class OSGPARTICLE_EXPORT osgParticle::ParticleSystemUpdater

A useful node class for updating particle systems automatically.


Public Methods

[more] ParticleSystemUpdater()
[more] ParticleSystemUpdater(const ParticleSystemUpdater &copy, const osg::CopyOp &copyop = osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)
[more] META_Node(osgParticle, ParticleSystemUpdater)
[more]virtual void traverse(osg::NodeVisitor &nv)
[more]inline bool computeBound() const
[more]inline int numParticleSystems() const
Return the number of particle systems on the list
[more]inline void addParticleSystem(ParticleSystem* ps)
Add a particle system to the list
[more]inline const ParticleSystem* getParticleSystem(int i) const
Get a const particle system from the list
[more]inline ParticleSystem* getParticleSystem(int i)
Get a particle system from the list
[more]inline void removeParticleSystem(int i)
Remove a particle system from the list (by index)
[more]inline int findParticleSystem(ParticleSystem* ps) const
Find a particle system
[more]inline bool removeParticleSystem(ParticleSystem* ps)
Remove a particle system from the list (by pointer)

Protected Methods

[more]virtual ~ParticleSystemUpdater()
[more]ParticleSystemUpdater& operator=(const ParticleSystemUpdater &)
[more]inline virtual bool computeBound() const


A useful node class for updating particle systems automatically. When a ParticleSystemUpdater is traversed by a cull visitor, it calls the update() method on the specified particle systems. You should place this updater AFTER other nodes like emitters and programs.
o ParticleSystemUpdater()

o ParticleSystemUpdater(const ParticleSystemUpdater &copy, const osg::CopyOp &copyop = osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)

o META_Node(osgParticle, ParticleSystemUpdater)

ovirtual void traverse(osg::NodeVisitor &nv)

ovirtual ~ParticleSystemUpdater()

oParticleSystemUpdater& operator=(const ParticleSystemUpdater &)

oinline virtual bool computeBound() const

oinline bool computeBound() const

oinline int numParticleSystems() const
Return the number of particle systems on the list

oinline void addParticleSystem(ParticleSystem* ps)
Add a particle system to the list

oinline const ParticleSystem* getParticleSystem(int i) const
Get a const particle system from the list

oinline ParticleSystem* getParticleSystem(int i)
Get a particle system from the list

oinline void removeParticleSystem(int i)
Remove a particle system from the list (by index)

oinline int findParticleSystem(ParticleSystem* ps) const
Find a particle system

oinline bool removeParticleSystem(ParticleSystem* ps)
Remove a particle system from the list (by pointer)

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