class osgText::DefaultFont


Public Methods

[more]static DefaultFont* instance()
[more]virtual std::string getFileName() const
[more]virtual void setSize(unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
NOP with DefaultFont since it only supports a single fixed sized font.
[more]virtual Font::Glyph* getGlyph(unsigned int charcode)
[more]virtual osg::Vec2 getKerning(unsigned int leftcharcode, unsigned int rightcharcode)
[more]virtual bool hasVertical() const

Protected Methods

[more] DefaultFont()
[more]virtual ~DefaultFont()
[more]void constructGlyphs()

Inherited from Font:

Public Methods

ovirtual osg::Object* cloneType() const
ovirtual osg::Object* clone(const osg::CopyOp&) const
ovirtual bool isSameKindAs(const osg::Object* obj) const
ovirtual const char* className() const
ovirtual const char* libraryName() const
ounsigned int getWidth()
ounsigned int getHeight()
ovoid setGlyphImageMargin(unsigned int margin)
ounsigned int getGlyphImageMargin() const
ovoid setTextureSizeHint(unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
ounsigned int getTextureWidthHint() const
ounsigned int getTextureHeightHint() const
ovoid setMinFilterHint(osg::Texture::FilterMode mode)
oosg::Texture::FilterMode getMinFilterHint() const
ovoid setMagFilterHint(osg::Texture::FilterMode mode)
oosg::Texture::FilterMode getMagFilterHint() const
ovoid setImplementation(FontImplementation* implementation)
oFontImplementation* getImplementation()
oconst FontImplementation* getImplementation() const

Public Members

class FontImplementation: public osg::Referenced
class OSGTEXT_EXPORT GlyphTexture: public osg::Texture2D
class OSGTEXT_EXPORT Glyph: public osg::Image

Protected Fields

oSizeGlyphMap _sizeGlyphMap
oGlyphTextureList _glyphTextureList
oStateSetList _stateSetList
ounsigned int _width
ounsigned int _height
ounsigned int _margin
ounsigned int _textureWidthHint
ounsigned int _textureHeightHint
oosg::Texture::FilterMode _minFilterHint
oosg::Texture::FilterMode _magFilterHint
oosg::ref_ptr<FontImplementation> _implementation

Protected Methods

ovoid addGlyph(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int charcode, Glyph* glyph)

Protected Members

otypedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<GlyphTexture> > GlyphTextureList
otypedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateSet> > StateSetList
otypedef std::map< unsigned int, osg::ref_ptr<Glyph> > GlyphMap
otypedef std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > SizePair
otypedef std::map< SizePair, GlyphMap > SizeGlyphMap


ostatic DefaultFont* instance()

ovirtual std::string getFileName() const

ovirtual void setSize(unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
NOP with DefaultFont since it only supports a single fixed sized font.

ovirtual Font::Glyph* getGlyph(unsigned int charcode)

ovirtual osg::Vec2 getKerning(unsigned int leftcharcode, unsigned int rightcharcode)

ovirtual bool hasVertical() const

o DefaultFont()

ovirtual ~DefaultFont()

ovoid constructGlyphs()

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