A tri stripping visitor for converting Geometry surface primitives into tri strips.
Public Methods
TriStripVisitor(Optimizer* =0)
- default to traversing all children
void stripify(osg::Geometry& drawable)
- Convert mesh primitives in Geometry into Tri Strips.
void stripify()
- Stripfy the accumulated list of Geometry drawables
virtual void apply(osg::Geode& geode)
- accumulate the Geometry drawables to stripify
inline void setCacheSize( unsigned int size )
inline unsigned int getCacheSize()
inline const unsigned int getCacheSize() const
inline void setMinStripSize( unsigned int size )
inline unsigned int getMinStripSize()
inline const unsigned int getMinStripSize() const
inline bool isOperationPermissableForObject(const osg::Object* object) const
void setGenerateFourPointPrimitivesQuads(bool flag)
bool getGenerateFourPointPrimitivesQuads() const
A tri stripping visitor for converting Geometry surface primitives into tri strips.
The current implemention is based up Tanguy Fautre's triangulation code.
- TriStripVisitor(Optimizer* =0)
- default to traversing all children
- void stripify(osg::Geometry& drawable)
- Convert mesh primitives in Geometry into Tri Strips.
Converts all primitive types except points
and lines, linestrips which it leaves unchanged.
- void stripify()
- Stripfy the accumulated list of Geometry drawables
- virtual void apply(osg::Geode& geode)
- accumulate the Geometry drawables to stripify
- inline void setCacheSize( unsigned int size )
- inline unsigned int getCacheSize()
- inline const unsigned int getCacheSize() const
- inline void setMinStripSize( unsigned int size )
- inline unsigned int getMinStripSize()
- inline const unsigned int getMinStripSize() const
- inline bool isOperationPermissableForObject(const osg::Object* object) const
- void setGenerateFourPointPrimitivesQuads(bool flag)
- bool getGenerateFourPointPrimitivesQuads() const
- This class has no child classes.
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