// C++ source file - (C) 2003 Robert Osfield, released under the OSGPL. // // Simple example of use of Producer::RenderSurface + KeyboardMouseCallback + SceneView // example that provides the user with control over view position with basic picking. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ----------- Begining of glue classes to adapter Producer's keyboard mouse events to osgGA's abstraction events. class MyKeyboardMouseCallback : public Producer::KeyboardMouseCallback { public: MyKeyboardMouseCallback(osgGA::EventQueue* eventQueue) : _done(false), _eventQueue(eventQueue) { } virtual void shutdown() { _done = true; } virtual void specialKeyPress( Producer::KeyCharacter key ) { if (key==Producer::KeyChar_Escape) shutdown(); _eventQueue->keyPress( (osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KeySymbol) key ); } virtual void specialKeyRelease( Producer::KeyCharacter key ) { _eventQueue->keyRelease( (osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KeySymbol) key ); } virtual void keyPress( Producer::KeyCharacter key) { _eventQueue->keyPress( (osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KeySymbol) key ); } virtual void keyRelease( Producer::KeyCharacter key) { _eventQueue->keyRelease( (osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KeySymbol) key ); } virtual void mouseMotion( float mx, float my ) { _eventQueue->mouseMotion( mx, my ); } virtual void buttonPress( float mx, float my, unsigned int mbutton ) { _eventQueue->mouseButtonPress(mx, my, mbutton); } virtual void buttonRelease( float mx, float my, unsigned int mbutton ) { _eventQueue->mouseButtonRelease(mx, my, mbutton); } bool done() { return _done; } private: bool _done; osg::ref_ptr _eventQueue; }; class MyActionAdapter : public osgGA::GUIActionAdapter, public osg::Referenced { public: // Override from GUIActionAdapter virtual void requestRedraw() {} // Override from GUIActionAdapter virtual void requestContinuousUpdate(bool =true) {} // Override from GUIActionAdapter virtual void requestWarpPointer(float ,float ) {} }; // ----------- End of glue classes to adapter Producer's keyboard mouse events to osgGA's abstraction events. class CreateModelToSaveVisitor : public osg::NodeVisitor { public: CreateModelToSaveVisitor(): osg::NodeVisitor(osg::NodeVisitor::TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN) { _group = new osg::Group; _addToModel = false; } virtual void apply(osg::Node& node) { osgFX::Scribe* scribe = dynamic_cast(&node); if (scribe) { for(unsigned int i=0; igetNumChildren(); ++i) { _group->addChild(scribe->getChild(i)); } } else { traverse(node); } } osg::ref_ptr _group; bool _addToModel; }; // class to handle events with a pick class PickHandler : public osgGA::GUIEventHandler { public: PickHandler(osgUtil::SceneView* sceneView): _sceneView(sceneView), _mx(0.0),_my(0.0) {} ~PickHandler() {} bool handle(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter& ea,osgGA::GUIActionAdapter&) { switch(ea.getEventType()) { case(osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEYUP): { if (ea.getKey()=='s') { saveSelectedModel(); } return false; } case(osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::PUSH): case(osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::MOVE): { _mx = ea.getX(); _my = ea.getY(); return false; } case(osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::RELEASE): { if (_mx == ea.getX() && _my == ea.getY()) { // only do a pick if the mouse hasn't moved pick(ea); } return true; } default: return false; } } void pick(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter& ea) { osg::Node* scene = _sceneView.valid() ? _sceneView->getSceneData() : 0; if (!scene) return; // remap the mouse x,y into viewport coordinates. float mx = _sceneView->getViewport()->x() + (int)((float)_sceneView->getViewport()->width()*(ea.getXnormalized()*0.5f+0.5f)); float my = _sceneView->getViewport()->y() + (int)((float)_sceneView->getViewport()->height()*(ea.getYnormalized()*0.5f+0.5f)); // do the pick traversal. osgUtil::PickVisitor pick(_sceneView->getViewport(), _sceneView->getProjectionMatrix(), _sceneView->getViewMatrix(), mx, my); scene->accept(pick); osgUtil::PickVisitor::LineSegmentHitListMap& segHitList = pick.getSegHitList(); if (!segHitList.empty() && !segHitList.begin()->second.empty()) { std::cout<<"Got hits"<second; // just take the first hit - nearest the eye point. osgUtil::Hit& hit = hits.front(); osg::NodePath& nodePath = hit._nodePath; osg::Node* node = (nodePath.size()>=1)?nodePath[nodePath.size()-1]:0; osg::Group* parent = (nodePath.size()>=2)?dynamic_cast(nodePath[nodePath.size()-2]):0; if (node) std::cout<<" Hits "<className()<<" nodePath size"<className()<(parent); if (!parentAsScribe) { // node not already picked, so highlight it with an osgFX::Scribe osgFX::Scribe* scribe = new osgFX::Scribe(); scribe->addChild(node); parent->replaceChild(node,scribe); } else { // node already picked so we want to remove scribe to unpick it. osg::Node::ParentList parentList = parentAsScribe->getParents(); for(osg::Node::ParentList::iterator itr=parentList.begin(); itr!=parentList.end(); ++itr) { (*itr)->replaceChild(parentAsScribe,node); } } } } } void saveSelectedModel() { CreateModelToSaveVisitor cmtsv; _sceneView->getSceneData()->accept(cmtsv); if (cmtsv._group->getNumChildren()>0) { std::cout<<"Writing selected compoents to 'selected_model.osg'"< _sceneView; float _mx,_my; }; int main( int argc, char **argv ) { if (argc<2) { std::cout << argv[0] <<": requires filename argument." << std::endl; return 1; } // load the scene. osg::ref_ptr loadedModel = osgDB::readNodeFile(argv[1]); if (!loadedModel) { std::cout << argv[0] <<": No data loaded." << std::endl; return 1; } // create the window to draw to. osg::ref_ptr renderSurface = new Producer::RenderSurface; renderSurface->setWindowName("osgkeyboardmouse"); renderSurface->setWindowRectangle(100,100,800,600); renderSurface->useBorder(true); renderSurface->realize(); // create the view of the scene. osgGA::SimpleViewer viewer; viewer.setSceneData(loadedModel.get()); // set up a KeyboardMouse to manage the events comming in from the RenderSurface osg::ref_ptr kbm = new Producer::KeyboardMouse(renderSurface.get()); // create a KeyboardMouseCallback to handle the mouse events within this applications osg::ref_ptr kbmcb = new MyKeyboardMouseCallback(viewer.getEventQueue()); // create a tracball manipulator to move the camera around in response to keyboard/mouse events viewer.setCameraManipulator( new osgGA::TrackballManipulator ); osg::ref_ptr statesetManipulator = new osgGA::StateSetManipulator; statesetManipulator->setStateSet(viewer.getSceneView()->getGlobalStateSet()); viewer.addEventHandler(statesetManipulator.get()); // add the pick handler viewer.addEventHandler(new PickHandler(viewer.getSceneView())); // set the window dimensions viewer.getEventQueue()->getCurrentEventState()->setWindowRectangle(100,100,800,600); // set the mouse input range. // Producer defaults to using non-dimensional units, so we pass this onto osgGA, most windowing toolkits use pixel coords so use the window size instead. viewer.getEventQueue()->getCurrentEventState()->setInputRange(-1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // Producer has the y axis increase upwards, like OpenGL, and contary to most Windowing toolkits. // we need to construct the event queue so that it knows about this convention. viewer.getEventQueue()->getCurrentEventState()->setMouseYOrientation(osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::Y_INCREASING_UPWARDS); viewer.init(); // main loop (note, window toolkits which take control over the main loop will require a window redraw callback containing the code below.) while( renderSurface->isRealized() && !kbmcb->done()) { // update the window dimensions, in case the window has been resized. viewer.getEventQueue()->windowResize(0,0,renderSurface->getWindowWidth(),renderSurface->getWindowHeight(), false); // pass any keyboard mouse events onto the local keyboard mouse callback. kbm->update( *kbmcb ); viewer.frame(); // Swap Buffers renderSurface->swapBuffers(); } return 0; }