Public Methods
OsgCameraGroup(Producer::CameraConfig* cfg)
OsgCameraGroup(const std::string& configFile)
OsgCameraGroup(osg::ArgumentParser& arguments)
virtual ~OsgCameraGroup()
void setApplicationUsage(osg::ApplicationUsage* au)
osg::ApplicationUsage* getApplicationUsage()
const osg::ApplicationUsage* getApplicationUsage() const
SceneHandlerList& getSceneHandlerList()
const SceneHandlerList& getSceneHandlerList() const
void setSceneData( osg::Node* scene )
osg::Node* getSceneData()
const osg::Node* getSceneData() const
void setSceneDecorator( osg::Group* decorator)
osg::Group* getSceneDecorator()
const osg::Group* getSceneDecorator() const
osg::Node* getTopMostSceneData()
const osg::Node* getTopMostSceneData() const
void setDisplaySettings( osg::DisplaySettings* ds )
osg::DisplaySettings* getDisplaySettings()
const osg::DisplaySettings* getDisplaySettings() const
void setFrameStamp( osg::FrameStamp* fs )
osg::FrameStamp* getFrameStamp()
const osg::FrameStamp* getFrameStamp() const
void setGlobalStateSet( osg::StateSet* sset )
osg::StateSet* getGlobalStateSet()
const osg::StateSet* getGlobalStateSet() const
void setBackgroundColor( const osg::Vec4& backgroundColor )
osg::Vec4& getBackgroundColor()
const osg::Vec4& getBackgroundColor() const
void setLODScale( float scale )
void setFusionDistance( osgUtil::SceneView::FusionDistanceMode mode, float value=1.0f)
void setRealizeCallback( RealizeCallback* cb)
- Set the realize callback to use when once the render surfaces are realized
RealizeCallback* getRealizeCallback()
- Get the realize callback
const RealizeCallback* getRealizeCallback() const
- Get the const realize callback
void advance()
virtual bool realize(ThreadingModel thread_model )
- Set the threading model and then call realize()
virtual bool realize()
- Realize the render surfaces (OpenGL graphics) and various threads, and call any realize callbacks
virtual void setView(const osg::Matrix& matrix)
- Set the model view matrix of the camera group, by individually set all the camera groups's camera
const osg::Matrix getViewMatrix() const
- Get the model view martrix of the camera group, taking its value for camera 0
virtual void sync()
virtual void frame()
- Dispatch the cull and draw for each of the Camera's for this frame
Public Members
typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<osgProducer::OsgSceneHandler> > SceneHandlerList
class OSGPRODUCER_EXPORT RealizeCallback: public osg::Referenced
- RealizeCallback class one should override to provide an the implemention of realize callbacks.
Protected Fields
osg::ApplicationUsage* _applicationUsage
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> _scene_data
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> _scene_decorator
osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateSet> _global_stateset
osg::Vec4 _background_color
float _LODScale
osgUtil::SceneView::FusionDistanceMode _fusionDistanceMode
float _fusionDistanceValue
SceneHandlerList _shvec
osg::ref_ptr<RealizeCallback> _realizeCallback
osg::ref_ptr<osg::DisplaySettings> _ds
bool _initialized
unsigned int _frameNumber
osg::Timer _timer
osg::Timer_t _start_tick
osg::ref_ptr<osg::FrameStamp> _frameStamp
Protected Methods
void setUpSceneViewsWithData()
void _init()
- OsgCameraGroup()
- OsgCameraGroup(Producer::CameraConfig* cfg)
- OsgCameraGroup(const std::string& configFile)
- OsgCameraGroup(osg::ArgumentParser& arguments)
- virtual ~OsgCameraGroup()
- void setApplicationUsage(osg::ApplicationUsage* au)
- osg::ApplicationUsage* getApplicationUsage()
- const osg::ApplicationUsage* getApplicationUsage() const
- typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<osgProducer::OsgSceneHandler> > SceneHandlerList
- SceneHandlerList& getSceneHandlerList()
- const SceneHandlerList& getSceneHandlerList() const
- void setSceneData( osg::Node* scene )
- osg::Node* getSceneData()
- const osg::Node* getSceneData() const
- void setSceneDecorator( osg::Group* decorator)
- osg::Group* getSceneDecorator()
- const osg::Group* getSceneDecorator() const
- osg::Node* getTopMostSceneData()
- const osg::Node* getTopMostSceneData() const
- void setDisplaySettings( osg::DisplaySettings* ds )
- osg::DisplaySettings* getDisplaySettings()
- const osg::DisplaySettings* getDisplaySettings() const
- void setFrameStamp( osg::FrameStamp* fs )
- osg::FrameStamp* getFrameStamp()
- const osg::FrameStamp* getFrameStamp() const
- void setGlobalStateSet( osg::StateSet* sset )
- osg::StateSet* getGlobalStateSet()
- const osg::StateSet* getGlobalStateSet() const
- void setBackgroundColor( const osg::Vec4& backgroundColor )
- osg::Vec4& getBackgroundColor()
- const osg::Vec4& getBackgroundColor() const
- void setLODScale( float scale )
- void setFusionDistance( osgUtil::SceneView::FusionDistanceMode mode, float value=1.0f)
- void setRealizeCallback( RealizeCallback* cb)
- Set the realize callback to use when once the render surfaces are realized
- RealizeCallback* getRealizeCallback()
- Get the realize callback
- const RealizeCallback* getRealizeCallback() const
- Get the const realize callback
- void advance()
- virtual bool realize(ThreadingModel thread_model )
- Set the threading model and then call realize()
- virtual bool realize()
- Realize the render surfaces (OpenGL graphics) and various threads, and call any realize callbacks
- virtual void setView(const osg::Matrix& matrix)
- Set the model view matrix of the camera group,
by individually set all the camera groups's camera
- const osg::Matrix getViewMatrix() const
- Get the model view martrix of the camera group,
taking its value for camera 0
- virtual void sync()
- virtual void frame()
- Dispatch the cull and draw for each of the Camera's for this frame
- void setUpSceneViewsWithData()
- osg::ApplicationUsage* _applicationUsage
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> _scene_data
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> _scene_decorator
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateSet> _global_stateset
- osg::Vec4 _background_color
- float _LODScale
- osgUtil::SceneView::FusionDistanceMode _fusionDistanceMode
- float _fusionDistanceValue
- SceneHandlerList _shvec
- osg::ref_ptr<RealizeCallback> _realizeCallback
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::DisplaySettings> _ds
- bool _initialized
- unsigned int _frameNumber
- osg::Timer _timer
- osg::Timer_t _start_tick
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::FrameStamp> _frameStamp
- void _init()
- Direct child classes:
- Viewer
Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java
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