// MFC_OSG_MDIView.cpp : implementation of the CMFC_OSG_MDIView class // #include "stdafx.h" #include "MFC_OSG_MDI.h" #include "MFC_OSG_MDIDoc.h" #include "MFC_OSG_MDIView.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CMFC_OSG_MDIView, CView) BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMFC_OSG_MDIView, CView) ON_WM_CREATE() ON_WM_DESTROY() ON_WM_KEYDOWN() END_MESSAGE_MAP() CMFC_OSG_MDIView::CMFC_OSG_MDIView() : mOSG(0L) { } CMFC_OSG_MDIView::~CMFC_OSG_MDIView() { } BOOL CMFC_OSG_MDIView::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) { return CView::PreCreateWindow(cs); } void CMFC_OSG_MDIView::OnDraw(CDC* /*pDC*/) { CMFC_OSG_MDIDoc* pDoc = GetDocument(); ASSERT_VALID(pDoc); if (!pDoc) return; } #ifdef _DEBUG void CMFC_OSG_MDIView::AssertValid() const { CView::AssertValid(); } void CMFC_OSG_MDIView::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CView::Dump(dc); } CMFC_OSG_MDIDoc* CMFC_OSG_MDIView::GetDocument() const // non-debug version is inline { ASSERT(m_pDocument->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMFC_OSG_MDIDoc))); return (CMFC_OSG_MDIDoc*)m_pDocument; } #endif //_DEBUG int CMFC_OSG_MDIView::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { // Let MFC create the window before OSG if (CView::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; // Now that the window is created setup OSG mOSG = new cOSG(m_hWnd); return 1; } void CMFC_OSG_MDIView::OnDestroy() { if(mOSG != 0) delete mOSG; WaitForSingleObject(mThreadHandle, 1000); CView::OnDestroy(); } void CMFC_OSG_MDIView::OnInitialUpdate() { CView::OnInitialUpdate(); // Get Filename from DocumentOpen Dialog CString csFileName = GetDocument()->GetFileName(); // Init the osg class mOSG->InitOSG(csFileName.GetString()); // Start the thread to do OSG Rendering mThreadHandle = (HANDLE)_beginthread(&cOSG::Render, 0, mOSG); } void CMFC_OSG_MDIView::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { // Pass Key Presses into OSG mOSG->getViewer()->getEventQueue()->keyPress(nChar); // Close Window on Escape Key if(nChar == VK_ESCAPE) { GetParent()->SendMessage(WM_CLOSE); } }