class OSGUTIL_EXPORT osgUtil::TriStripVisitor

A tri stripping visitor for converting Geometry surface primitives into tri strips.


Public Methods

[more] TriStripVisitor(Optimizer* =0)
default to traversing all children
[more]void stripify(osg::Geometry& drawable)
Convert mesh primitives in Geometry into Tri Strips.
[more]void stripify()
Stripfy the accumulated list of Geometry drawables
[more]virtual void apply(osg::Geode& geode)
accumulate the Geometry drawables to stripify
[more]inline void setCacheSize( unsigned int size )
[more]inline unsigned int getCacheSize()
[more]inline const unsigned int getCacheSize() const
[more]inline void setMinStripSize( unsigned int size )
[more]inline unsigned int getMinStripSize()
[more]inline const unsigned int getMinStripSize() const
[more]inline bool isOperationPermissableForObject(const osg::Object* object) const
[more]void setGenerateFourPointPrimitivesQuads(bool flag)
[more]bool getGenerateFourPointPrimitivesQuads() const


A tri stripping visitor for converting Geometry surface primitives into tri strips. The current implemention is based up Tanguy Fautre's triangulation code.
o TriStripVisitor(Optimizer* =0)
default to traversing all children

ovoid stripify(osg::Geometry& drawable)
Convert mesh primitives in Geometry into Tri Strips. Converts all primitive types except points and lines, linestrips which it leaves unchanged.

ovoid stripify()
Stripfy the accumulated list of Geometry drawables

ovirtual void apply(osg::Geode& geode)
accumulate the Geometry drawables to stripify

oinline void setCacheSize( unsigned int size )

oinline unsigned int getCacheSize()

oinline const unsigned int getCacheSize() const

oinline void setMinStripSize( unsigned int size )

oinline unsigned int getMinStripSize()

oinline const unsigned int getMinStripSize() const

oinline bool isOperationPermissableForObject(const osg::Object* object) const

ovoid setGenerateFourPointPrimitivesQuads(bool flag)

obool getGenerateFourPointPrimitivesQuads() const

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