class SG_EXPORT osg::DOFTransform

DOFTransform - encapsulates Multigen DOF behavior


Public Methods

[more] DOFTransform()
[more] DOFTransform(const DOFTransform& dof, const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)
copy constructor
[more] META_Node(osg, DOFTransform)
[more]virtual void traverse(NodeVisitor& nv)
[more]void setMinHPR(const Vec3& hpr)
[more]const Vec3& getMinHPR() const
[more]void setMaxHPR(const Vec3& hpr)
[more]const Vec3& getMaxHPR() const
[more]void setIncrementHPR(const Vec3& hpr)
[more]const Vec3& getIncrementHPR() const
[more]void setCurrentHPR(const Vec3& hpr)
[more]const Vec3& getCurrentHPR() const
[more]void updateCurrentHPR(const Vec3& hpr)
[more]void setMinTranslate(const Vec3& translate)
[more]const Vec3& getMinTranslate() const
[more]void setMaxTranslate(const Vec3& translate)
[more]const Vec3& getMaxTranslate() const
[more]void setIncrementTranslate(const Vec3& translate)
[more]const Vec3& getIncrementTranslate() const
[more]void setCurrentTranslate(const Vec3& translate)
[more]inline const Vec3& getCurrentTranslate() const
[more]void updateCurrentTranslate(const Vec3& translate)
[more]void setMinScale(const Vec3& scale)
[more]const Vec3& getMinScale() const
[more]void setMaxScale(const Vec3& scale)
[more]const Vec3& getMaxScale() const
[more]void setIncrementScale(const Vec3& scale)
[more]const Vec3& getIncrementScale() const
[more]void setCurrentScale(const Vec3& scale)
[more]inline const Vec3& getCurrentScale() const
[more]void updateCurrentScale(const Vec3& scale)
[more]void setPutMatrix(const Matrix& put)
[more]inline const Matrix& getPutMatrix() const
[more]void setInversePutMatrix(const Matrix& inversePut)
[more]inline const Matrix& getInversePutMatrix() const
[more]void setLimitationFlags(unsigned long flags)
[more]inline unsigned long getLimitationFlags() const
[more]inline void setAnimationOn(bool do_animate)
[more]inline bool getAnimationOn() const
[more]void animate()
[more]virtual bool computeLocalToWorldMatrix(Matrix& matrix, NodeVisitor* nv) const
[more]virtual bool computeWorldToLocalMatrix(Matrix& matrix, NodeVisitor* nv) const

Protected Fields

[more]Vec3 _minHPR
[more]Vec3 _maxHPR
[more]Vec3 _currentHPR
[more]Vec3 _incrementHPR
[more]Vec3 _minTranslate
[more]Vec3 _maxTranslate
[more]Vec3 _currentTranslate
[more]Vec3 _incrementTranslate
[more]Vec3 _minScale
[more]Vec3 _maxScale
[more]Vec3 _currentScale
[more]Vec3 _incrementScale
[more]Matrix _Put
[more]Matrix _inversePut
[more]unsigned long _limitationFlags
[more]bool _animationOn
[more]unsigned short _increasingFlags
flags indicating whether value is incerasing or decreasing in animation bits form right to left, 1 means increasing while 0 is decreasing 0 = x translation 1 = y translation 2 = z translation 3 = pitch 4 = roll 5 = yaw 6 = x scale 7 = y scale 8 = z scale

Protected Methods

[more]virtual ~DOFTransform()

Inherited from Transform:

Public Methods

ovirtual Transform* asTransform()
ovirtual const Transform* asTransform() const
ovoid setReferenceFrame(ReferenceFrame rf)
oReferenceFrame getReferenceFrame() const
ovoid setComputeTransformCallback(ComputeTransformCallback* ctc)
oComputeTransformCallback* getComputeTransformCallback()
oconst ComputeTransformCallback* getComputeTransformCallback() const
oinline bool getLocalToWorldMatrix(Matrix& matrix, NodeVisitor* nv) const
oinline bool getWorldToLocalMatrix(Matrix& matrix, NodeVisitor* nv) const

Public Members

oenum ReferenceFrame
ostruct ComputeTransformCallback: public osg::Referenced

Protected Fields

oref_ptr<ComputeTransformCallback> _computeTransformCallback
oReferenceFrame _referenceFrame

Protected Methods

ovirtual bool computeBound() const

Inherited from Group:

Public Methods

ovirtual Group* asGroup()
ovirtual const Group* asGroup() const
ovirtual bool addChild( Node* child )
ovirtual bool removeChild( Node* child )
ovirtual bool replaceChild( Node* origChild, Node* newChild )
oinline unsigned int getNumChildren() const
oinline Node* getChild( unsigned int i )
oinline const Node* getChild( unsigned int i ) const
oinline bool containsNode( const Node* node ) const
oinline ChildList::iterator findNode( const Node* node )
oinline ChildList::const_iterator findNode( const Node* node ) const
oinline unsigned int findChildNo( const Node* node ) const

Public Members

otypedef std::vector<ref_ptr<Node> > ChildList

Protected Fields

oChildList _children


DOFTransform - encapsulates Multigen DOF behavior
o DOFTransform()

o DOFTransform(const DOFTransform& dof, const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)
copy constructor

o META_Node(osg, DOFTransform)

ovirtual void traverse(NodeVisitor& nv)

ovoid setMinHPR(const Vec3& hpr)

oconst Vec3& getMinHPR() const

ovoid setMaxHPR(const Vec3& hpr)

oconst Vec3& getMaxHPR() const

ovoid setIncrementHPR(const Vec3& hpr)

oconst Vec3& getIncrementHPR() const

ovoid setCurrentHPR(const Vec3& hpr)

oconst Vec3& getCurrentHPR() const

ovoid updateCurrentHPR(const Vec3& hpr)

ovoid setMinTranslate(const Vec3& translate)

oconst Vec3& getMinTranslate() const

ovoid setMaxTranslate(const Vec3& translate)

oconst Vec3& getMaxTranslate() const

ovoid setIncrementTranslate(const Vec3& translate)

oconst Vec3& getIncrementTranslate() const

ovoid setCurrentTranslate(const Vec3& translate)

oinline const Vec3& getCurrentTranslate() const

ovoid updateCurrentTranslate(const Vec3& translate)

ovoid setMinScale(const Vec3& scale)

oconst Vec3& getMinScale() const

ovoid setMaxScale(const Vec3& scale)

oconst Vec3& getMaxScale() const

ovoid setIncrementScale(const Vec3& scale)

oconst Vec3& getIncrementScale() const

ovoid setCurrentScale(const Vec3& scale)

oinline const Vec3& getCurrentScale() const

ovoid updateCurrentScale(const Vec3& scale)

ovoid setPutMatrix(const Matrix& put)

oinline const Matrix& getPutMatrix() const

ovoid setInversePutMatrix(const Matrix& inversePut)

oinline const Matrix& getInversePutMatrix() const

ovoid setLimitationFlags(unsigned long flags)

oinline unsigned long getLimitationFlags() const

oinline void setAnimationOn(bool do_animate)

oinline bool getAnimationOn() const

ovoid animate()

ovirtual bool computeLocalToWorldMatrix(Matrix& matrix, NodeVisitor* nv) const

ovirtual bool computeWorldToLocalMatrix(Matrix& matrix, NodeVisitor* nv) const

ovirtual ~DOFTransform()

oVec3 _minHPR

oVec3 _maxHPR

oVec3 _currentHPR

oVec3 _incrementHPR

oVec3 _minTranslate

oVec3 _maxTranslate

oVec3 _currentTranslate

oVec3 _incrementTranslate

oVec3 _minScale

oVec3 _maxScale

oVec3 _currentScale

oVec3 _incrementScale

oMatrix _Put

oMatrix _inversePut

ounsigned long _limitationFlags

obool _animationOn

ounsigned short _increasingFlags
flags indicating whether value is incerasing or decreasing in animation bits form right to left, 1 means increasing while 0 is decreasing 0 = x translation 1 = y translation 2 = z translation 3 = pitch 4 = roll 5 = yaw 6 = x scale 7 = y scale 8 = z scale

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