class OSGTEXT_EXPORT GlyphTexture


Public Methods

[more] GlyphTexture()
[more]virtual int compare(const osg::StateAttribute& rhs) const
return -1 if *this < *rhs, 0 if *this==*rhs, 1 if *this>*rhs
[more]void setStateSet(osg::StateSet* stateset)
[more]osg::StateSet* getStateSet()
[more]const osg::StateSet* getStateSet() const
[more]void setGlyphImageMargin(unsigned int margin)
Set the margin around each glyph, to ensure that texture filtering doesn't bleed adjacent glyph's into each other
[more]unsigned int getGlyphImageMargin() const
[more]bool getSpaceForGlyph(Glyph* glyph, int& posX, int& posY)
[more]void addGlyph(Glyph* glyph, int posX, int posY)
[more]virtual void apply(osg::State& state) const

Protected Fields

[more]osg::StateSet* _stateset
[more]int _margin
[more]int _usedY
[more]int _partUsedX
[more]int _partUsedY
[more]GlyphRefList _glyphs
[more]mutable GlyphBuffer _glyphsToSubload

Protected Methods

[more]virtual ~GlyphTexture()

Protected Members

[more]typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<Glyph> > GlyphRefList
[more]typedef std::vector< const Glyph* > GlyphPtrList
[more]typedef osg::buffered_object< GlyphPtrList > GlyphBuffer


o GlyphTexture()

ovirtual int compare(const osg::StateAttribute& rhs) const
return -1 if *this < *rhs, 0 if *this==*rhs, 1 if *this>*rhs

ovoid setStateSet(osg::StateSet* stateset)

oosg::StateSet* getStateSet()

oconst osg::StateSet* getStateSet() const

ovoid setGlyphImageMargin(unsigned int margin)
Set the margin around each glyph, to ensure that texture filtering doesn't bleed adjacent glyph's into each other

ounsigned int getGlyphImageMargin() const

obool getSpaceForGlyph(Glyph* glyph, int& posX, int& posY)

ovoid addGlyph(Glyph* glyph, int posX, int posY)

ovirtual void apply(osg::State& state) const

ovirtual ~GlyphTexture()

oosg::StateSet* _stateset

oint _margin

oint _usedY

oint _partUsedX

oint _partUsedY

otypedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<Glyph> > GlyphRefList

otypedef std::vector< const Glyph* > GlyphPtrList

otypedef osg::buffered_object< GlyphPtrList > GlyphBuffer

oGlyphRefList _glyphs

omutable GlyphBuffer _glyphsToSubload

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