/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield * * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ #include #include #include #include using namespace osg; using namespace osgUtil; Tessellator::Tessellator() : _wtype(TESS_WINDING_ODD), _ttype(TESS_TYPE_POLYGONS), _boundaryOnly(false), _numberVerts(0) { _tobj = 0; _errorCode = 0; _index=0; } Tessellator::~Tessellator() { reset(); } void Tessellator::beginTessellation() { reset(); if (!_tobj) _tobj = gluNewTess(); gluTessCallback(_tobj, GLU_TESS_VERTEX_DATA, (GLU_TESS_CALLBACK) vertexCallback); gluTessCallback(_tobj, GLU_TESS_BEGIN_DATA, (GLU_TESS_CALLBACK) beginCallback); gluTessCallback(_tobj, GLU_TESS_END_DATA, (GLU_TESS_CALLBACK) endCallback); gluTessCallback(_tobj, GLU_TESS_COMBINE_DATA,(GLU_TESS_CALLBACK) combineCallback); gluTessCallback(_tobj, GLU_TESS_ERROR_DATA, (GLU_TESS_CALLBACK) errorCallback); if (tessNormal.length()>0.0) gluTessNormal(_tobj, tessNormal.x(), tessNormal.y(), tessNormal.z()); gluTessBeginPolygon(_tobj,this); } void Tessellator::beginContour() { if (_tobj) { gluTessBeginContour(_tobj); } } void Tessellator::addVertex(osg::Vec3* vertex) { if (_tobj) { Vec3d* data = new Vec3d; _coordData.push_back(data); (*data)._v[0]=(*vertex)[0]; (*data)._v[1]=(*vertex)[1]; (*data)._v[2]=(*vertex)[2]; gluTessVertex(_tobj,data->_v,vertex); } } void Tessellator::endContour() { if (_tobj) { gluTessEndContour(_tobj); } } void Tessellator::endTessellation() { if (_tobj) { gluTessEndPolygon(_tobj); gluDeleteTess(_tobj); _tobj = 0; if (_errorCode!=0) { const GLubyte *estring = gluErrorString((GLenum)_errorCode); osg::notify(osg::WARN)<<"Tessellation Error: "< void apply_imp(ARRAY& array,TYPE initialValue) { TYPE val = initialValue; if (_f1) val += static_cast(array[_i1] * _f1); if (_f2) val += static_cast(array[_i2] * _f2); if (_f3) val += static_cast(array[_i3] * _f3); if (_f4) val += static_cast(array[_i4] * _f4); array.push_back(val); } virtual void apply(osg::ByteArray& ba) { apply_imp(ba,GLbyte(0)); } virtual void apply(osg::ShortArray& ba) { apply_imp(ba,GLshort(0)); } virtual void apply(osg::IntArray& ba) { apply_imp(ba,GLint(0)); } virtual void apply(osg::UByteArray& ba) { apply_imp(ba,GLubyte(0)); } virtual void apply(osg::UShortArray& ba) { apply_imp(ba,GLushort(0)); } virtual void apply(osg::UIntArray& ba) { apply_imp(ba,GLuint(0)); } virtual void apply(osg::Vec4ubArray& ba) { apply_imp(ba,Vec4ub()); } virtual void apply(osg::FloatArray& ba) { apply_imp(ba,float(0)); } virtual void apply(osg::Vec2Array& ba) { apply_imp(ba,Vec2()); } virtual void apply(osg::Vec3Array& ba) { apply_imp(ba,Vec3()); } virtual void apply(osg::Vec4Array& ba) { apply_imp(ba,Vec4()); } }; void Tessellator::retessellatePolygons(osg::Geometry &geom) { // turn the contour list into primitives, a little like Tessellator does but more generally osg::Vec3Array* vertices = dynamic_cast(geom.getVertexArray()); if (!vertices || vertices->empty() || geom.getPrimitiveSetList().empty()) return; // we currently don't handle geometry which use indices... if (geom.getVertexIndices() || geom.getNormalIndices() || geom.getColorIndices() || geom.getSecondaryColorIndices() || geom.getFogCoordIndices()) return; // not even text coord indices don't handle geometry which use indices... for(unsigned int unit=0;unitgetNumElements(); // save the contours for complex (winding rule) tessellations _Contours=geom.getPrimitiveSetList(); } // now cut out vertex attributes added on any previous tessellation reduceArray(geom.getVertexArray(), _numberVerts); reduceArray(geom.getColorArray(), _numberVerts); reduceArray(geom.getNormalArray(), _numberVerts); reduceArray(geom.getFogCoordArray(), _numberVerts); for(unsigned int unit1=0;unit1 primitive = _Contours[primNo].get(); if (_ttype==TESS_TYPE_POLYGONS || _ttype==TESS_TYPE_DRAWABLE) { // this recovers the 'old' tessellation which just retessellates single polygons. if (primitive->getMode()==osg::PrimitiveSet::POLYGON || _ttype==TESS_TYPE_DRAWABLE) { if (primitive->getType()==osg::PrimitiveSet::DrawArrayLengthsPrimitiveType) { osg::DrawArrayLengths* drawArrayLengths = static_cast(primitive.get()); unsigned int first = drawArrayLengths->getFirst(); for(osg::DrawArrayLengths::iterator itr=drawArrayLengths->begin(); itr!=drawArrayLengths->end(); ++itr) { beginTessellation(); unsigned int last = first + *itr; addContour(primitive->getMode(),first,last,vertices); first = last; endTessellation(); collectTessellation(geom, currentPrimitive); currentPrimitive++; } } else { if (primitive->getNumIndices()>3) { // April 2005 gwm only retessellate "complex" polygons beginTessellation(); addContour(primitive.get(), vertices); endTessellation(); collectTessellation(geom, currentPrimitive); currentPrimitive++; } else { // April 2005 gwm triangles don't need to be retessellated geom.addPrimitiveSet(primitive.get()); } } } else { // copy the contour primitive as it is not being tessellated geom.addPrimitiveSet(primitive.get()); } } else { if (primitive->getMode()==osg::PrimitiveSet::POLYGON || primitive->getMode()==osg::PrimitiveSet::QUADS || primitive->getMode()==osg::PrimitiveSet::TRIANGLES || primitive->getMode()==osg::PrimitiveSet::LINE_LOOP || primitive->getMode()==osg::PrimitiveSet::QUAD_STRIP || primitive->getMode()==osg::PrimitiveSet::TRIANGLE_FAN || primitive->getMode()==osg::PrimitiveSet::TRIANGLE_STRIP) { addContour(primitive.get(), vertices); } else { // copy the contour primitive as it is not being tessellated // in this case points, lines or line_strip geom.addPrimitiveSet(primitive.get()); } } } if (_ttype==TESS_TYPE_GEOMETRY) { endTessellation(); collectTessellation(geom, 0); } } void Tessellator::addContour(GLenum mode, unsigned int first, unsigned int last, osg::Vec3Array* vertices) { beginContour(); unsigned int idx=0; unsigned int nperprim=0; // number of vertices per primitive if (mode==osg::PrimitiveSet::QUADS) nperprim=4; else if (mode==osg::PrimitiveSet::TRIANGLES) nperprim=3; unsigned int i; switch (mode) { case osg::PrimitiveSet::QUADS: case osg::PrimitiveSet::TRIANGLES: case osg::PrimitiveSet::POLYGON: case osg::PrimitiveSet::LINE_LOOP: case osg::PrimitiveSet::TRIANGLE_FAN: { for(i=first;i0 && i=first;i-=2) { // ...5,3,1 addVertex(&((*vertices)[i])); } } break; case osg::PrimitiveSet::TRIANGLE_STRIP: { for( i=first;ifirst&& i0 && igetMode()==osg::PrimitiveSet::QUADS) nperprim=4; if (primitive->getMode()==osg::PrimitiveSet::TRIANGLES) nperprim=3; unsigned int idx=0; switch(primitive->getType()) { case(osg::PrimitiveSet::DrawArraysPrimitiveType): { osg::DrawArrays* drawArray = static_cast(primitive); unsigned int first = drawArray->getFirst(); unsigned int last = first+drawArray->getCount(); addContour(primitive->getMode(),first,last,vertices); break; } case(osg::PrimitiveSet::DrawElementsUBytePrimitiveType): { beginContour(); osg::DrawElementsUByte* drawElements = static_cast(primitive); for(osg::DrawElementsUByte::iterator indexItr=drawElements->begin(); indexItr!=drawElements->end(); ++indexItr, idx++) { addVertex(&((*vertices)[*indexItr])); if (nperprim>0 && indexItr!=drawElements->end() && idx%nperprim==nperprim-1) { endContour(); beginContour(); } } endContour(); break; } case(osg::PrimitiveSet::DrawElementsUShortPrimitiveType): { beginContour(); osg::DrawElementsUShort* drawElements = static_cast(primitive); for(osg::DrawElementsUShort::iterator indexItr=drawElements->begin(); indexItr!=drawElements->end(); ++indexItr, idx++) { addVertex(&((*vertices)[*indexItr])); if (nperprim>0 && indexItr!=drawElements->end() && idx%nperprim==nperprim-1) { endContour(); beginContour(); } } endContour(); break; } case(osg::PrimitiveSet::DrawElementsUIntPrimitiveType): { beginContour(); osg::DrawElementsUInt* drawElements = static_cast(primitive); for(osg::DrawElementsUInt::iterator indexItr=drawElements->begin(); indexItr!=drawElements->end(); ++indexItr, idx++) { addVertex(&((*vertices)[*indexItr])); if (nperprim>0 && indexItr!=drawElements->end() && idx%nperprim==nperprim-1) { endContour(); beginContour(); } } endContour(); break; } default: osg::notify(osg::NOTICE)<<"Tessellator::addContour(primitive, vertices) : Primitive type "<getType()<<" not handled"<(geom.getVertexArray()); osg::Vec3Array* normals = NULL; if (geom.getNormalBinding()==osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX) { normals = dynamic_cast(geom.getNormalArray()); } typedef std::vector ArrayList; ArrayList arrays; if (geom.getColorBinding()==osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX) { arrays.push_back(geom.getColorArray()); } if (geom.getSecondaryColorBinding()==osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX) { arrays.push_back(geom.getSecondaryColorArray()); } if (geom.getFogCoordBinding()==osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX) { arrays.push_back(geom.getFogCoordArray()); } osg::Geometry::ArrayDataList& tcal = geom.getTexCoordArrayList(); for(osg::Geometry::ArrayDataList::iterator tcalItr=tcal.begin(); tcalItr!=tcal.end(); ++tcalItr) { if (tcalItr->array.valid()) { arrays.push_back(tcalItr->array.get()); } } // now add any new vertices that are required. for(NewVertexList::iterator itr=_newVertexList.begin(); itr!=_newVertexList.end(); ++itr) { NewVertex& newVertex = (*itr); osg::Vec3* vertex = newVertex._vpos; // assign vertex. vertexPtrToIndexMap[vertex]=vertices->size(); vertices->push_back(*vertex); // assign normals if (normals) { osg::Vec3 norm(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); if (newVertex._v1) norm += (*normals)[vertexPtrToIndexMap[newVertex._v1]] * newVertex._f1; if (newVertex._v2) norm += (*normals)[vertexPtrToIndexMap[newVertex._v2]] * newVertex._f2; if (newVertex._v3) norm += (*normals)[vertexPtrToIndexMap[newVertex._v3]] * newVertex._f3; if (newVertex._v4) norm += (*normals)[vertexPtrToIndexMap[newVertex._v4]] * newVertex._f4; norm.normalize(); normals->push_back(norm); } if (!arrays.empty()) { InsertNewVertices inv(newVertex._f1,vertexPtrToIndexMap[newVertex._v1], newVertex._f2,vertexPtrToIndexMap[newVertex._v2], newVertex._f3,vertexPtrToIndexMap[newVertex._v3], newVertex._f4,vertexPtrToIndexMap[newVertex._v4]); // assign the rest of the attributes. for(ArrayList::iterator aItr=arrays.begin(); aItr!=arrays.end(); ++aItr) { (*aItr)->accept(inv); } } } } } void Tessellator::begin(GLenum mode) { _primList.push_back(new Prim(mode)); } void Tessellator::vertex(osg::Vec3* vertex) { if (!_primList.empty()) { Prim* prim = _primList.back().get(); prim->_vertices.push_back(vertex); } } void Tessellator::combine(osg::Vec3* vertex,void* vertex_data[4],GLfloat weight[4]) { _newVertexList.push_back(NewVertex(vertex, weight[0],(Vec3*)vertex_data[0], weight[1],(Vec3*)vertex_data[1], weight[2],(Vec3*)vertex_data[2], weight[3],(Vec3*)vertex_data[3])); } void Tessellator::end() { // no need to do anything right now... } void Tessellator::error(GLenum errorCode) { _errorCode = errorCode; } void CALLBACK Tessellator::beginCallback(GLenum which, void* userData) { ((Tessellator*)userData)->begin(which); } void CALLBACK Tessellator::endCallback(void* userData) { ((Tessellator*)userData)->end(); } void CALLBACK Tessellator::vertexCallback(GLvoid *data, void* userData) { ((Tessellator*)userData)->vertex((Vec3*)data); } void CALLBACK Tessellator::combineCallback(GLdouble coords[3], void* vertex_data[4], GLfloat weight[4], void** outData, void* userData) { Vec3* newData = new osg::Vec3(coords[0],coords[1],coords[2]); *outData = newData; ((Tessellator*)userData)->combine(newData,vertex_data,weight); } void CALLBACK Tessellator::errorCallback(GLenum errorCode, void* userData) { ((Tessellator*)userData)->error(errorCode); } void Tessellator::reduceArray(osg::Array * cold, const unsigned int nnu) { // shrinks size of array to N if (cold && cold->getNumElements()>nnu) { osg::Vec2Array* v2arr = NULL; osg::Vec3Array* v3arr = NULL; osg::Vec4Array* v4arr = NULL; switch (cold->getType()) { case osg::Array::Vec2ArrayType: { v2arr = dynamic_cast(cold); osg::Vec2Array::iterator itr=v2arr->begin()+nnu; (*v2arr).erase(itr, v2arr->end()); } break; case osg::Array::Vec3ArrayType: { v3arr = dynamic_cast(cold); osg::Vec3Array::iterator itr=v3arr->begin()+nnu; (*v3arr).erase(itr, v3arr->end()); } break; case osg::Array::Vec4ArrayType: { v4arr = dynamic_cast(cold); osg::Vec4Array::iterator itr=v4arr->begin()+nnu; (*v4arr).erase(itr, v4arr->end()); } break; default: // should also handle:ArrayType' ByteArrayType' ShortArrayType' IntArrayType' // `UShortArrayType' `UIntArrayType' `Vec4ubArrayType' `FloatArrayType' break; } } } void Tessellator::collectTessellation(osg::Geometry &geom, unsigned int originalIndex) { osg::Vec3Array* vertices = dynamic_cast(geom.getVertexArray()); VertexPtrToIndexMap vertexPtrToIndexMap; // populate the VertexPtrToIndexMap. for(unsigned int vi=0;visize();++vi) { vertexPtrToIndexMap[&((*vertices)[vi])] = vi; } handleNewVertices(geom, vertexPtrToIndexMap); // we don't properly handle per primitive and per primitive_set bindings yet // will need to address this soon. Robert Oct 2002. { osg::Vec3Array* normals = NULL; // GWM Sep 2002 - add normals for extra facets int iprim=0; if (geom.getNormalBinding()==osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE || geom.getNormalBinding()==osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE_SET) { normals = dynamic_cast(geom.getNormalArray()); // GWM Sep 2002 } // GWM Dec 2003 - needed to add colours for extra facets osg::Vec4Array* cols4 = NULL; // GWM Dec 2003 colours are vec4 osg::Vec3Array* cols3 = NULL; // GWM Dec 2003 colours are vec3 if (geom.getColorBinding()==osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE || geom.getColorBinding()==osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE_SET) { Array* colours = geom.getColorArray(); // GWM Dec 2003 - need to duplicate face colours switch (colours->getType()) { case osg::Array::Vec4ArrayType: cols4=dynamic_cast (colours); break; case osg::Array::Vec3ArrayType: cols3=dynamic_cast (colours); break; default: break; } } // GWM Dec 2003 - these holders need to go outside the loop to // retain the flat shaded colour &/or normal for each tessellated polygon osg::Vec3 norm(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); osg::Vec4 primCol4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,1.0f); osg::Vec3 primCol3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); for(PrimList::iterator primItr=_primList.begin(); primItr!=_primList.end(); ++primItr, ++_index) { Prim* prim=primItr->get(); int ntris=0; if(vertexPtrToIndexMap.size() <= 255) { osg::DrawElementsUByte* elements = new osg::DrawElementsUByte(prim->_mode); for(Prim::VecList::iterator vitr=prim->_vertices.begin(); vitr!=prim->_vertices.end(); ++vitr) { elements->push_back(vertexPtrToIndexMap[*vitr]); } // add to the drawn primitive list. geom.addPrimitiveSet(elements); ntris=elements->getNumIndices()/3; } else if(vertexPtrToIndexMap.size() > 255 && vertexPtrToIndexMap.size() <= 65535) { osg::DrawElementsUShort* elements = new osg::DrawElementsUShort(prim->_mode); for(Prim::VecList::iterator vitr=prim->_vertices.begin(); vitr!=prim->_vertices.end(); ++vitr) { elements->push_back(vertexPtrToIndexMap[*vitr]); } // add to the drawn primitive list. geom.addPrimitiveSet(elements); ntris=elements->getNumIndices()/3; } else { osg::DrawElementsUInt* elements = new osg::DrawElementsUInt(prim->_mode); for(Prim::VecList::iterator vitr=prim->_vertices.begin(); vitr!=prim->_vertices.end(); ++vitr) { elements->push_back(vertexPtrToIndexMap[*vitr]); } // add to the drawn primitive list. geom.addPrimitiveSet(elements); ntris=elements->getNumIndices()/3; } if (primItr==_primList.begin()) { // first primitive so collect primitive normal & colour. if (normals) { if (geom.getNormalBinding()==osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE) norm=(*normals)[originalIndex + _extraPrimitives]; else norm=(*normals)[iprim]; // GWM Sep 2002 the flat shaded normal } if (cols4) { primCol4=(*cols4)[iprim]; // GWM Dec 2003 the flat shaded rgba colour if (_index>=cols4->size()) { cols4->push_back(primCol4); // GWM Dec 2003 add flat shaded colour for new facet } } if (cols3) { primCol3=(*cols3)[iprim]; // GWM Dec 2003 flat shaded rgb colour if (_index>=cols3->size()) { cols3->push_back(primCol3); // GWM Dec 2003 add flat shaded colour for new facet } } } else { // later primitives use same colour if (normals) { if (geom.getNormalBinding()==osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE) { _extraPrimitives++; normals->insert(normals->begin() + originalIndex + _extraPrimitives, norm); } else normals->push_back(norm); // GWM Sep 2002 add flat shaded normal for new facet } if (cols4 && _index>=cols4->size()) { cols4->push_back(primCol4); // GWM Dec 2003 add flat shaded colour for new facet } if (cols3 && _index>=cols3->size()) { if (cols3) cols3->push_back(primCol3); // GWM Dec 2003 add flat shaded colour for new facet } if (prim->_mode==GL_TRIANGLES) { if (geom.getNormalBinding()==osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE_SET || geom.getNormalBinding()==osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE) { // need one per triangle? Not one per set. for (int ii=1; iipush_back(norm); // GWM Sep 2002 add flat shaded normal for new facet } } if (geom.getColorBinding()==osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE_SET || geom.getColorBinding()==osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE) { // need one per triangle? Not one per set. for (int ii=1; ii=cols3->size()) { if (cols3) cols3->push_back(primCol3); } if (cols4 && _index>=cols4->size()) { if (cols4) cols4->push_back(primCol4); } _index++; } } } // osg::notify(osg::WARN)<<"Add: "<< iprim << std::endl; } iprim++; // GWM Sep 2002 count which normal we should use } } }