Public Methods
Viewer(Producer::CameraConfig* cfg)
Viewer(const std::string& configFile)
Viewer(osg::ArgumentParser& arguments)
virtual ~Viewer()
void setUpViewer(unsigned int options=STANDARD_SETTINGS)
virtual bool done() const
- return true if the application is done and should exit
virtual void setViewByMatrix( const Producer::Matrix & pm)
- Override the Producer::CameraGroup::setViewByMatrix to catch all changes to view
virtual bool realize(ThreadingModel thread_model)
- Set the threading model and then call realize()
virtual bool realize()
virtual void update()
virtual void frame()
- Dispatch the cull and draw for each of the Camera's for this frame
virtual void requestRedraw()
virtual void requestContinuousUpdate(bool)
virtual void requestWarpPointer(float x, float y)
bool computePixelCoords(float x, float y, unsigned int cameraNum, float& pixel_x, float& pixel_y)
- compute, from normalized mouse coords, for sepecified Camera, the pixel coords relative to that Camera's RenderSurface
bool computeNearFarPoints(float x, float y, unsigned int cameraNum, osg::Vec3& near, osg::Vec3& far)
- compute, from normalized mouse coords, for sepecified Camera, the near and far points in worlds coords
bool computeIntersections(float x, float y, unsigned int cameraNum, osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList& hits)
- compute, from normalized mouse coords, for sepecified Camera, intersections with the scene
bool computeIntersections(float x, float y, osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList& hits)
- compute, from normalized mouse coords, for all Cameras, intersections with the scene
Producer::KeyboardMouse* getKeyboardMouse()
const Producer::KeyboardMouse* getKeyboardMouse() const
KeyboardMouseCallback* getKeyboardMouseCallback()
const KeyboardMouseCallback* getKeyboardMouseCallback() const
EventHandlerList& getEventHandlerList()
const EventHandlerList& getEventHandlerList() const
osgGA::KeySwitchCameraManipulator* getKeySwitchCameraManipulator()
const osgGA::KeySwitchCameraManipulator* getKeySwitchCameraManipulator() const
unsigned int addCameraManipulator(osgGA::CameraManipulator* cm)
void selectCameraManipulator(unsigned int no)
void setRecordingAnimationPath(bool on)
bool getRecordingAnimationPath() const
void setAnimationPath(osg::AnimationPath* path)
osg::AnimationPath* getAnimationPath()
const osg::AnimationPath* getAnimationPath() const
virtual void getUsage(osg::ApplicationUsage& usage) const
- Get the keyboard and mouse usage of this viewer
Public Members
enum ViewerOptions
typedef std::list< osg::ref_ptr<osgGA::GUIEventHandler> > EventHandlerList
Protected Fields
bool _done
osgProducer::KeyboardMouseCallback* _kbmcb
EventHandlerList _eventHandlerList
osg::ref_ptr<osgGA::KeySwitchCameraManipulator> _keyswitchManipulator
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Camera> _old_style_osg_camera
osg::ref_ptr<osg::NodeVisitor> _updateVisitor
bool _recordingAnimationPath
osg::ref_ptr<osg::AnimationPath> _animationPath
Public Methods
void setApplicationUsage(osg::ApplicationUsage* au)
osg::ApplicationUsage* getApplicationUsage()
const osg::ApplicationUsage* getApplicationUsage() const
SceneHandlerList& getSceneHandlerList()
const SceneHandlerList& getSceneHandlerList() const
void setSceneData( osg::Node* scene )
osg::Node* getSceneData()
const osg::Node* getSceneData() const
void setSceneDecorator( osg::Group* decorator)
osg::Group* getSceneDecorator()
const osg::Group* getSceneDecorator() const
osg::Node* getTopMostSceneData()
const osg::Node* getTopMostSceneData() const
void setDisplaySettings( osg::DisplaySettings* ds )
osg::DisplaySettings* getDisplaySettings()
const osg::DisplaySettings* getDisplaySettings() const
void setFrameStamp( osg::FrameStamp* fs )
osg::FrameStamp* getFrameStamp()
const osg::FrameStamp* getFrameStamp() const
void setGlobalStateSet( osg::StateSet* sset )
osg::StateSet* getGlobalStateSet()
const osg::StateSet* getGlobalStateSet() const
void setBackgroundColor( const osg::Vec4& backgroundColor )
osg::Vec4& getBackgroundColor()
const osg::Vec4& getBackgroundColor() const
void setLODScale( float scale )
void setFusionDistance( osgUtil::SceneView::FusionDistanceMode mode, float value=1.0f)
void setRealizeCallback( RealizeCallback* cb)
RealizeCallback* getRealizeCallback()
const RealizeCallback* getRealizeCallback() const
void advance()
virtual void setView(const osg::Matrix& matrix)
const osg::Matrix getViewMatrix() const
virtual void sync()
Public Members
typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<osgProducer::OsgSceneHandler> > SceneHandlerList
class OSGPRODUCER_EXPORT RealizeCallback: public osg::Referenced
- RealizeCallback class one should override to provide an the implemention of realize callbacks.
Protected Fields
osg::ApplicationUsage* _applicationUsage
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> _scene_data
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> _scene_decorator
osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateSet> _global_stateset
osg::Vec4 _background_color
float _LODScale
osgUtil::SceneView::FusionDistanceMode _fusionDistanceMode
float _fusionDistanceValue
SceneHandlerList _shvec
osg::ref_ptr<RealizeCallback> _realizeCallback
osg::ref_ptr<osg::DisplaySettings> _ds
bool _initialized
unsigned int _frameNumber
osg::Timer _timer
osg::Timer_t _start_tick
osg::ref_ptr<osg::FrameStamp> _frameStamp
Protected Methods
void setUpSceneViewsWithData()
void _init()
- Viewer()
- Viewer(Producer::CameraConfig* cfg)
- Viewer(const std::string& configFile)
- Viewer(osg::ArgumentParser& arguments)
- virtual ~Viewer()
- enum ViewerOptions
- void setUpViewer(unsigned int options=STANDARD_SETTINGS)
- virtual bool done() const
- return true if the application is done and should exit
- virtual void setViewByMatrix( const Producer::Matrix & pm)
- Override the Producer::CameraGroup::setViewByMatrix to catch all changes to view
- virtual bool realize(ThreadingModel thread_model)
- Set the threading model and then call realize()
- virtual bool realize()
- virtual void update()
- virtual void frame()
- Dispatch the cull and draw for each of the Camera's for this frame
- virtual void requestRedraw()
- virtual void requestContinuousUpdate(bool)
- virtual void requestWarpPointer(float x, float y)
- bool computePixelCoords(float x, float y, unsigned int cameraNum, float& pixel_x, float& pixel_y)
- compute, from normalized mouse coords, for sepecified Camera, the pixel coords relative to that Camera's RenderSurface
- bool computeNearFarPoints(float x, float y, unsigned int cameraNum, osg::Vec3& near, osg::Vec3& far)
- compute, from normalized mouse coords, for sepecified Camera, the near and far points in worlds coords
- bool computeIntersections(float x, float y, unsigned int cameraNum, osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList& hits)
- compute, from normalized mouse coords, for sepecified Camera, intersections with the scene
- bool computeIntersections(float x, float y, osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList& hits)
- compute, from normalized mouse coords, for all Cameras, intersections with the scene
- Producer::KeyboardMouse* getKeyboardMouse()
- const Producer::KeyboardMouse* getKeyboardMouse() const
- KeyboardMouseCallback* getKeyboardMouseCallback()
- const KeyboardMouseCallback* getKeyboardMouseCallback() const
- typedef std::list< osg::ref_ptr<osgGA::GUIEventHandler> > EventHandlerList
- EventHandlerList& getEventHandlerList()
- const EventHandlerList& getEventHandlerList() const
- osgGA::KeySwitchCameraManipulator* getKeySwitchCameraManipulator()
- const osgGA::KeySwitchCameraManipulator* getKeySwitchCameraManipulator() const
- unsigned int addCameraManipulator(osgGA::CameraManipulator* cm)
- void selectCameraManipulator(unsigned int no)
- void setRecordingAnimationPath(bool on)
- bool getRecordingAnimationPath() const
- void setAnimationPath(osg::AnimationPath* path)
- osg::AnimationPath* getAnimationPath()
- const osg::AnimationPath* getAnimationPath() const
- virtual void getUsage(osg::ApplicationUsage& usage) const
- Get the keyboard and mouse usage of this viewer
- bool _done
- osgProducer::KeyboardMouseCallback* _kbmcb
- EventHandlerList _eventHandlerList
- osg::ref_ptr<osgGA::KeySwitchCameraManipulator> _keyswitchManipulator
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::Camera> _old_style_osg_camera
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::NodeVisitor> _updateVisitor
- bool _recordingAnimationPath
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::AnimationPath> _animationPath
- This class has no child classes.
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