class OSGFX_EXPORT osgFX::Registry

Public Classes

[more]struct Proxy

Public Methods

[more]inline static Registry* instance()
[more]inline const Effect_map& getEffectMap() const
[more]inline Registry* instance()
[more]inline const Registry::Effect_map& getEffectMap() const
[more]inline void registerEffect(const Effect* effect)


[more]typedef std::map<std::string, osg::ref_ptr<const Effect> > Effect_map

Protected Methods

[more] Registry()
[more] ~Registry()


ostruct Proxy

o Proxy(const Effect* effect)

otypedef std::map<std::string, osg::ref_ptr<const Effect> > Effect_map

oinline static Registry* instance()

oinline const Effect_map& getEffectMap() const

o Registry()

o ~Registry()

oinline Registry* instance()

oinline const Registry::Effect_map& getEffectMap() const

oinline void registerEffect(const Effect* effect)

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