Scene Graph Viewer (sgv) keyboard bindings:

Key Binding
Select the trackball camera manipulator.
Left mouse button - rotate,
Middle (or Left & Right) mouse button - pan,
Right mouse button - zoom.
Select the flight camera manipulator.
Left mouse button - speed up,
Middle (or Left & Right) mouse button - stop,
Right mouse button - slow down, reverse.
Move mouse left to roll left, right to roll right.
Move mouse back (down) to pitch nose up, forward to pitch down.
In mode Q, the default, selected by pressing 'q'
The flight path is yawed automatically into the turn to produce a similar effect as flying an aircaft.
In mode A, selected by pressing 'a'
The flight path is not yawed automatically into the turn, producing a similar effect as space/marine flight.
Select the drive camera manipulator.
In mode Q, the default, selected by pressing 'q'
Move mouse left to turn left, right to turn right.
Move mouse back (down) to reverse, forward to drive forward.
In mode A, selected by pressing 'a'
Move mouse left to turn left, right to turn right.
Left mouse button - speed up,
Middle (or Left & Right) mouse button - stop,
Right mouse button - slow down, reverse.
Half the frame delay which speeds up the frame rate on Linux and
Double the frame delay and therefore reduce the frame rate on Linux and Windows.
Divide the Level-Of-Detail (LOD) bias by 1.5, to encourage the selection of more complex LOD children.
Multiple the Level-of-Detail (LOD) bias by 1.5, to encourage the
selection of less complex LOD children.
Toggle Small Feature Culling on or off.
Toggle View Frustum Culling on or off.
Toggle use of OpenGL's display lists.
Toggle OpenGL's backface culling.
Toggle OpenGL texturing on or off.
Toggle OpenGL two-sided lighting on or off.
Toggle OpenGL lighting on or off.
Toggle SceneView lighting mode between HEADLIGHT, SKY_LIGHT and NO_SCENEVIEW_LIGHT.
Toggle OpenGL shade model between flat and smooth shading.
Toggle OpenGL polygon mode between solid, wireframe and points modes.
Calculate and report the intersections with the scene under thecurrent mouse x and mouse y position.
Calculate and report the intersections with the scene under the currentmouse x and mouse y position and delete the nearest interesected geoset.
Print frame rate statistics on each frame.
Output the loaded scene to 'saved_model.osg'.
Print out sgv's keyboard bindings.
Toggle between fullscreen and the previous window size. Note GLUT fullscreen works properly on Windows and Irix, but on Linux it just maximizes the window and leaves the window's borders.
Reset scene to the default view.
  Exit sgv.