class OSGUTIL_EXPORT osgUtil::RenderVisitor: public osg::NodeVisitor

Basic NodeVisitor implementation for rendering a scene.


Public Classes

[more]enum TransparencySortMode
[more]enum CullingType

Public Methods

[more] RenderVisitor()
[more]virtual ~RenderVisitor()
[more]void reset()
[more]virtual void apply(osg::Node&)
[more]virtual void apply(osg::Geode& node)
[more]virtual void apply(osg::Billboard& node)
[more]virtual void apply(osg::LightSource& node)
[more]virtual void apply(osg::Group& node)
[more]virtual void apply(osg::DCS& node)
[more]virtual void apply(osg::Switch& node)
[more]virtual void apply(osg::LOD& node)
[more]virtual void apply(osg::Scene& node)
[more]void setGlobalState(osg::GeoState* global)
[more]void setPerspective(const osg::Camera& camera)
[more]void setPerspective(float fovy, float aspect, float znear, float zfar)
[more]void setLookAt(const osg::Camera& camera)
[more]void setLookAt(const osg::Vec3& eye, const osg::Vec3& center, const osg::Vec3& upVector)
[more]void setLookAt(double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ)
[more]void setLODBias(float bias)
[more]float getLODBias()
[more]void setTransparencySortMode(TransparencySortMode tsm)
[more]void setCullingActive(CullingType ct, bool active)
Enables/disables the specified culling type.
[more]bool getCullingActive(CullingType ct)
Returns the state of the specified culling type.
[more]bool calcNearFar(double& near_plane, double& far_plane)
Calculates the near_plane and the far_plane for the current camera view depending on the objects currently stored in the opaque and transparent bins.
[more]void render()
Renders the osg::GeoSets that were collected in the opaque and transparent bins before

Protected Fields

[more]bool _viewFrustumCullingActive
[more]bool _smallFeatureCullingActive
[more]ViewStateStack _viewStateStack
[more]ViewState* _tvs
[more]ViewState* _cvs
[more]OpaqueList _opaqueGeoSets
[more]TransparentList _transparentGeoSets
[more]LightList _lights
[more]osg::GeoState* _globalState
[more]float _LODBias
[more]float _fovy
[more]float _aspect
[more]float _znear
[more]float _zfar
[more]osg::Vec3 _frustumTop
[more]osg::Vec3 _frustumBottom
[more]osg::Vec3 _frustumLeft
[more]osg::Vec3 _frustumRight
[more]TransparencySortMode _tsm

Protected Methods

[more]void pushMatrix(const osg::Matrix& matrix)
[more]void popMatrix()
[more]osg::Matrix* getCurrentMatrix()
[more]osg::Matrix* getInverseCurrentMatrix()
[more]const osg::Vec3& getEyeLocal()
[more]const osg::Vec3& getCenterLocal()
[more]const osg::Vec3& getLookVectorLocal()
[more]bool isCulled(const osg::BoundingSphere& sp)
[more]bool isCulled(const osg::BoundingBox& bb)
[more]void calculateClippingPlanes()


[more]typedef std::pair<osg::Matrix*,osg::GeoSet*> MatrixGeoSet
[more]typedef std::vector<ViewState*> ViewStateStack
[more]typedef std::multimap<osg::GeoState*,MatrixGeoSet> OpaqueList
[more]typedef std::multimap<float,MatrixGeoSet> TransparentList
[more]typedef std::map<osg::Matrix*,osg::Light*> LightList


Basic NodeVisitor implementation for rendering a scene. This visitor traverses the scene graph, collecting transparent and opaque osg::GeoSets into a depth sorted transparent bin and a state sorted opaque bin. The opaque bin is rendered first, and then the transparent bin in rendered in order from the furthest osg::GeoSet from the eye to the one nearest the eye.
o RenderVisitor()

ovirtual ~RenderVisitor()

ovoid reset()

ovirtual void apply(osg::Node&)

ovirtual void apply(osg::Geode& node)

ovirtual void apply(osg::Billboard& node)

ovirtual void apply(osg::LightSource& node)

ovirtual void apply(osg::Group& node)

ovirtual void apply(osg::DCS& node)

ovirtual void apply(osg::Switch& node)

ovirtual void apply(osg::LOD& node)

ovirtual void apply(osg::Scene& node)

ovoid setGlobalState(osg::GeoState* global)

ovoid setPerspective(const osg::Camera& camera)

ovoid setPerspective(float fovy, float aspect, float znear, float zfar)

ovoid setLookAt(const osg::Camera& camera)

ovoid setLookAt(const osg::Vec3& eye, const osg::Vec3& center, const osg::Vec3& upVector)

ovoid setLookAt(double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ)

ovoid setLODBias(float bias)

ofloat getLODBias()

oenum TransparencySortMode



ovoid setTransparencySortMode(TransparencySortMode tsm)

oenum CullingType



ovoid setCullingActive(CullingType ct, bool active)
Enables/disables the specified culling type.
ct - The culling type to enable/disable.
active - true enables the culling type, false disables.

obool getCullingActive(CullingType ct)
Returns the state of the specified culling type. @result true, if culling type is enabled, false otherwise.

obool calcNearFar(double& near_plane, double& far_plane)
Calculates the near_plane and the far_plane for the current camera view depending on the objects currently stored in the opaque and transparent bins.
near_plane - reference to a variable that can store the near plane result.
far_plane - reference to a variable that can store the far plane result. @result true, if near_plane and far_plane contain valid values, false otherwise.

ovoid render()
Renders the osg::GeoSets that were collected in the opaque and transparent bins before

ovoid pushMatrix(const osg::Matrix& matrix)

ovoid popMatrix()

oosg::Matrix* getCurrentMatrix()

oosg::Matrix* getInverseCurrentMatrix()

oconst osg::Vec3& getEyeLocal()

oconst osg::Vec3& getCenterLocal()

oconst osg::Vec3& getLookVectorLocal()

obool _viewFrustumCullingActive

obool _smallFeatureCullingActive

obool isCulled(const osg::BoundingSphere& sp)

obool isCulled(const osg::BoundingBox& bb)

otypedef std::pair<osg::Matrix*,osg::GeoSet*> MatrixGeoSet

otypedef std::vector<ViewState*> ViewStateStack

oViewStateStack _viewStateStack

oViewState* _tvs

oViewState* _cvs

otypedef std::multimap<osg::GeoState*,MatrixGeoSet> OpaqueList

otypedef std::multimap<float,MatrixGeoSet> TransparentList

otypedef std::map<osg::Matrix*,osg::Light*> LightList

oOpaqueList _opaqueGeoSets

oTransparentList _transparentGeoSets

oLightList _lights

oosg::GeoState* _globalState

ofloat _LODBias

ofloat _fovy

ofloat _aspect

ofloat _znear

ofloat _zfar

ovoid calculateClippingPlanes()

oosg::Vec3 _frustumTop

oosg::Vec3 _frustumBottom

oosg::Vec3 _frustumLeft

oosg::Vec3 _frustumRight

oTransparencySortMode _tsm

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