Transform - is group which all children are transformed by the the Transform's osg::Matrix.
Public Methods
Transform(const Matrix& matix)
inline void setType(Type type)
- Set the Transform Type, which can be DYNAMIC - the Marix value is updated duing the main loop, or STATIC - the Matrix is constant throughut the life of the main loop.
inline const Type getType() const
- Get the Transform Type
inline const Matrix& getMatrix() const
inline void setMatrix(const Matrix& mat )
inline void preMult( const Matrix& mat )
- preMult trasforms relative to the childrens coordinate system
inline void postMult( const Matrix& mat )
- postMult trasforms relative to the parents coordinate system
Public Members
enum Type
- Range of type that the Transform can be
Protected Fields
Type _type
ref_ptr<Matrix> _matrix
Protected Methods
virtual ~Transform()
virtual const bool computeBound() const
Inherited from Group:
Public Methods
virtual void traverse(NodeVisitor& nv)
virtual bool addChild( Node* child )
virtual bool removeChild( Node* child )
virtual bool replaceChild( Node* origChild, Node* newChild )
inline const int getNumChildren() const
inline Node* getChild( const int i )
inline const Node* getChild( const int i ) const
inline bool containsNode( const Node* node ) const
inline ChildList::iterator findNode( const Node* node )
inline ChildList::const_iterator findNode( const Node* node ) const
Protected Fields
ChildList _children
Inherited from Node:
Public Methods
virtual Object* clone() const
virtual bool isSameKindAs(const Object* obj) const
virtual const char* className() const
virtual void accept(NodeVisitor& nv)
virtual void ascend(NodeVisitor& nv)
inline void setName( const std::string& name )
inline void setName( const char* name )
inline const std::string& getName() const
inline const ParentList& getParents() const
inline Group* getParent(const int i)
inline const Group* getParent(const int i) const
inline const int getNumParents() const
void setAppCallback(NodeCallback* nc)
inline NodeCallback* getAppCallback()
inline const NodeCallback* getAppCallback() const
inline const int getNumChildrenRequiringAppTraversal() const
void setCullingActive(const bool active)
inline const bool getCullingActive() const
inline const int getNumChildrenWithCullingDisabled() const
inline void setUserData(osg::Referenced* obj)
inline Referenced* getUserData()
inline const Referenced* getUserData() const
inline void setNodeMask(const NodeMask nm)
inline const NodeMask getNodeMask() const
inline const DescriptionList& getDescriptions() const
inline DescriptionList& getDescriptions()
inline const std::string& getDescription(const int i) const
inline std::string& getDescription(const int i)
inline const int getNumDescriptions() const
void addDescription(const std::string& desc)
inline void setStateSet(osg::StateSet* dstate)
inline osg::StateSet* getStateSet()
inline const osg::StateSet* getStateSet() const
inline const BoundingSphere& getBound() const
void dirtyBound()
Public Members
typedef std::vector<Group*> ParentList
typedef std::vector<std::string> DescriptionList
Protected Fields
mutable BoundingSphere _bsphere
mutable bool _bsphere_computed
std::string _name
ParentList _parents
ref_ptr<NodeCallback> _appCallback
int _numChildrenRequiringAppTraversal
bool _cullingActive
int _numChildrenWithCullingDisabled
osg::ref_ptr<Referenced> _userData
NodeMask _nodeMask
DescriptionList _descriptions
ref_ptr<StateSet> _dstate
Protected Methods
void setNumChildrenRequiringAppTraversal(const int num)
void setNumChildrenWithCullingDisabled(const int num)
Inherited from Object:
Public Methods
inline Referenced& operator = (Referenced&)
inline void ref() const
inline void unref() const
inline const int referenceCount() const
Protected Fields
mutable int _refCount
Transform - is group which all children
are transformed by the the Transform's osg::Matrix. Typical uses
of the Transform is for positioning objects within a scene or
producing trakerball functionality or for animation.
- Transform()
- Transform(const Matrix& matix)
- META_Node(Transform)
- enum Type
- Range of type that the Transform can be
- inline void setType(Type type)
- Set the Transform Type, which can be DYNAMIC - the Marix
value is updated duing the main loop, or STATIC - the Matrix
is constant throughut the life of the main loop. STATIC
Transforms can be optimized away is some instances, which
can improve performanc so unless you plan to modify the
Matrix explicity set the Matrix to STATIC. The default
value is DYNAMIC.
- inline const Type getType() const
- Get the Transform Type
- inline const Matrix& getMatrix() const
- inline void setMatrix(const Matrix& mat )
- inline void preMult( const Matrix& mat )
- preMult trasforms relative to the childrens coordinate system
- inline void postMult( const Matrix& mat )
- postMult trasforms relative to the parents coordinate system
- virtual ~Transform()
- virtual const bool computeBound() const
- Type _type
- ref_ptr<Matrix> _matrix
- This class has no child classes.
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