rhs) const { return Quat(_fv*rhs); } /// Unary multiply by scalar inline Quat& operator *= (const float rhs) { _fv*=rhs; return *this; // enable nesting } /// Binary multiply inline const Quat operator*(const Quat& rhs) const { return Quat( _fv[3]*rhs._fv[0] + _fv[0]*rhs._fv[3] + _fv[1]*rhs._fv[2] - _fv[2]*rhs._fv[1], _fv[3]*rhs._fv[1] - _fv[0]*rhs._fv[2] + _fv[1]*rhs._fv[3] + _fv[2]*rhs._fv[0], _fv[3]*rhs._fv[2] + _fv[0]*rhs._fv[1] - _fv[1]*rhs._fv[0] + _fv[2]*rhs._fv[3], _fv[3]*rhs._fv[3] - _fv[0]*rhs._fv[0] - _fv[1]*rhs._fv[1] - _fv[2]*rhs._fv[2] ); } /// Unary multiply inline Quat& operator*=(const Quat& rhs) { float x = _fv[3]*rhs._fv[0] + _fv[0]*rhs._fv[3] + _fv[1]*rhs._fv[2] - _fv[2]*rhs._fv[1]; float y = _fv[3]*rhs._fv[1] - _fv[0]*rhs._fv[2] + _fv[1]*rhs._fv[3] + _fv[2]*rhs._fv[0]; float z = _fv[3]*rhs._fv[2] + _fv[0]*rhs._fv[1] - _fv[1]*rhs._fv[0] + _fv[2]*rhs._fv[3]; _fv[3] = _fv[3]*rhs._fv[3] - _fv[0]*rhs._fv[0] - _fv[1]*rhs._fv[1] - _fv[2]*rhs._fv[2]; _fv[2] = z; _fv[1] = y; _fv[0] = x; return (*this); // enable nesting } /// Divide by scalar inline const Quat operator / (const float& rhs) const { return Quat(_fv/rhs); } /// Unary divide by scalar inline Quat& operator /= (const float& rhs) { _fv/=rhs; return *this; } /// Binary divide inline const Quat operator/(const Quat& denom) const { return ( (*this) * denom.inverse() ); } /// Unary divide inline Quat& operator/=(const Quat& denom) { (*this) = (*this) * denom.inverse(); return (*this); // enable nesting } /// Binary addition inline const Quat operator + (const Quat& rhs) const { return Quat( _fv + rhs._fv ); } /// Unary addition inline Quat& operator += (const Quat& rhs) { _fv += rhs._fv; return *this; // enable nesting } /// Binary subtraction inline const Quat operator - (const Quat& rhs) const { return Quat( _fv - rhs._fv ); } /// Unary subtraction inline Quat& operator -= (const Quat& rhs) { _fv-=rhs._fv; return *this; // enable nesting } /** Negation operator - returns the negative of the quaternion. Basically just calls operator - () on the Vec4 */ inline const Quat operator - () const { return Quat ( -_fv ); } /// Length of the quaternion = sqrt( vec . vec ) const float length() const { return _fv.length(); } /// Length of the quaternion = vec . vec const float length2() const { return _fv.length2(); } /// Conjugate inline const Quat conj () const { return Quat( -_fv[0], -_fv[1], -_fv[2], _fv[3] ); } /// Multiplicative inverse method: q^(-1) = q^*/(q.q^*) inline const Quat inverse () const { return conj() / length2(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------- METHODS RELATED TO ROTATIONS Set a quaternion which will perform a rotation of an angle around the axis given by the vector (x,y,z). Should be written to also accept an angle and a Vec3? Define Spherical Linear interpolation method also Not inlined - see the Quat.cpp file for implementation -------------------------------------------------------- */ void makeRotate ( const float angle, const float x, const float y, const float z ); void makeRotate ( const float angle, const Vec3& vec ); /** Make a rotation Quat which will rotate vec1 to vec2. Generally take adot product to get the angle between these and then use a cross product to get the rotation axis Watch out for the two special cases of when the vectors are co-incident or opposite in direction.*/ void makeRotate( const Vec3& vec1, const Vec3& vec2 ); /** make a rotation Quat from euler angles. * assume Z up, Y north, X east and euler convention * as per Open Flight & Performer. * Applies a positive rotation about Y axis for roll, * then applies a positive roation about X for pitch, * and finally a negative rotation about the Z axis.*/ void makeRotate( float heading, float pitch, float roll); /** Return the angle and vector components represented by the quaternion.*/ void getRotate ( float& angle, float& x, float& y, float& z ) const; /** Return the angle and vector represented by the quaternion.*/ void getRotate ( float& angle, Vec3& vec ) const; /** Spherical Linear Interpolation. As t goes from 0 to 1, the Quat object goes from "from" to "to". */ void slerp ( const float t, const Quat& from, const Quat& to); /** Set quaternion to be equivalent to specified matrix.*/ void set( const Matrix& m ); /** Get the equivalent matrix for this quaternion.*/ void get( Matrix& m ) const; /** Get the equivalent matrix for this quaternion.*/ Matrix getMatrix() const { Matrix matrix; get(matrix); return matrix; } friend inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& output, const Quat& vec); }; // end of class prototype inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& output, const Quat& vec) { output << vec._fv[0] << " " << vec._fv[1] << " " << vec._fv[2] << " " << vec._fv[3]; return output; // to enable cascading } } // end of namespace #endif