// *************************************************************************** // // Generated automatically by genwrapper. // Please DO NOT EDIT this file! // // *************************************************************************** #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Must undefine IN and OUT macros defined in Windows headers #ifdef IN #undef IN #endif #ifdef OUT #undef OUT #endif TYPE_NAME_ALIAS(std::vector< osg::Vec3 >, osg::Billboard::PositionList) BEGIN_ENUM_REFLECTOR(osg::Billboard::Mode) I_DeclaringFile("osg/Billboard"); I_EnumLabel(osg::Billboard::POINT_ROT_EYE); I_EnumLabel(osg::Billboard::POINT_ROT_WORLD); I_EnumLabel(osg::Billboard::AXIAL_ROT); END_REFLECTOR BEGIN_OBJECT_REFLECTOR(osg::Billboard) I_DeclaringFile("osg/Billboard"); I_BaseType(osg::Geode); I_Constructor0(____Billboard, "", ""); I_ConstructorWithDefaults2(IN, const osg::Billboard &, x, , IN, const osg::CopyOp &, copyop, osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY, ____Billboard__C5_Billboard_R1__C5_CopyOp_R1, "Copy constructor using CopyOp to manage deep vs shallow copy. ", ""); I_Method0(osg::Object *, cloneType, Properties::VIRTUAL, __osg_Object_P1__cloneType, "clone an object of the same type as the node. ", ""); I_Method1(osg::Object *, clone, IN, const osg::CopyOp &, copyop, Properties::VIRTUAL, __osg_Object_P1__clone__C5_osg_CopyOp_R1, "return a clone of a node, with Object* return type. ", ""); I_Method1(bool, isSameKindAs, IN, const osg::Object *, obj, Properties::VIRTUAL, __bool__isSameKindAs__C5_osg_Object_P1, "return true if this and obj are of the same kind of object. ", ""); I_Method0(const char *, className, Properties::VIRTUAL, __C5_char_P1__className, "return the name of the node's class type. ", ""); I_Method0(const char *, libraryName, Properties::VIRTUAL, __C5_char_P1__libraryName, "return the name of the node's library. ", ""); I_Method1(void, accept, IN, osg::NodeVisitor &, nv, Properties::VIRTUAL, __void__accept__osg_NodeVisitor_R1, "Visitor Pattern : calls the apply method of a NodeVisitor with this node's type. ", ""); I_Method1(void, setMode, IN, osg::Billboard::Mode, mode, Properties::NON_VIRTUAL, __void__setMode__Mode, "Set the billboard rotation mode. ", ""); I_Method0(osg::Billboard::Mode, getMode, Properties::NON_VIRTUAL, __Mode__getMode, "Get the billboard rotation mode. ", ""); I_Method1(void, setAxis, IN, const osg::Vec3 &, axis, Properties::NON_VIRTUAL, __void__setAxis__C5_Vec3_R1, "Set the rotation axis for the billboard's child Drawables. ", "Only utilized when mode==AXIAL_ROT. "); I_Method0(const osg::Vec3 &, getAxis, Properties::NON_VIRTUAL, __C5_Vec3_R1__getAxis, "Get the rotation axis. ", ""); I_Method1(void, setNormal, IN, const osg::Vec3 &, normal, Properties::NON_VIRTUAL, __void__setNormal__C5_Vec3_R1, "This normal defines child Drawables' front face direction when unrotated. ", ""); I_Method0(const osg::Vec3 &, getNormal, Properties::NON_VIRTUAL, __C5_Vec3_R1__getNormal, "Get the front face direction normal. ", ""); I_Method2(void, setPosition, IN, unsigned int, i, IN, const osg::Vec3 &, pos, Properties::NON_VIRTUAL, __void__setPosition__unsigned_int__C5_Vec3_R1, "Set the specified child Drawable's position. ", ""); I_Method1(const osg::Vec3 &, getPosition, IN, unsigned int, i, Properties::NON_VIRTUAL, __C5_Vec3_R1__getPosition__unsigned_int, "Get the specified child Drawable's position. ", ""); I_Method1(void, setPositionList, IN, osg::Billboard::PositionList &, pl, Properties::NON_VIRTUAL, __void__setPositionList__PositionList_R1, "Set the list of pivot point positions. ", ""); I_Method0(osg::Billboard::PositionList &, getPositionList, Properties::NON_VIRTUAL, __PositionList_R1__getPositionList, "Get the list of pivot point positions. ", ""); I_Method0(const osg::Billboard::PositionList &, getPositionList, Properties::NON_VIRTUAL, __C5_PositionList_R1__getPositionList, "Get a const list of pivot point positions. ", ""); I_Method1(bool, addDrawable, IN, osg::Drawable *, gset, Properties::VIRTUAL, __bool__addDrawable__Drawable_P1, "Add a Drawable with a default position of Vec3(0,0,0). ", "Call the base-class Geode::addDrawble() to add the given Drawable gset as a child. If Geode::addDrawable() returns true, add the default position to the pivot point position list and return true. Otherwise, return false. "); I_Method2(bool, addDrawable, IN, osg::Drawable *, gset, IN, const osg::Vec3 &, pos, Properties::VIRTUAL, __bool__addDrawable__Drawable_P1__C5_Vec3_R1, "Add a Drawable with a specified position. ", "Call the base-class Geode::addDrawble() to add the given Drawable gset as a child. If Geode::addDrawable() returns true, add the given position pos to the pivot point position list and return true. Otherwise, return false. "); I_Method1(bool, removeDrawable, IN, osg::Drawable *, gset, Properties::VIRTUAL, __bool__removeDrawable__Drawable_P1, "Remove a Drawable and its associated position. ", "If gset is a child, remove it, decrement its reference count, remove its pivot point position. and return true. Otherwise, return false. "); I_Method3(bool, computeMatrix, IN, osg::Matrix &, modelview, IN, const osg::Vec3 &, eye_local, IN, const osg::Vec3 &, pos_local, Properties::NON_VIRTUAL, __bool__computeMatrix__Matrix_R1__C5_Vec3_R1__C5_Vec3_R1, "", ""); I_Method0(osg::BoundingSphere, computeBound, Properties::VIRTUAL, __BoundingSphere__computeBound, "Compute the bounding sphere around Node's geometry or children. ", "This method is automatically called by getBound() when the bounding sphere has been marked dirty via dirtyBound(). "); I_ProtectedMethod0(void, updateCache, Properties::NON_VIRTUAL, Properties::NON_CONST, __void__updateCache, "", ""); I_SimpleProperty(const osg::Vec3 &, Axis, __C5_Vec3_R1__getAxis, __void__setAxis__C5_Vec3_R1); I_SimpleProperty(osg::Billboard::Mode, Mode, __Mode__getMode, __void__setMode__Mode); I_SimpleProperty(const osg::Vec3 &, Normal, __C5_Vec3_R1__getNormal, __void__setNormal__C5_Vec3_R1); I_IndexedProperty(const osg::Vec3 &, Position, __C5_Vec3_R1__getPosition__unsigned_int, __void__setPosition__unsigned_int__C5_Vec3_R1, 0); I_SimpleProperty(osg::Billboard::PositionList &, PositionList, __PositionList_R1__getPositionList, __void__setPositionList__PositionList_R1); END_REFLECTOR STD_VECTOR_REFLECTOR(std::vector< osg::Vec3 >)