IF(ANDROID) SET(MODULE_USER_STATIC_OR_DYNAMIC ${OPENSCENEGRAPH_USER_DEFINED_DYNAMIC_OR_STATIC}) ENDIF(ANDROID) IF(MSVC80 OR MSVC90) OPTION(OSG_MSVC_GENERATE_PLUGINS_AND_WRAPPERS_MANIFESTS "Generate or not manifests files under VS8 for dynamically loaded dlls" ON) ENDIF() #the old construct SUBDIRS( was substituded by ADD_SUBDIRECTORY that is to be preferred according on CMake docs. FOREACH( mylibfolder OpenThreads osg osgDB osgUtil osgGA osgText osgViewer osgAnimation osgFX osgManipulator osgParticle osgPresentation osgShadow osgSim osgTerrain osgWidget osgUI osgVolume osgWrappers/serializers osgWrappers/deprecated-dotosg osgPlugins ) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(${mylibfolder}) ENDFOREACH() IF ((QT4_FOUND OR Qt5Widgets_FOUND) AND NOT ANDROID) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(osgQt) ENDIF()