IF(WIN32) CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.4.6 FATAL_ERROR) ELSE(WIN32) IF(APPLE) CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.6.0 FATAL_ERROR) IF(${CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION} EQUAL 2 AND ${CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION} EQUAL 4 AND ${CMAKE_PATCH_VERSION} LESS 7) MESSAGE("Warning: A critical CMake bug exists in 2.4.6 and below. Trying to build Universal Binaries will result in a compile error that seems unrelated. Either avoid building Universal Binaries by changing the CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES field to list only your architecture, or upgrade to the current CVS version of CMake or a newer stable version if it exists.") ENDIF(${CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION} EQUAL 2 AND ${CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION} EQUAL 4 AND ${CMAKE_PATCH_VERSION} LESS 7) ELSE(APPLE) CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.4.0 FATAL_ERROR) ENDIF(APPLE) ENDIF(WIN32) if(COMMAND cmake_policy) # Works around warnings libraries linked against that don't # have absolute paths (e.g. -lpthreads) cmake_policy(SET CMP0003 NEW) # Works around warnings about escaped quotes in ADD_DEFINITIONS # statements. cmake_policy(SET CMP0005 NEW) endif(COMMAND cmake_policy) PROJECT(OpenSceneGraph) SET(OPENSCENEGRAPH_MAJOR_VERSION 2) SET(OPENSCENEGRAPH_MINOR_VERSION 7) SET(OPENSCENEGRAPH_PATCH_VERSION 2) SET(OPENSCENEGRAPH_SOVERSION 46) SET(OPENSCENEGRAPH_VERSION ${OPENSCENEGRAPH_MAJOR_VERSION}.${OPENSCENEGRAPH_MINOR_VERSION}.${OPENSCENEGRAPH_PATCH_VERSION}) SET(OSG_PLUGINS osgPlugins-${OPENSCENEGRAPH_VERSION}) SET(OSG_PLUGIN_PREFIX "") IF (CYGWIN) SET(OSG_PLUGIN_PREFIX "cygwin_") ENDIF(CYGWIN) IF(MINGW) SET(OSG_PLUGIN_PREFIX "mingw_") ENDIF(MINGW) # We want to build SONAMES shared librariess SET(OPENSCENEGRAPH_SONAMES TRUE) SET(OPENTHREADS_SONAMES TRUE) SET(OpenThreads_SOURCE_DIR ${OpenSceneGraph_SOURCE_DIR}) # We have some custom .cmake scripts not in the official distribution. # Maybe this can be used override existing behavior if needed? SET(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${OpenSceneGraph_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeModules;${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}") # Mainly for Windows as a convenience. This will find a directory in parallel with the # OSG source that contains 3rd party headers and libraries. # Use of relative paths in CMake is ill-advised, but don't know of any alternatives in this case #SET(CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH "${OpenSceneGraph_SOURCE_DIR}/../3rdParty/include;${CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH}") #SET(CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH "${OpenSceneGraph_SOURCE_DIR}/../3rdParty/lib;${CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH}") IF(USING_OSG_OP_OT_TRIPLE_SET) SET(CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH "${OpenSceneGraph_SOURCE_DIR}/../../3rdParty/include;${CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH}") SET(CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH "${OpenSceneGraph_SOURCE_DIR}/../../3rdParty/lib;${CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH}") ENDIF(USING_OSG_OP_OT_TRIPLE_SET) # Okay, here's the problem: On some platforms, linking against OpenThreads # is not enough and explicit linking to the underlying thread library # is also required (e.g. FreeBSD). But OpenThreads may be built with different # backends (Pthreads, Sproc, Windows) so we don't know what the underlying # thread library is because some platforms support multiple backends (e.g. # IRIX supports Sproc and Pthreads). Linking all libraries won't work # because the libraries may be incompatible. # So the current solution is to attempt best guess linking and exempt certain # cases. With IRIX, we're going to hope explicit linking to the underlying # library is not necessary. We currently don't case for pthreads on Windows # which might be an issue on things like Cygwin. This may need to be fixed. FIND_PACKAGE(Threads) IF(CMAKE_SYSTEM MATCHES IRIX) # Erase CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT and hope it works SET(CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT "" CACHE INTERNAL "") ENDIF(CMAKE_SYSTEM MATCHES IRIX) # Find OpenGL FIND_PACKAGE(OpenGL) IF(APPLE) FIND_LIBRARY(CARBON_LIBRARY Carbon) FIND_LIBRARY(COCOA_LIBRARY Cocoa) ENDIF(APPLE) IF(UNIX) # Not sure what this will do on Cygwin and Msys # Also, remember OS X X11 is a user installed option so it may not exist. FIND_PACKAGE(X11) # Some Unicies need explicit linkage to the Math library or the build fails. FIND_LIBRARY(MATH_LIBRARY m) ENDIF(UNIX) # Make the headers visible to everything IF(NOT ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} EQUAL ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include) ENDIF(NOT ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} EQUAL ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ${OpenSceneGraph_SOURCE_DIR}/include ${OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR} ) # Common global definitions #ADD_DEFINITIONS(-D) # Platform specific definitions IF(WIN32) IF(MSVC) # This option is to enable the /MP switch for Visual Studio 2005 and above compilers OPTION(WIN32_USE_MP "Set to ON to build OpenSceneGraph with the /MP option (Visual Studio 2005 and above)." OFF) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(WIN32_USE_MP) IF(WIN32_USE_MP) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} /MP") ENDIF(WIN32_USE_MP) # More MSVC specific compilation flags ADD_DEFINITIONS(-D_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE) ENDIF(MSVC) #needed for net plugin SET (OSG_SOCKET_LIBS wsock32) # Both Cygwin and Msys need -DNOMINMAX ??? IF(UNIX) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DNOMINMAX) ENDIF(UNIX) ######################################################################################################## # the foolowing options are MSVC specific, # the first OSG_MSVC_VERSIONED_DLL activate a custom build-time layout that should allow to run examples and application # fron bin folder without requiring installation step. # it also prepend "osg${OPENSCENEGRAPH_SOVERSION}-" to only .dll files, leaving .lib files untouched in lib # it also use a hack to get rid of Debug and Release folder in MSVC projects # all the .dll and .pdb are in bin and all the .lib and .exp are in lib # # the second option disable incremental linking in debug build , that is enabled by default by CMake ########################################################################################################## IF(MSVC) IF(${CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION} EQUAL 2 AND ${CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION} EQUAL 4 AND ${CMAKE_PATCH_VERSION} LESS 7) MESSAGE("Warning: disabling versioned options 2.4.6 exibits inconsintencies in .pdb naming, at least under MSVC, suggested upgrading at least to 2.4.7") SET(OSG_MSVC_VERSIONED_DLL OFF) SET(OSG_MSVC_DEBUG_INCREMENTAL_LINK ON) ELSE(${CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION} EQUAL 2 AND ${CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION} EQUAL 4 AND ${CMAKE_PATCH_VERSION} LESS 7) OPTION(OSG_MSVC_VERSIONED_DLL "Set to ON to build OpenSceneGraph with versioned dll names" ON) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(OSG_MSVC_VERSIONED_DLL) OPTION(OSG_MSVC_DEBUG_INCREMENTAL_LINK "Set to OFF to build OpenSceneGraph without incremental linking in debug (release is off by default)" ON) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(OSG_MSVC_DEBUG_INCREMENTAL_LINK) IF(NOT OSG_MSVC_DEBUG_INCREMENTAL_LINK) SET(CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG "/debug /INCREMENTAL:NO") SET(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG "/debug /INCREMENTAL:NO") SET(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG "/debug /INCREMENTAL:NO") ENDIF(NOT OSG_MSVC_DEBUG_INCREMENTAL_LINK) ENDIF(${CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION} EQUAL 2 AND ${CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION} EQUAL 4 AND ${CMAKE_PATCH_VERSION} LESS 7) ENDIF(MSVC) ENDIF(WIN32) ######################################################################################################## ##### these were settings located in SetupCommon.cmake used in Luigi builds.... find out what are useful ######################################################################################################## #luigi#SET(CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE TRUE) #luigi#SET(CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH TRUE) #luigi#SET(CMAKE_SKIP_RULE_DEPENDENCY TRUE) #luigi#IF(UNIX) #luigi# LIST_CONTAINS(contains "g++" ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LIST}) #luigi# IF (contains) #luigi# MESSAGE(${MY_MESSAGE_DEFAULT} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}:${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE} setting CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER to g++") #luigi# SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "g++") #luigi# SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LOADED 2) #luigi# SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_WORKS 2) #luigi# ENDIF (contains) #luigi# SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O2") #luigi# SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "-ggdb -gstabs") #luigi#ENDIF(UNIX) ######################################################################################################## OPTION(OSG_USE_FLOAT_MATRIX "Set to ON to build OpenSceneGraph with float Matrix instead of double." OFF) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(OSG_USE_FLOAT_MATRIX) OPTION(OSG_USE_FLOAT_PLANE "Set to ON to build OpenSceneGraph with float Plane instead of double." OFF) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(OSG_USE_FLOAT_PLANE) OPTION(OSG_USE_FLOAT_BOUNDINGSPHERE "Set to ON to build OpenSceneGraph with float BoundingSphere instead of double." ON) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(OSG_USE_FLOAT_BOUNDINGSPHERE) OPTION(OSG_USE_FLOAT_BOUNDINGBOX "Set to ON to build OpenSceneGraph with float BoundingBox instead of double." ON) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(OSG_USE_FLOAT_BOUNDINGBOX) ################################################################################ # Set Config file SET(OPENSCENEGRAPH_CONFIG_HEADER "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include/osg/Config") CONFIGURE_FILE("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/osg/Config.in" "${OPENSCENEGRAPH_CONFIG_HEADER}") # INSTALL_FILES(/include/osg/ FILES "${OPENSCENEGRAPH_CONFIG_HEADER}") ################################################################################ # 3rd Party Dependency Stuff IF(WIN32) INCLUDE(Find3rdPartyDependencies) ENDIF(WIN32) # Common to all platforms: FIND_PACKAGE(FreeType) FIND_PACKAGE(FLTK) FIND_PACKAGE(GLUT) FIND_PACKAGE(SDL) FIND_PACKAGE(FOX) FIND_PACKAGE(Inventor) FIND_PACKAGE(Jasper) FIND_PACKAGE(COLLADA) FIND_PACKAGE(Xine) FIND_PACKAGE(OpenVRML) FIND_PACKAGE(Performer) FIND_PACKAGE(ZLIB) FIND_PACKAGE(GDAL) FIND_PACKAGE(CURL) FIND_PACKAGE(ITK) SET(wxWidgets_USE_LIBS base core gl net) FIND_PACKAGE(wxWidgets) # To select a specific version of QT define DESIRED_QT_VERSION # via cmake -DDESIRED_QT_VERSION=4 IF (DESIRED_QT_VERSION) IF (DESIRED_QT_VERSION MATCHES 4) FIND_PACKAGE(Qt4) ELSE(DESIRED_QT_VERSION MATCHES 4) FIND_PACKAGE(Qt3) ENDIF(DESIRED_QT_VERSION MATCHES 4) ELSE(DESIRED_QT_VERSION) FIND_PACKAGE(Qt4) IF (NOT QT4_FOUND) FIND_PACKAGE(Qt3) ENDIF(NOT QT4_FOUND) ENDIF(DESIRED_QT_VERSION) #use pkg-config to find various modues INCLUDE(FindPkgConfig OPTIONAL) IF(PKG_CONFIG_FOUND) INCLUDE(FindPkgConfig) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GTK gtk+-2.0) IF(WIN32) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GTKGL gtkglext-win32-1.0) ELSE(WIN32) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GTKGL gtkglext-x11-1.0) ENDIF(WIN32) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(RSVG librsvg-2.0) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(CAIRO cairo) ENDIF(PKG_CONFIG_FOUND) # # Enable workaround for OpenGL driver crash with occlusion query # OPTION(OSG_FORCE_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE_BEFORE_RETRIEVAL "Set to ON to build OcclussionQueryNode with a workaround for multi-threaded OpenGL driver occlussion query crash. " OFF) IF(OSG_FORCE_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE_BEFORE_RETRIEVAL) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DFORCE_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE_BEFORE_RETRIEVAL) ENDIF(OSG_FORCE_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE_BEFORE_RETRIEVAL) # # Test to determine if we want the "tripledot" form of the GLU tesselator callback. # IF(NOT DEFAULT_GLU_TESS_CALLBACK_TRIPLEDOT) IF(WIN32 OR CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux") # Skip the compile check for platforms that never need the variable # form. SET(DEFAULT_GLU_TESS_CALLBACK_TRIPLEDOT false) ELSE(WIN32 OR CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux") # For other platforms perform the check INCLUDE(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS -DGLU_TESS_CALLBACK_TRIPLEDOT) SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include ${GLUT_INCLUDE_DIR} ${GL_INCLUDE_DIR}) SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${GLUT_LIBRARY} ${GL_LIBRARY}) CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES( "#include #include static void testcb(GLvoid *, void*) { } int main() { GLUtesselator *t = gluNewTess(); gluTessCallback(t, GLU_TESS_VERTEX_DATA, (GLU_TESS_CALLBACK) testcb); return 0; }" GLU_Tesselator_Needs_Variable_Parameter_Callback_Convention_Failure_Means_No) SET(DEFAULT_GLU_TESS_CALLBACK_TRIPLEDOT ${GLU_Tesselator_Needs_Variable_Parameter_Callback_Convention_Failure_Means_No}) ENDIF(WIN32 OR CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux") ENDIF(NOT DEFAULT_GLU_TESS_CALLBACK_TRIPLEDOT) OPTION(OSG_GLU_TESS_CALLBACK_TRIPLEDOT "Set to ON to build with variable parameter (...) version of GLU tesselator callback" ${DEFAULT_GLU_TESS_CALLBACK_TRIPLEDOT}) IF(OSG_GLU_TESS_CALLBACK_TRIPLEDOT) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DGLU_TESS_CALLBACK_TRIPLEDOT) ENDIF(OSG_GLU_TESS_CALLBACK_TRIPLEDOT) # Platform specific: # (We can approach this one of two ways. We can try to FIND everything # and simply check if we found the packages before actually building # or we can hardcode the cases. The advantage of the former is that # packages that are installed on platforms that don't require them # will still get built (presuming no compatibility issues). But this # also means modules that are redundant may get built. For example, # OS X doesn't need GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, etc because it uses QuickTime. # Also, it will clutter the CMake menu with "NOT_FOUND". # The downside to the latter is that it is harder to build those # potentially redundant modules.) # Image readers/writers depend on 3rd party libraries except for OS X which # can use Quicktime. IF(NOT APPLE) FIND_PACKAGE(GIFLIB) FIND_PACKAGE(JPEG) FIND_PACKAGE(PNG) FIND_PACKAGE(TIFF) # QuickTime is required for OS X, but optional for Windows. IF(WIN32) FIND_PACKAGE(QuickTime) ENDIF(WIN32) ELSE(NOT APPLE) FIND_PACKAGE(QuickTime) ENDIF(NOT APPLE) ################################################################################ # Create bin and lib directories if required IF("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" STREQUAL "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}") FILE(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib/${OSG_PLUGINS}) ENDIF("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" STREQUAL "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}") ################################################################################ # Installation stuff SET(CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX "d" CACHE STRING "add a postfix, usually d on windows") IF(${CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION} EQUAL 2 AND ${CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION} GREATER 4) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DOSG_DEBUG_POSTFIX="${CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX}") ELSE(${CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION} EQUAL 2 AND ${CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION} GREATER 4) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DOSG_DEBUG_POSTFIX='\"${CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX}\"') ENDIF(${CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION} EQUAL 2 AND ${CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION} GREATER 4) IF(UNIX AND NOT WIN32 AND NOT APPLE) IF(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug") ADD_DEFINITIONS("-D_DEBUG") ENDIF(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug") ENDIF(UNIX AND NOT WIN32 AND NOT APPLE) IF(UNIX AND NOT WIN32 AND NOT APPLE) IF(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P MATCHES "8") SET(LIB_POSTFIX "64" CACHE STRING "suffix for 32/64 dir placement") MARK_AS_ADVANCED(LIB_POSTFIX) ENDIF(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P MATCHES "8") ENDIF(UNIX AND NOT WIN32 AND NOT APPLE) IF(NOT DEFINED LIB_POSTFIX) SET(LIB_POSTFIX "") ENDIF(NOT DEFINED LIB_POSTFIX) # Here we apparantly do some funky stuff with making the bin/ and lib/ # folders which is probably needed to work around a very old CMake bug? #SET(OUTPUT_BINDIR ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/bin/${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}) SET(OUTPUT_BINDIR ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/bin) MAKE_DIRECTORY(${OUTPUT_BINDIR}) IF(MSVC AND NOT MSVC_IDE) MAKE_DIRECTORY(${OUTPUT_BINDIR}/${OSG_PLUGINS}) ENDIF(MSVC AND NOT MSVC_IDE) #SET(OUTPUT_LIBDIR ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/lib/${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}) SET(OUTPUT_LIBDIR ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/lib) MAKE_DIRECTORY(${OUTPUT_LIBDIR}) IF(NOT MSVC) MAKE_DIRECTORY(${OUTPUT_LIBDIR}/${OSG_PLUGINS}) ENDIF(NOT MSVC) # On CMake 2.4.x use EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH and LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH and later # we work around the DLL placement by use of the PREFIX target property hack # # On CMake 2.6.x use the newly minted CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, # CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY & CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY IF(CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION EQUAL 2 AND CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION GREATER 4) # If CMake >= 2.6.0 SET(CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${OUTPUT_LIBDIR}) SET(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${OUTPUT_BINDIR}) IF(WIN32) SET(CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${OUTPUT_BINDIR}) ELSE(WIN32) SET(CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${OUTPUT_LIBDIR}) ENDIF(WIN32) ELSE(CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION EQUAL 2 AND CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION GREATER 4) SET(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH ${OUTPUT_BINDIR}) SET(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH ${OUTPUT_LIBDIR}) ENDIF(CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION EQUAL 2 AND CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION GREATER 4) #SET(INSTALL_BINDIR OpenSceneGraph/bin) #SET(INSTALL_INCDIR OpenSceneGraph/include) #SET(INSTALL_LIBDIR OpenSceneGraph/lib) #SET(INSTALL_DOCDIR OpenSceneGraph/doc) ################################################################################ # User Options # Expose CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH and CMAKE_LIBARY_PATH to the GUI so users # may set these values without needing to manipulate the environment. SET(CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH ${CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH} CACHE STRING "You may add additional search paths here. Use ; to separate multiple paths.") SET(CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH ${CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH} CACHE STRING "You may add additional search paths here. Use ; to separate multiple paths.") # We are proposing that a new variable called CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH be introduced # to CMake to compliment CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH and CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH. # A formal feature request has been submited to CMake, Bug #4947. # It is intended for those users who have common prefixes for their INCLUDE # and LIBRARY locations. So if users have headers in /usr/local/include # and libraries in /usr/local/lib, the common prefix is /usr/local. # It should also cover the case where headers and libraries are # in the same directory. # Our proposal expects that FIND_* commands will automatically search for # CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH right after CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH or CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH. # Obviously, since CMake does not currently support this, we must write # our Find*.cmake modules to explicitly support this. Otherwise, this variable # will have no impact. # This is unofficial so this may be removed or changed at anytime. SET(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH} CACHE STRING "(EXPERIMENTAL) You may add additional search paths here. Use ; to separate multiple paths.") # Dynamic vs Static Linking OPTION(DYNAMIC_OPENSCENEGRAPH "Set to ON to build OpenSceneGraph for dynamic linking. Use OFF for static." ON) IF (DYNAMIC_OPENSCENEGRAPH) SET(OPENSCENEGRAPH_USER_DEFINED_DYNAMIC_OR_STATIC "SHARED") ELSE (DYNAMIC_OPENSCENEGRAPH) SET(OPENSCENEGRAPH_USER_DEFINED_DYNAMIC_OR_STATIC "STATIC") ENDIF(DYNAMIC_OPENSCENEGRAPH) INCLUDE(OsgMacroUtils) # OSG Core ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(src) # OSG Applications OPTION(BUILD_OSG_APPLICATIONS "Enable to build OSG Applications (e.g. osgviewer)" ON) IF (BUILD_OSG_APPLICATIONS) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(applications) ENDIF(BUILD_OSG_APPLICATIONS) # OSG Examples OPTION(BUILD_OSG_EXAMPLES "Enable to build OSG Examples" OFF) IF (BUILD_OSG_EXAMPLES) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(examples) ENDIF(BUILD_OSG_EXAMPLES) # This is for an advanced option to give aggressive warnings # under different compilers. If yours is not implemented, this option # will not be made available. IF(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) # To be complete, we might also do GNUCC flags, # but everything here is C++ code. # -Wshadow and -Woverloaded-virtual are also interesting flags, but OSG # returns too many hits. # FYI, if we do implement GNUCC, then -Wmissing-prototypes in another # interesting C-specific flag. # Also, there is a bug in gcc 4.0. Under C++, -pedantic will create # errors instead of warnings for certain issues, including superfluous # semicolons and commas, and the use of long long. -fpermissive seems # to be the workaround. SET(OSG_AGGRESSIVE_WARNING_FLAGS "-Wall -Wparentheses -Wformat=2 -Wno-long-long -Wno-import -pedantic -Wreturn-type -Wmissing-braces -Wunknown-pragmas -Wunused -fpermissive") ELSE(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) IF(MSVC) # FIXME: What are good aggressive warning flags for Visual Studio? # And do we need to further subcase this for different versions of VS? # CMake variables: MSVC60, MSVC70, MSVC71, MSVC80, CMAKE_COMPILER_2005 SET(OSG_AGGRESSIVE_WARNING_FLAGS "/Wall /W4") ELSE(MSVC) # CMake lacks an elseif, so other non-gcc, non-VS compilers need # to be listed below. If unhandled, OSG_AGGRESSIVE_WARNING_FLAGS should # remain unset. ENDIF(MSVC) ENDIF(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) # This part is for the CMake menu option to toggle the warnings on/off. # This will only be made available if we set values for OSG_AGGRESSIVE_WARNING_FLAGS. IF(OSG_AGGRESSIVE_WARNING_FLAGS) OPTION(OSG_USE_AGGRESSIVE_WARNINGS "Enable to activate aggressive warnings" OFF) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(OSG_USE_AGGRESSIVE_WARNINGS) IF(OSG_USE_AGGRESSIVE_WARNINGS) IF(NOT "${OLD_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_WAS_SET}") SET(OLD_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" CACHE INTERNAL "Old CXX flags") SET(OLD_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_WAS_SET 1 CACHE INTERNAL "Old CXX flags was set") SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${OSG_AGGRESSIVE_WARNING_FLAGS}" CACHE STRING "Flags used by the compiler during all build types." FORCE) ENDIF(NOT "${OLD_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_WAS_SET}") ELSE(OSG_USE_AGGRESSIVE_WARNINGS) # FIXME: This will lose any changes made after OLD_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS was # set. The better way would be to parse the string and remove each # option explicitly. IF("${OLD_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_WAS_SET}") SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${OLD_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" CACHE STRING "Flags used by the compiler during all build types." FORCE) SET(OLD_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_WAS_SET 0 CACHE INTERNAL "Old CXX flags was set") ENDIF("${OLD_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_WAS_SET}") ENDIF(OSG_USE_AGGRESSIVE_WARNINGS) ENDIF(OSG_AGGRESSIVE_WARNING_FLAGS) # Set defaults for Universal Binaries. We want 32-bit Intel/PPC on 10.4 # and 32/64-bit Intel/PPC on >= 10.5. Anything <= 10.3 doesn't support. IF(APPLE) # These are just defaults/recommendations, but how we want to build # out of the box. But the user needs to be able to change these options. # So we must only set the values the first time CMake is run, or we # will overwrite any changes the user sets. # FORCE is used because the options are not reflected in the UI otherwise. # Seems like a good place to add version specific compiler flags too. IF(NOT OSG_CONFIG_HAS_BEEN_RUN_BEFORE) # This is really fragile, but CMake doesn't provide the OS system # version information we need. (Darwin versions can be changed # independently of OS X versions.) # It does look like CMake handles the CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT automatically. IF(EXISTS /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk) # 64-bit compiles are not supported with Carbon. We should enable # 64-bit compilation by default once osgviewer has been # rewritten with Cocoa. #SET(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES "ppc;i386;ppc64;x86_64" CACHE STRING "Build architectures for OSX" FORCE) SET(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES "ppc;i386" CACHE STRING "Build architectures for OSX" FORCE) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -ftree-vectorize -fvisibility-inlines-hidden" CACHE STRING "Flags used by the compiler during all build types." FORCE) ELSE(EXISTS /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk) IF(EXISTS /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk) SET(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES "ppc;i386" CACHE STRING "Build architectures for OSX" FORCE) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -ftree-vectorize -fvisibility-inlines-hidden" CACHE STRING "Flags used by the compiler during all build types." FORCE) ELSE(EXISTS /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk) # No Universal Binary support # Should break down further to set the -mmacosx-version-min, # but the SDK detection is too unreliable here. ENDIF(EXISTS /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk) ENDIF(EXISTS /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk) ENDIF(NOT OSG_CONFIG_HAS_BEEN_RUN_BEFORE) OPTION(OSG_BUILD_APPLICATION_BUNDLES "Enable the building of applications and examples as OSX Bundles" OFF) ENDIF(APPLE) # # Provide target for generating wrappers # SET(GENWRAPPER genwrapper) ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(wrappers COMMAND ${GENWRAPPER} -c ${OpenSceneGraph_SOURCE_DIR}/src/osgWrappers/genwrapper.conf -t ${OpenSceneGraph_SOURCE_DIR}/src/osgWrappers/Doxyfile.template -d ${OpenSceneGraph_SOURCE_DIR} | doxygen - COMMAND ${GENWRAPPER} -c ${OpenSceneGraph_SOURCE_DIR}/src/osgWrappers/genwrapper.conf -l ${OpenSceneGraph_SOURCE_DIR} ) # # Provide target for generating ChangeLog # SET(SVN2LOG ~/bin/svn2log.py) SET(GENERATELOGS svn log -v --xml | python ${SVN2LOG} -L -H) ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(ChangeLog COMMAND ${GENERATELOGS} ) OPTION(BUILD_REF_DOCS "Build OpenSceneGraph reference documentation using doxygen (use: make DoxygenDoc)" OFF) IF(BUILD_REF_DOCS) SET(BUILD_DOCUMENTATION YES) OPTION(BUILD_REF_DOCS_SEARCHENGINE "Enable doxygen's search engine (requires that documentation to be installed on a php enabled web server)" OFF) OPTION(BUILD_REF_DOCS_TAGFILE "Generate a tag file named osg.tag on the documentation web server" OFF) ENDIF(BUILD_REF_DOCS) # For Doxygen #FIXME: I haven't figured out what to do with OSG's multiple doxyfiles # and footer. INCLUDE(${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/Documentation.cmake OPTIONAL) OPTION(BUILD_DOCUMENTATION "Build osg documentation" OFF) # To build the documention, you will have to enable it # and then do the equivalent of "make DoxygenDoc". IF(BUILD_DOCUMENTATION) SET(BUILD_DOCUMENTATION YES) IF(BUILD_REF_DOCS_SEARCHENGINE) SET(SEARCHENGINE YES) ELSE(BUILD_REF_DOCS_SEARCHENGINE) SET(SEARCHENGINE NO) ENDIF(BUILD_REF_DOCS_SEARCHENGINE) IF(BUILD_REF_DOCS_TAGFILE) SET(GENERATE_TAGFILE "doc/OpenSceneGraphReferenceDocs/osg.tag") ELSE(BUILD_REF_DOCS_TAGFILE) SET(GENERATE_TAGFILE "") ENDIF(BUILD_REF_DOCS_TAGFILE) IF(DOT) SET(HAVE_DOT YES) ELSE(DOT) SET(HAVE_DOT NO) ENDIF(DOT) # This processes our Doxyfile.in and substitutes paths to generate # a final Doxyfile CONFIGURE_FILE(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/Doxyfiles/doxyfile.cmake ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/doc/doxyfile ) # This creates a new target to build documentation. # It runs ${DOXYGEN} which is the full path and executable to # Doxygen on your system, set by the FindDoxygen.cmake module # (called by FindDocumentation.cmake). # It runs the final generated Doxyfile against it. # The DOT_PATH is substituted into the Doxyfile. ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(DoxygenDoc ${DOXYGEN} ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/doc/doxyfile ) ENDIF(BUILD_DOCUMENTATION) # This needs to be run very last so other parts of the scripts can take # advantage of this. IF(NOT OSG_CONFIG_HAS_BEEN_RUN_BEFORE) SET(OSG_CONFIG_HAS_BEEN_RUN_BEFORE 1 CACHE INTERNAL "Flag to track whether this is the first time running CMake or if CMake has been configured before") ENDIF(NOT OSG_CONFIG_HAS_BEEN_RUN_BEFORE) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### uninstall target #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFIGURE_FILE( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeModules/cmake_uninstall.cmake.in" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake" IMMEDIATE @ONLY) ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(uninstall "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -P "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake")