/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Robert Osfield * * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ #if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma warning( disable : 4786 ) #endif #include #include #include "GeoSet.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace osg; GeoSet::GeoSet() { // we will use the a default delete functor which // assumes that users have allocated arrays with new only // and that now sharing of attributes exists between GeoSet's. _adf = new AttributeDeleteFunctor; _coords = (Vec3 *)0; _normals = (Vec3 *)0; _colors = (Vec4 *)0; _tcoords = (Vec2 *)0; _iarray = (float *)0L; _iaformat = IA_OFF; _ogliaformat = 0; _numprims = 0; _primtype = NO_TYPE; _oglprimtype = 0xFFFF; _needprimlen = 0; _primLengths = (int *)0; _numcoords = 0; _numnormals = 0; _numcolors = 0; _numtcoords = 0; _normal_binding = BIND_OFF; _color_binding = BIND_OFF; _texture_binding = BIND_OFF; _fast_path = 1; _primlength = 0; _flat_shaded_skip = 0; } GeoSet::GeoSet(const GeoSet& geoset,const CopyOp& copyop): Drawable(geoset,copyop) { // ensure that the num of vertices etc have been set up before we copy. geoset.computeNumVerts(); _adf = geoset._adf; _numprims = geoset._numprims; _primtype = geoset._primtype; _needprimlen = geoset._needprimlen; _oglprimtype = geoset._oglprimtype; _primlength = geoset._primlength; _flat_shaded_skip = geoset._flat_shaded_skip; if (geoset._primLengths) { _primLengths = new int [_numprims]; memcpy(_primLengths,geoset._primLengths,_numprims*sizeof(int)); } else { _primLengths = 0L; } _numcoords = geoset._numcoords; _cindex = geoset._cindex; if (geoset._coords) { _coords = new Vec3 [_numcoords]; memcpy(_coords,geoset._coords,_numcoords*sizeof(Vec3)); } else { _coords = 0L; } _normal_binding = geoset._normal_binding; _numnormals = geoset._numnormals; _nindex = geoset._nindex; if (geoset._normals) { _normals = new Vec3 [_numnormals]; memcpy(_normals,geoset._normals,_numnormals*sizeof(Vec3)); } else { _normals = 0L; } _color_binding = geoset._color_binding; _numcolors = geoset._numcolors; _colindex = geoset._colindex; if (geoset._colors) { _colors = new Vec4 [_numcolors]; memcpy(_colors,geoset._colors,_numcolors*sizeof(Vec4)); } else { _colors = 0L; } _texture_binding = geoset._texture_binding; _numtcoords = geoset._numtcoords; _tindex = geoset._tindex; if (geoset._tcoords) { _tcoords = new Vec2 [_numtcoords]; memcpy(_tcoords,geoset._tcoords,_numtcoords*sizeof(Vec2)); } else { _tcoords = 0L; } _iaindex = geoset._iaindex; _iaformat = geoset._iaformat; _ogliaformat = geoset._ogliaformat; _fast_path = geoset._fast_path; if (geoset._iarray) { _iarray = 0L; osg::notify(osg::WARN)<<"Warning :: GeoSet copy constructor error, copying of interleaved arrays unsupported."<getPrimLengths(); delete [] gset->getCoords(); delete [] gset->getNormals(); delete [] gset->getColors(); delete [] gset->getTextureCoords(); // can't delete a void* right now... interleaved arrays needs to be reimplemented with a proper pointer.. // delete [] gset->getInterleavedArray(); // coord indicies may be shared so we have to go through the long winded // step of creating unique pointer sets which we then delete. This // ensures that arrays aren't delete twice. Robert. std::set ushortList; std::set uintList; INDEX_ARRAY_DELETE(gset->getCoordIndices()) INDEX_ARRAY_DELETE(gset->getNormalIndices()); INDEX_ARRAY_DELETE(gset->getColorIndices()); INDEX_ARRAY_DELETE(gset->getTextureIndices()) INDEX_ARRAY_DELETE(gset->getInterleavedIndices()); for(std::set::iterator sitr=ushortList.begin(); sitr!=ushortList.end(); ++sitr) { delete [] *sitr; } for(std::set::iterator iitr=uintList.begin(); iitr!=uintList.end(); ++iitr) { delete [] *iitr; } } #undef INDEX_ARRAY_DELETE GeoSet::~GeoSet() { // if attached call the adf do delete the memory. if (_adf.valid()) (*_adf)(this); } void GeoSet::setColorBinding( BindingType binding ) { if( binding != BIND_DEFAULT && binding != BIND_OFF && binding != BIND_OVERALL && binding != BIND_PERPRIM && binding != BIND_PERVERTEX ) _color_binding = BIND_OFF; else _color_binding = binding; if( _color_binding == BIND_DEFAULT ) _color_binding = BIND_PERVERTEX; } void GeoSet::setNormalBinding( BindingType binding ) { if( binding != BIND_DEFAULT && binding != BIND_OFF && binding != BIND_OVERALL && binding != BIND_PERPRIM && binding != BIND_PERVERTEX ) _normal_binding = BIND_OFF; else _normal_binding = binding; if( _normal_binding == BIND_DEFAULT ) _normal_binding = BIND_PERVERTEX; } void GeoSet::setTextureBinding( BindingType binding ) { if( binding != BIND_DEFAULT && binding != BIND_OFF && binding != BIND_PERVERTEX ) _texture_binding = BIND_OFF; else _texture_binding = binding; if( _texture_binding == BIND_DEFAULT ) _texture_binding = BIND_PERVERTEX; } void GeoSet::computeNumVerts() const { int i; int numverts=0; int flat_shaded_offset=0; if (_primtype == FLAT_LINE_STRIP) flat_shaded_offset=_numprims; else if (_primtype == FLAT_TRIANGLE_STRIP) flat_shaded_offset=2*_numprims; else if (_primtype == FLAT_TRIANGLE_FAN) flat_shaded_offset=2*_numprims; switch( _primtype ) { case POINTS : _primlength = 1; numverts = _numprims * _primlength; break; case LINES : _primlength = 2; numverts = _numprims * _primlength; break; case TRIANGLES : _primlength = 3; numverts = _numprims * _primlength; break; case QUADS : _primlength = 4; numverts = _numprims * _primlength; break; case QUAD_STRIP : case FLAT_TRIANGLE_FAN : case TRIANGLE_FAN : case LINE_LOOP : case LINE_STRIP : case FLAT_LINE_STRIP : case TRIANGLE_STRIP : case FLAT_TRIANGLE_STRIP : case POLYGON : _primlength = 0; numverts = 0; for( i = 0; i < _numprims; i++ ) numverts += _primLengths[i]; break; default: notify(WARN) << "Not supported primitive "<<(int)_primtype<= 3 ? fptr[2] : 0.0f; Vec3 vv(x,y,z); center += vv; _bbox.expandBy(vv); fptr += stride; } } center /= (float)_numcoords; _bbox_computed=true; return true; } bool GeoSet::check() const { if( _coords == (Vec3 *)0 ) return false; if( _cindex.valid() || _nindex.valid() || _colindex.valid() || _tindex.valid() ) { if( (_coords && _cindex.null()) || (_normals && _nindex.null()) || (_colors && _colindex.null()) || (_tcoords && _tindex.null()) ) { notify(WARN) << "GeoSet::check() : " "Cannot mix indexed and non-indexed attributes.\n"; return false; } } return true; } void GeoSet::setPrimType( PrimitiveType type ) { switch( type ) { case NO_TYPE: break; case POINTS: _oglprimtype = GL_POINTS; _needprimlen = 0; break; case LINES: _oglprimtype = GL_LINES; _needprimlen = 0; break; case FLAT_LINE_STRIP: _oglprimtype = GL_LINE_STRIP; _needprimlen=1; break; case LINE_STRIP: _oglprimtype = GL_LINE_STRIP; _needprimlen=1; break; case LINE_LOOP: _oglprimtype = GL_LINE_LOOP; _needprimlen=1; break; case TRIANGLES: _oglprimtype = GL_TRIANGLES; _needprimlen=0; break; case FLAT_TRIANGLE_STRIP: _oglprimtype = GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP; _needprimlen=1; break; case TRIANGLE_STRIP: _oglprimtype = GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP; _needprimlen=1; break; case TRIANGLE_FAN: _oglprimtype = GL_TRIANGLE_FAN; _needprimlen=1; break; case FLAT_TRIANGLE_FAN: _oglprimtype = GL_TRIANGLE_FAN; _needprimlen=1; break; case QUADS: _oglprimtype = GL_QUADS; _needprimlen=0; break; case QUAD_STRIP: _oglprimtype = GL_QUAD_STRIP; _needprimlen=1; break; case POLYGON : _oglprimtype = GL_POLYGON; _needprimlen=1; break; } _primtype = type; if( _primtype == FLAT_LINE_STRIP ) _flat_shaded_skip = 1; else if( _primtype == FLAT_TRIANGLE_STRIP ) _flat_shaded_skip = 2; else if( _primtype == FLAT_TRIANGLE_FAN ) _flat_shaded_skip = 2; else _flat_shaded_skip = 0; } void GeoSet::setCoords( Vec3 *cp ) { _coords = cp; _cindex.setToNull(); dirtyBound(); } void GeoSet::setCoords( Vec3 *cp, GLushort *ci ) { _coords = cp; // note the size of cindex defaults 0, but will be recalculated // automatically by computeNumVerts(). _cindex.set(0,ci); dirtyBound(); } void GeoSet::setCoords( Vec3 *cp, GLuint *ci ) { _coords = cp; // note the size of cindex defaults 0, but will be recalculated // automatically by computeNumVerts(). _cindex.set(0,ci); dirtyBound(); } void GeoSet::setCoords( Vec3 *cp, IndexPointer& ip ) { _coords = cp; _cindex = ip; dirtyBound(); } void GeoSet::setNormals( Vec3 *np ) { _normals = np; _nindex.setToNull(); if( _normal_binding == BIND_OFF ) setNormalBinding( BIND_DEFAULT ); } void GeoSet::setNormals( Vec3 *np, GLushort *ni ) { _normals = np; // note the size of nindex defaults 0, but will be recalculated // automatically by computeNumVerts(). _nindex.set(0,ni); if( _normal_binding == BIND_OFF ) setNormalBinding( BIND_DEFAULT ); } void GeoSet::setNormals( Vec3 *np, GLuint *ni ) { _normals = np; // note the size of nindex defaults 0, but will be recalculated // automatically by computeNumVerts(). _nindex.set(0,ni); if( _normal_binding == BIND_OFF ) setNormalBinding( BIND_DEFAULT ); } void GeoSet::setNormals( Vec3 *cp, IndexPointer& ip ) { _normals = cp; _nindex = ip; _bbox_computed = false; if( _normal_binding == BIND_OFF ) setNormalBinding( BIND_DEFAULT ); } void GeoSet::setColors( Vec4 *lp ) { _colors = lp; _colindex.setToNull(); if( _color_binding == BIND_OFF ) setColorBinding( BIND_DEFAULT ); } void GeoSet::setColors( Vec4 *lp, GLushort *coli ) { _colors = lp; // note the size of colindex defaults 0, but will be recalculated // automatically by computeNumVerts(). _colindex.set(0,coli); if( _color_binding == BIND_OFF ) setColorBinding( BIND_DEFAULT ); } void GeoSet::setColors( Vec4 *lp, GLuint *coli ) { _colors = lp; // note the size of colindex defaults 0, but will be recalculated // automatically by computeNumVerts(). _colindex.set(0,coli); if( _color_binding == BIND_OFF ) setColorBinding( BIND_DEFAULT ); } void GeoSet::setColors( Vec4 *cp, IndexPointer& ip ) { _colors = cp; _colindex = ip; _bbox_computed = false; if( _color_binding == BIND_OFF ) setColorBinding( BIND_DEFAULT ); } void GeoSet::setTextureCoords( Vec2 *tc ) { _tcoords = tc; _tindex.setToNull(); if( _texture_binding == BIND_OFF ) setTextureBinding( BIND_DEFAULT ); } void GeoSet::setTextureCoords( Vec2 *tc, GLushort *ti ) { _tcoords = tc; // note the size of tindex defaults 0, but will be recalculated // automatically by computeNumVerts(). _tindex.set(0,ti); if( _texture_binding == BIND_OFF ) setTextureBinding( BIND_DEFAULT ); } void GeoSet::setTextureCoords( Vec2 *tc, GLuint *ti ) { _tcoords = tc; // note the size of tindex defaults 0, but will be recalculated // automatically by computeNumVerts(). _tindex.set(0,ti); if( _texture_binding == BIND_OFF ) setTextureBinding( BIND_DEFAULT ); } void GeoSet::setTextureCoords( Vec2 *cp, IndexPointer& ip ) { _tcoords = cp; _tindex = ip; _bbox_computed = false; if( _texture_binding == BIND_OFF ) setTextureBinding( BIND_DEFAULT ); } void GeoSet::setInterleavedArray( InterleaveArrayType format, float *pointer ) { _iaformat = format; _ogliaformat = (_iaformat == IA_OFF ) ? 0 : (_iaformat == IA_V2F ) ? GL_V2F: (_iaformat == IA_V3F ) ? GL_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_C4UB_V2F) ? GL_C4UB_V2F: (_iaformat == IA_C4UB_V3F) ? GL_C4UB_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_C3F_V3F) ? GL_C3F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_N3F_V3F) ? GL_N3F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_C4F_N3F_V3F) ? GL_C4F_N3F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_T2F_V3F) ? GL_T2F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_T4F_V4F) ? GL_T4F_V4F: (_iaformat == IA_T2F_C4UB_V3F) ? GL_T2F_C4UB_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_T2F_C3F_V3F) ? GL_T2F_C3F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_T2F_N3F_V3F) ? GL_T2F_N3F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_T2F_C4F_N3F_V3F) ? GL_T2F_C4F_N3F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_T4F_C4F_N3F_V4F) ? GL_T4F_C4F_N3F_V4F: 0; _iarray = pointer; _iaindex.setToNull(); } void GeoSet::setInterleavedArray( InterleaveArrayType format, float *ia, GLushort *iai ) { _iaformat = format; _ogliaformat = (_iaformat == IA_OFF ) ? 0 : (_iaformat == IA_V2F ) ? GL_V2F: (_iaformat == IA_V3F ) ? GL_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_C4UB_V2F) ? GL_C4UB_V2F: (_iaformat == IA_C4UB_V3F) ? GL_C4UB_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_C3F_V3F) ? GL_C3F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_N3F_V3F) ? GL_N3F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_C4F_N3F_V3F) ? GL_C4F_N3F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_T2F_V3F) ? GL_T2F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_T4F_V4F) ? GL_T4F_V4F: (_iaformat == IA_T2F_C4UB_V3F) ? GL_T2F_C4UB_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_T2F_C3F_V3F) ? GL_T2F_C3F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_T2F_N3F_V3F) ? GL_T2F_N3F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_T2F_C4F_N3F_V3F) ? GL_T2F_C4F_N3F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_T4F_C4F_N3F_V4F) ? GL_T4F_C4F_N3F_V4F: 0; _iarray = ia; // note the size of _iaindex defaults 0, but will be recalculated // automatically by computeNumVerts(). _iaindex.set(0,iai); } void GeoSet::setInterleavedArray( InterleaveArrayType format, float *ia, GLuint *iai ) { _iaformat = format; _ogliaformat = (_iaformat == IA_OFF ) ? 0 : (_iaformat == IA_V2F ) ? GL_V2F: (_iaformat == IA_V3F ) ? GL_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_C4UB_V2F) ? GL_C4UB_V2F: (_iaformat == IA_C4UB_V3F) ? GL_C4UB_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_C3F_V3F) ? GL_C3F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_N3F_V3F) ? GL_N3F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_C4F_N3F_V3F) ? GL_C4F_N3F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_T2F_V3F) ? GL_T2F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_T4F_V4F) ? GL_T4F_V4F: (_iaformat == IA_T2F_C4UB_V3F) ? GL_T2F_C4UB_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_T2F_C3F_V3F) ? GL_T2F_C3F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_T2F_N3F_V3F) ? GL_T2F_N3F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_T2F_C4F_N3F_V3F) ? GL_T2F_C4F_N3F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_T4F_C4F_N3F_V4F) ? GL_T4F_C4F_N3F_V4F: 0; _iarray = ia; // note the size of _iaindex defaults 0, but will be recalculated // automatically by computeNumVerts(). _iaindex.set(0,iai); } void GeoSet::setInterleavedArray( InterleaveArrayType format, float *ia, IndexPointer& iai ) { _iaformat = format; _ogliaformat = (_iaformat == IA_OFF ) ? 0 : (_iaformat == IA_V2F ) ? GL_V2F: (_iaformat == IA_V3F ) ? GL_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_C4UB_V2F) ? GL_C4UB_V2F: (_iaformat == IA_C4UB_V3F) ? GL_C4UB_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_C3F_V3F) ? GL_C3F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_N3F_V3F) ? GL_N3F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_C4F_N3F_V3F) ? GL_C4F_N3F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_T2F_V3F) ? GL_T2F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_T4F_V4F) ? GL_T4F_V4F: (_iaformat == IA_T2F_C4UB_V3F) ? GL_T2F_C4UB_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_T2F_C3F_V3F) ? GL_T2F_C3F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_T2F_N3F_V3F) ? GL_T2F_N3F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_T2F_C4F_N3F_V3F) ? GL_T2F_C4F_N3F_V3F: (_iaformat == IA_T4F_C4F_N3F_V4F) ? GL_T4F_C4F_N3F_V4F: 0; _iarray = ia; // note the size of _iaindex defaults 0, but will be recalculated // automatically by computeNumVerts(). _iaindex = iai; } void GeoSet::accept(AttributeFunctor& auf) { if (_numcoords == 0) computeNumVerts(); if (_coords && _numcoords) { auf.apply(VERTICES,_numcoords,_coords); } if (_normals && _numnormals) { auf.apply(NORMALS,_numnormals,_normals); } if (_colors && _numcolors) { auf.apply(COLORS,_numcolors,_colors); } if (_tcoords && _numtcoords) { auf.apply(TEXTURE_COORDS_0,_numtcoords,_tcoords); } } void GeoSet::accept(ConstAttributeFunctor& auf) const { if (_numcoords == 0) computeNumVerts(); if (_coords && _numcoords) { auf.apply(VERTICES,_numcoords,_coords); } if (_normals && _numnormals) { auf.apply(NORMALS,_numnormals,_normals); } if (_colors && _numcolors) { auf.apply(COLORS,_numcolors,_colors); } if (_tcoords && _numtcoords) { auf.apply(TEXTURE_COORDS_0,_numtcoords,_tcoords); } } void GeoSet::accept(PrimitiveFunctor& functor) const { // will easily convert into a Geometry. if (!_coords || !_numcoords) return; functor.setVertexArray(_numcoords,_coords); if( _needprimlen ) { // LINE_STRIP, LINE_LOOP, TRIANGLE_STRIP, // TRIANGLE_FAN, QUAD_STRIP, POLYGONS int index = 0; if( _primLengths == (int *)0 ) { return; } for( int i = 0; i < _numprims; i++ ) { if( _cindex.valid() ) { if (_cindex._is_ushort) functor.drawElements( (GLenum)_oglprimtype, _primLengths[i],&_cindex._ptr._ushort[index] ); else functor.drawElements( (GLenum)_oglprimtype, _primLengths[i],&_cindex._ptr._uint[index] ); } else functor.drawArrays( (GLenum)_oglprimtype, index, _primLengths[i] ); index += _primLengths[i]; } } else // POINTS, LINES, TRIANGLES, QUADS { if( _cindex.valid()) { if (_cindex._is_ushort) functor.drawElements( (GLenum)_oglprimtype, _cindex._size, _cindex._ptr._ushort ); else functor.drawElements( (GLenum)_oglprimtype, _cindex._size, _cindex._ptr._uint ); } else functor.drawArrays( (GLenum)_oglprimtype, 0, _numcoords ); } } Geometry* GeoSet::convertToGeometry() { computeNumVerts(); ref_ptr geom = new Geometry; geom->setStateSet(getStateSet()); if (_flat_shaded_skip) { // will need to add flat shading to primitive. StateSet* stateset = geom->getOrCreateStateSet(); ShadeModel* shademodel = dynamic_cast(stateset->getAttribute(StateAttribute::SHADEMODEL)); if (!shademodel) { shademodel = new osg::ShadeModel; stateset->setAttribute(shademodel); } shademodel->setMode( ShadeModel::FLAT ); } switch(_normal_binding) { case(BIND_OFF): geom->setNormalBinding(Geometry::BIND_OFF); break; case(BIND_OVERALL): geom->setNormalBinding(Geometry::BIND_OVERALL); break; case(BIND_PERPRIM): geom->setNormalBinding(Geometry::BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE); break; case(BIND_PERVERTEX): geom->setNormalBinding(Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX); break; default: geom->setNormalBinding(Geometry::BIND_OFF); break; } switch(_color_binding) { case(BIND_OFF): geom->setColorBinding(Geometry::BIND_OFF); break; case(BIND_OVERALL): geom->setColorBinding(Geometry::BIND_OVERALL); break; case(BIND_PERPRIM): geom->setColorBinding(Geometry::BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE); break; case(BIND_PERVERTEX): geom->setColorBinding(Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX); break; default: geom->setColorBinding(Geometry::BIND_OFF); break; } if (_coords) { geom->setVertexArray(new Vec3Array(_numcoords,_coords)); if (_cindex.valid()) { if (_cindex._is_ushort) geom->setVertexIndices(new UShortArray(_cindex._size,_cindex._ptr._ushort)); else /* _nindex._is_uint*/ geom->setVertexIndices(new UIntArray(_cindex._size,_cindex._ptr._uint)); } } if (_normals) { if (_flat_shaded_skip && _needprimlen && _normal_binding==BIND_PERVERTEX) { if (_nindex.valid()) { geom->setNormalArray(new Vec3Array(_numnormals,_normals)); if (_nindex._is_ushort) { UShortArray* indices = new UShortArray; int index=0; for(int primNo = 0; primNo<_numprims; ++primNo) { for (int i=0;i<_primLengths[primNo];++i) { indices->push_back(_nindex._ptr._ushort[index]); if (i>=_flat_shaded_skip) ++index; } } geom->setNormalIndices(indices); } else { UIntArray* indices = new UIntArray; int index=0; for(int primNo = 0; primNo<_numprims; ++primNo) { for (int i=0;i<_primLengths[primNo];++i) { indices->push_back(_nindex._ptr._uint[index]); if (i>=_flat_shaded_skip) ++index; } } geom->setNormalIndices(indices); } } else { Vec3Array* normals = new Vec3Array; int index=0; for(int primNo = 0; primNo<_numprims; ++primNo) { for (int i=0;i<_primLengths[primNo];++i) { normals->push_back(_normals[index]); if (i>=_flat_shaded_skip) ++index; } } geom->setNormalArray(normals); } } else { // usual path. geom->setNormalArray(new Vec3Array(_numnormals,_normals)); if (_nindex.valid()) { if (_nindex==_cindex) geom->setNormalIndices(geom->getVertexIndices()); else if (_nindex._is_ushort) geom->setNormalIndices(new UShortArray(_nindex._size,_nindex._ptr._ushort)); else /* _nindex._is_uint*/ geom->setNormalIndices(new UIntArray(_nindex._size,_nindex._ptr._uint)); } } } if (_colors) { if (_flat_shaded_skip && _needprimlen && _color_binding==BIND_PERVERTEX) { if (_colindex.valid()) { geom->setColorArray(new Vec4Array(_numcolors,_colors)); if (_colindex==_nindex && _normal_binding==BIND_PERVERTEX) { geom->setColorIndices(geom->getNormalIndices()); } else if (_colindex._is_ushort) { UShortArray* indices = new UShortArray; int index=0; for(int primNo = 0; primNo<_numprims; ++primNo) { for (int i=0;i<_primLengths[primNo];++i) { indices->push_back(_colindex._ptr._ushort[index]); if (i>=_flat_shaded_skip) ++index; } } geom->setColorIndices(indices); } else { UIntArray* indices = new UIntArray; int index=0; for(int primNo = 0; primNo<_numprims; ++primNo) { for (int i=0;i<_primLengths[primNo];++i) { indices->push_back(_colindex._ptr._uint[index]); if (i>=_flat_shaded_skip) ++index; } } geom->setColorIndices(indices); } } else { Vec4Array* colors = new Vec4Array; int index=0; for(int primNo = 0; primNo<_numprims; ++primNo) { for (int i=0;i<_primLengths[primNo];++i) { colors->push_back(_colors[index]); if (i>=_flat_shaded_skip) ++index; } } geom->setColorArray(colors); } } else { // usual path. geom->setColorArray(new Vec4Array(_numcolors,_colors)); if (_colindex.valid()) { if (_colindex==_cindex) geom->setColorIndices(geom->getVertexIndices()); else if (_colindex==_nindex) geom->setColorIndices(geom->getNormalIndices()); else if (_colindex._is_ushort) geom->setColorIndices(new UShortArray(_colindex._size,_colindex._ptr._ushort)); else /* _colindex._is_uint*/ geom->setColorIndices(new UIntArray(_colindex._size,_colindex._ptr._uint)); } } } if (_tcoords) { geom->setTexCoordArray(0,new Vec2Array(_numtcoords,_tcoords)); if (_tindex.valid()) { if (_tindex==_cindex) geom->setTexCoordIndices(0,geom->getVertexIndices()); else if (_tindex==_nindex) geom->setTexCoordIndices(0,geom->getNormalIndices()); else if (_tindex==_colindex) geom->setTexCoordIndices(0,geom->getColorIndices()); else if (_tindex._is_ushort) geom->setTexCoordIndices(0,new UShortArray(_tindex._size,_tindex._ptr._ushort)); else /* _tindex._is_uint*/ geom->setTexCoordIndices(0,new UIntArray(_tindex._size,_tindex._ptr._uint)); } } if (_needprimlen) { DrawArrayLengths* primitives = new DrawArrayLengths((GLenum)_oglprimtype); primitives->insert(primitives->end(), _primLengths, _primLengths+_numprims ); geom->addPrimitiveSet(primitives); } else { geom->addPrimitiveSet(new DrawArrays((GLenum)_oglprimtype,0, _numcoords)); } return geom.take(); }