Key | Binding |
Select the trackball camera manipulator.
Left mouse button - rotate, |
Select the flight camera manipulator.
Left mouse button - speed up, |
Select the drive camera manipulator.
In mode Q, the default, selected by pressing 'q' Move mouse left to turn left, right to turn right.In mode A, selected by pressing 'a' |
Half the frame delay which speeds up the frame rate on Linux and
Windows. |
Double the frame delay and therefore reduce the frame rate on Linux and Windows. |
Divide the Level-Of-Detail (LOD) bias by 1.5, to encourage the selection of more complex LOD children. |
Multiple the Level-of-Detail (LOD) bias by 1.5, to encourage the
selection of less complex LOD children. |
Toggle Small Feature Culling on or off. |
Toggle View Frustum Culling on or off. |
Toggle use of OpenGL's display lists. |
Toggle OpenGL's backface culling. |
Toggle OpenGL texturing on or off. |
Toggle OpenGL two-sided lighting on or off. |
Toggle OpenGL lighting on or off. |
Toggle SceneView lighting mode between HEADLIGHT, SKY_LIGHT and NO_SCENEVIEW_LIGHT. |
Toggle OpenGL shade model between flat and smooth shading. |
Toggle OpenGL polygon mode between solid, wireframe and points modes. |
Calculate and report the intersections with the scene under thecurrent mouse x and mouse y position. |
Calculate and report the intersections with the scene under the currentmouse x and mouse y position and delete the nearest interesected geoset. |
Print frame rate statistics on each frame. |
Output the loaded scene to 'saved_model.osg'. |
Print out sgv's keyboard bindings. |
Reset scene to the default view. |
Exit sgv. |