// -*-c++-*- osgWidget - Code by: Jeremy Moles (cubicool) 2007-2008 // $Id: osgwidgetbox.cpp 59 2008-05-15 20:55:31Z cubicool $ // NOTE: You'll find this example very similar to osgwidgetwindow. However, here we // demonstrate a bit of subclassing of Widget so that we can respond to events // such as mouseEnter and mouseLeave. We also demonstrate the use of padding, though // fill and alignment should be working too. #include #include #include #include #include const unsigned int MASK_2D = 0xF0000000; const unsigned int MASK_3D = 0x0F000000; struct ColorWidget: public osgWidget::Widget { ColorWidget(): osgWidget::Widget("", 256.0f, 256.0f) { setEventMask(osgWidget::EVENT_ALL); } bool mouseEnter(double, double, const osgWidget::WindowManager*) { addColor(-osgWidget::Color(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 0.0f)); // osgWidget::warn() << "enter: " << getColor() << std::endl; return true; } bool mouseLeave(double, double, const osgWidget::WindowManager*) { addColor(osgWidget::Color(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 0.0f)); // osgWidget::warn() << "leave: " << getColor() << std::endl; return true; } bool mouseOver(double x, double y, const osgWidget::WindowManager*) { osgWidget::Color c = getImageColorAtPointerXY(x, y); if(c.a() < 0.001f) { // osgWidget::warn() << "Transparent Pixel: " << x << " " << y << std::endl; return false; } return true; } bool keyUp(int /*key*/, int /*keyMask*/, osgWidget::WindowManager*) { // osgWidget::warn() << "..." << key << " - " << keyMask << std::endl; return true; } }; osgWidget::Box* createBox(const std::string& name, osgWidget::Box::BoxType bt) { osgWidget::Box* box = new osgWidget::Box(name, bt, true); osgWidget::Widget* widget1 = new osgWidget::Widget(name + "_widget1", 100.0f, 100.0f); osgWidget::Widget* widget2 = new osgWidget::Widget(name + "_widget2", 100.0f, 100.0f); osgWidget::Widget* widget3 = new ColorWidget(); widget1->setColor(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f); widget2->setColor(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1.0f); widget3->setImage("osgWidget/natascha.png"); widget3->setTexCoord(0.0f, 0.0f, osgWidget::Widget::LOWER_LEFT); widget3->setTexCoord(1.0f, 0.0f, osgWidget::Widget::LOWER_RIGHT); widget3->setTexCoord(1.0f, 1.0f, osgWidget::Widget::UPPER_RIGHT); widget3->setTexCoord(0.0f, 1.0f, osgWidget::Widget::UPPER_LEFT); box->addWidget(widget1); box->addWidget(widget2); box->addWidget(widget3); return box; } int main(int, char**) { osgViewer::Viewer viewer; osgWidget::WindowManager* wm = new osgWidget::WindowManager( &viewer, 1280.0f, 1024.0f, MASK_2D, osgWidget::WindowManager::WM_PICK_DEBUG ); wm->setPointerFocusMode(osgWidget::WindowManager::PFM_SLOPPY); osgWidget::Window* box1 = createBox("HBOX", osgWidget::Box::HORIZONTAL); osgWidget::Window* box2 = createBox("VBOX", osgWidget::Box::VERTICAL); osgWidget::Window* box3 = createBox("HBOX2", osgWidget::Box::HORIZONTAL); osgWidget::Window* box4 = createBox("VBOX2", osgWidget::Box::VERTICAL); box1->getBackground()->setColor(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.8f); box1->attachMoveCallback(); box2->getBackground()->setColor(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.8f); box2->attachMoveCallback(); box3->getBackground()->setColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f); box3->attachMoveCallback(); wm->addChild(box1); wm->addChild(box2); wm->addChild(box3); wm->addChild(box4); box4->hide(); osg::ref_ptr model = osgDB::readRefNodeFile("spaceship.osgt"); model->setNodeMask(MASK_3D); return osgWidget::createExample(viewer, wm, model.get()); }