Pure virtual base class for fonts.
Public Classes
class FontImplementation: public osg::Referenced
class OSGTEXT_EXPORT GlyphTexture: public osg::Texture2D
class OSGTEXT_EXPORT Glyph: public osg::Image
Public Methods
Font(FontImplementation* implementation=0)
virtual osg::Object* cloneType() const
virtual osg::Object* clone(const osg::CopyOp&) const
virtual bool isSameKindAs(const osg::Object* obj) const
virtual const char* className() const
virtual const char* libraryName() const
virtual std::string getFileName() const
virtual void setSize(unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
- Set the pixel width and height hint
unsigned int getWidth() const
unsigned int getHeight() const
virtual osg::Vec2 getKerning(unsigned int leftcharcode, unsigned int rightcharcode, KerningType kerningType)
- Get a kerning (adjustment of spacing of two adjacent character) for specified charcodes, wrt the current font size hint
virtual Glyph* getGlyph(unsigned int charcode)
- Get a Glyph for specified charcode, and the font size nearest to the current font size hint
virtual bool hasVertical() const
- Return true if this font provides vertical alignments and spacing or glyphs
void setGlyphImageMargin(unsigned int margin)
- Set the margin around each glyph, to ensure that texture filtering doesn't bleed adjacent glyph's into each other.
unsigned int getGlyphImageMargin() const
void setTextureSizeHint(unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
- Set the size of texture to create to store the glyph images when rendering.
unsigned int getTextureWidthHint() const
unsigned int getTextureHeightHint() const
void setMinFilterHint(osg::Texture::FilterMode mode)
- Set the minification texture filter to use when creating the texture to store the glyph images when rendering.
osg::Texture::FilterMode getMinFilterHint() const
void setMagFilterHint(osg::Texture::FilterMode mode)
- Set the magnification texture filter to use when creating the texture to store the glyph images when rendering.
osg::Texture::FilterMode getMagFilterHint() const
void setImplementation(FontImplementation* implementation)
FontImplementation* getImplementation()
const FontImplementation* getImplementation() const
Protected Fields
SizeGlyphMap _sizeGlyphMap
GlyphTextureList _glyphTextureList
StateSetList _stateSetList
unsigned int _width
unsigned int _height
unsigned int _margin
unsigned int _textureWidthHint
unsigned int _textureHeightHint
osg::Texture::FilterMode _minFilterHint
osg::Texture::FilterMode _magFilterHint
osg::ref_ptr<osg::TexEnv > _texEnv
osg::ref_ptr<FontImplementation> _implementation
Protected Methods
virtual ~Font()
void addGlyph(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int charcode, Glyph* glyph)
typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<GlyphTexture> > GlyphTextureList
typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateSet> > StateSetList
typedef std::map< unsigned int, osg::ref_ptr<Glyph> > GlyphMap
typedef std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > SizePair
typedef std::map< SizePair, GlyphMap > SizeGlyphMap
Pure virtual base class for fonts.
Concrete implementation are the DefaultFont found in src/osgText/DefaultFont.cpp
and FreeTypeFont found in src/osgPlugins/freetype/FreeTypeFont.cpp
- Font(FontImplementation* implementation=0)
- virtual osg::Object* cloneType() const
- virtual osg::Object* clone(const osg::CopyOp&) const
- virtual bool isSameKindAs(const osg::Object* obj) const
- virtual const char* className() const
- virtual const char* libraryName() const
- virtual std::string getFileName() const
- virtual void setSize(unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
- Set the pixel width and height hint
- unsigned int getWidth() const
- unsigned int getHeight() const
- virtual osg::Vec2 getKerning(unsigned int leftcharcode, unsigned int rightcharcode, KerningType kerningType)
- Get a kerning (adjustment of spacing of two adjacent character) for specified charcodes, wrt the current font size hint
- virtual Glyph* getGlyph(unsigned int charcode)
- Get a Glyph for specified charcode, and the font size nearest to the current font size hint
- virtual bool hasVertical() const
- Return true if this font provides vertical alignments and spacing or glyphs
- void setGlyphImageMargin(unsigned int margin)
- Set the margin around each glyph,
to ensure that texture filtering doesn't bleed adjacent glyph's into each other.
Default margin is 2 texels.
- unsigned int getGlyphImageMargin() const
- void setTextureSizeHint(unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
- Set the size of texture to create to store the glyph images when rendering.
Note, this doesn't affect already created Texture Glhph's.
- unsigned int getTextureWidthHint() const
- unsigned int getTextureHeightHint() const
- void setMinFilterHint(osg::Texture::FilterMode mode)
- Set the minification texture filter to use when creating the texture to store the glyph images when rendering.
Note, this doesn't affect already created Texture Glhph's.
- osg::Texture::FilterMode getMinFilterHint() const
- void setMagFilterHint(osg::Texture::FilterMode mode)
- Set the magnification texture filter to use when creating the texture to store the glyph images when rendering.
Note, this doesn't affect already created Texture Glhph's.
- osg::Texture::FilterMode getMagFilterHint() const
- void setImplementation(FontImplementation* implementation)
- FontImplementation* getImplementation()
- const FontImplementation* getImplementation() const
- virtual ~Font()
- void addGlyph(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int charcode, Glyph* glyph)
- typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<GlyphTexture> > GlyphTextureList
- typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateSet> > StateSetList
- typedef std::map< unsigned int, osg::ref_ptr<Glyph> > GlyphMap
- typedef std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > SizePair
- typedef std::map< SizePair, GlyphMap > SizeGlyphMap
- SizeGlyphMap _sizeGlyphMap
- GlyphTextureList _glyphTextureList
- StateSetList _stateSetList
- unsigned int _width
- unsigned int _height
- unsigned int _margin
- unsigned int _textureWidthHint
- unsigned int _textureHeightHint
- osg::Texture::FilterMode _minFilterHint
- osg::Texture::FilterMode _magFilterHint
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::TexEnv > _texEnv
- osg::ref_ptr<FontImplementation> _implementation
- This class has no child classes.
- Friends:
- class FontImplementation
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