/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield * * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ #include #include using namespace osg; using namespace osgSim; // use this cull callback to allow the camera to traverse the Impostor's children without // actuall having them assigned as children to the camea itself. This make the camera a // decorator without ever directly being assigned to it. class ImpostorTraverseNodeCallback : public osg::NodeCallback { public: ImpostorTraverseNodeCallback(osgSim::Impostor* node):_node(node) {} virtual void operator()(osg::Node*, osg::NodeVisitor* nv) { _node->LOD::traverse(*nv); } osgSim::Impostor* _node; }; Impostor::Impostor() { _impostorThreshold = -1.0f; } ImpostorSprite* Impostor::findBestImpostorSprite(unsigned int contextID, const osg::Vec3& currLocalEyePoint) const { ImpostorSpriteList& impostorSpriteList = _impostorSpriteListBuffer[contextID]; float min_distance2 = FLT_MAX; ImpostorSprite* impostorSprite = NULL; for(ImpostorSpriteList::iterator itr=impostorSpriteList.begin(); itr!=impostorSpriteList.end(); ++itr) { float distance2 = (currLocalEyePoint-(*itr)->getStoredLocalEyePoint()).length2(); if (distance2get(); } } return impostorSprite; } void Impostor::addImpostorSprite(unsigned int contextID, ImpostorSprite* is) { if (is && is->getParent()!=this) { ImpostorSpriteList& impostorSpriteList = _impostorSpriteListBuffer[contextID]; // add it to my impostor list first, so it remains referenced // when its reference in the previous_owner is removed. impostorSpriteList.push_back(is); if (is->getParent()) { Impostor* previous_owner = is->getParent(); ImpostorSpriteList& isl = previous_owner->_impostorSpriteListBuffer[contextID]; // find and erase reference to is. for(ImpostorSpriteList::iterator itr=isl.begin(); itr!=isl.end(); ++itr) { if ((*itr)==is) { isl.erase(itr); break; } } } is->setParent(this); } } osg::BoundingSphere Impostor::computeBound() const { return LOD::computeBound(); } inline osgUtil::CullVisitor::value_type distance(const osg::Vec3& coord,const osg::Matrix& matrix) { //std::cout << "distance("<(&nv); if (!cv) { LOD::traverse(nv); return; } osg::Vec3 eyeLocal = nv.getEyePoint(); const BoundingSphere& bs = getBound(); unsigned int contextID = cv->getState() ? cv->getState()->getContextID() : 0; float distance2 = (eyeLocal-bs.center()).length2(); float LODScale = cv->getLODScale(); if (!cv->getImpostorsActive() || distance2*LODScale*LODScalegetModelViewMatrix(); // search for the best fit ImpostorSprite; ImpostorSprite* impostorSprite = findBestImpostorSprite(contextID,eyeLocal); if (impostorSprite) { // impostor found, now check to see if it is good enough to use float error = impostorSprite->calcPixelError(cv->getMVPW()); if (error>cv->getImpostorPixelErrorThreshold()) { // chosen impostor sprite pixel error is too great to use // from this eye point, therefore invalidate it. impostorSprite=NULL; } } // need to think about sprite reuse and support for multiple context's. if (impostorSprite==NULL) { // no appropriate sprite has been found therefore need to create // one for use // create the impostor sprite. impostorSprite = createImpostorSprite(cv); //if (impostorSprite) impostorSprite->_color.set(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f,1.0f); } //else impostorSprite->_color.set(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f); if (impostorSprite) { // update frame number to show that impostor is in action. impostorSprite->setLastFrameUsed(cv->getTraversalNumber()); if (cv->getComputeNearFarMode()) cv->updateCalculatedNearFar(matrix,*impostorSprite, false); StateSet* stateset = impostorSprite->getStateSet(); if (stateset) cv->pushStateSet(stateset); cv->addDrawableAndDepth(impostorSprite, &matrix, distance(getCenter(),matrix)); if (stateset) cv->popStateSet(); } else { // no impostor has been selected or created so default to // traversing the usual LOD selected child. LOD::traverse(nv); } } } ImpostorSprite* Impostor::createImpostorSprite(osgUtil::CullVisitor* cv) { unsigned int contextID = cv->getState() ? cv->getState()->getContextID() : 0; osgSim::ImpostorSpriteManager* impostorSpriteManager = dynamic_cast(cv->getUserData()); if (!impostorSpriteManager) { impostorSpriteManager = new osgSim::ImpostorSpriteManager; cv->setUserData(impostorSpriteManager); } // default to true right now, will dertermine if perspective from the // projection matrix... bool isPerspectiveProjection = true; const Matrix& matrix = cv->getModelViewMatrix(); const BoundingSphere& bs = getBound(); osg::Vec3 eye_local = cv->getEyeLocal(); if (!bs.valid()) { osg::notify(osg::WARN) << "bb invalid"<getUpLocal(); Vec3 lv_local = center_local-eye_local; float distance_local = lv_local.length(); lv_local /= distance_local; Vec3 sv_local = lv_local^camera_up_local; sv_local.normalize(); Vec3 up_local = sv_local^lv_local; float width = bs.radius(); if (isPerspectiveProjection) { // expand the width to account for projection onto sprite. width *= (distance_local/sqrtf(distance_local*distance_local-bs.radius2())); } // scale up and side vectors to sprite width. up_local *= width; sv_local *= width; // create the corners of the sprite. Vec3 c00(center_local - sv_local - up_local); Vec3 c10(center_local + sv_local - up_local); Vec3 c01(center_local - sv_local + up_local); Vec3 c11(center_local + sv_local + up_local); // calc texture size for eye, bs. // convert the corners of the sprite (in world coords) into their // equivilant window coordinates by using the camera's project method. const osg::Matrix& MVPW = cv->getMVPW(); Vec3 c00_win = c00 * MVPW; Vec3 c11_win = c11 * MVPW; // adjust texture size to be nearest power of 2. float s = c11_win.x()-c00_win.x(); float t = c11_win.y()-c00_win.y(); // may need to reverse sign of width or height if a matrix has // been applied which flips the orientation of this subgraph. if (s<0.0f) s = -s; if (t<0.0f) t = -t; // bias value used to assist the rounding up or down of // the texture dimensions to the nearest power of two. // bias near 0.0 will almost always round down. // bias near 1.0 will almost always round up. float bias = 0.7f; float sp2 = logf((float)s)/logf(2.0f); float rounded_sp2 = floorf(sp2+bias); int new_s = (int)(powf(2.0f,rounded_sp2)); float tp2 = logf((float)t)/logf(2.0f); float rounded_tp2 = floorf(tp2+bias); int new_t = (int)(powf(2.0f,rounded_tp2)); const osg::Viewport& viewport = *(cv->getViewport()); // if dimension is bigger than window divide it down. while (new_s>viewport.width()) new_s /= 2; // if dimension is bigger than window divide it down. while (new_t>viewport.height()) new_t /= 2; // create the impostor sprite. ImpostorSprite* impostorSprite = impostorSpriteManager->createOrReuseImpostorSprite(new_s,new_t,cv->getTraversalNumber()-cv->getNumberOfFrameToKeepImpostorSprites()); if (impostorSprite==NULL) { osg::notify(osg::WARN)<<"Warning: unable to create required impostor sprite."<setLastFrameUsed(cv->getTraversalNumber()); // have successfully created an impostor sprite so now need to // add it into the impostor. addImpostorSprite(contextID,impostorSprite); if (cv->getDepthSortImpostorSprites()) { // the depth sort bin should probably be user definable, // will look into this later. RO July 2001. StateSet* stateset = impostorSprite->getStateSet(); stateset->setRenderBinDetails(10,"DepthSortedBin"); } osg::Texture2D* texture = impostorSprite->getTexture(); texture->setTextureSize(new_s, new_t); texture->setInternalFormat(GL_RGBA); texture->setFilter(osg::Texture2D::MIN_FILTER,osg::Texture2D::LINEAR); texture->setFilter(osg::Texture2D::MAG_FILTER,osg::Texture2D::LINEAR); // update frame number to show that impostor is in action. impostorSprite->setLastFrameUsed(cv->getTraversalNumber()); Vec3* coords = impostorSprite->getCoords(); Vec2* texcoords = impostorSprite->getTexCoords(); coords[0] = c01; texcoords[0].set(0.0f,1.0f); coords[1] = c00; texcoords[1].set(0.0f,0.0f); coords[2] = c10; texcoords[2].set(1.0f,0.0f); coords[3] = c11; texcoords[3].set(1.0f,1.0f); impostorSprite->dirtyBound(); Vec3* controlcoords = impostorSprite->getControlCoords(); if (isPerspectiveProjection) { // deal with projection issue by moving the coorners of the quad // towards the eye point. float ratio = width/(center_local-eye_local).length(); float one_minus_ratio = 1.0f-ratio; Vec3 eye_local_ratio = eye_local*ratio; controlcoords[0] = coords[0]*one_minus_ratio + eye_local_ratio; controlcoords[1] = coords[1]*one_minus_ratio + eye_local_ratio; controlcoords[2] = coords[2]*one_minus_ratio + eye_local_ratio; controlcoords[3] = coords[3]*one_minus_ratio + eye_local_ratio; } else { // project the control points forward towards the eyepoint, // but since this an othographics projection this projection is // parallel. Vec3 dv = lv_local*width; controlcoords[0] = coords[0]-dv; controlcoords[1] = coords[1]-dv; controlcoords[2] = coords[2]-dv; controlcoords[3] = coords[3]-dv; } impostorSprite->setStoredLocalEyePoint(eye_local); Vec3 eye_world(0.0,0.0,0.0); Vec3 center_world = bs.center()*matrix; osg::Camera* camera = impostorSprite->getCamera(); if (!camera) { camera = new osg::Camera; impostorSprite->setCamera(camera); } camera->setCullCallback(new ImpostorTraverseNodeCallback(this)); osgUtil::RenderStage* previous_stage = cv->getRenderStage(); // set up the background color and clear mask. osg::Vec4 clear_color = previous_stage->getClearColor(); clear_color[3] = 0.0f; // set thae alpha to zero. camera->setClearColor(clear_color); camera->setClearMask(previous_stage->getClearMask()); // adjust camera left,right,up,down to fit (in world coords) Vec3 near_local ( center_local-lv_local*width ); Vec3 far_local ( center_local+lv_local*width ); Vec3 top_local ( center_local+up_local); Vec3 right_local ( center_local+sv_local); Vec3 near_world = near_local * matrix; Vec3 far_world = far_local * matrix; Vec3 top_world = top_local * matrix; Vec3 right_world = right_local * matrix; float znear = (near_world-eye_world).length(); float zfar = (far_world-eye_world).length(); float top = (top_world-center_world).length(); float right = (right_world-center_world).length(); znear *= 0.9f; zfar *= 1.1f; // set up projection. if (isPerspectiveProjection) { // deal with projection issue move the top and right points // onto the near plane. float ratio = znear/(center_world-eye_world).length(); top *= ratio; right *= ratio; camera->setProjectionMatrixAsFrustum(-right,right,-top,top,znear,zfar); } else { camera->setProjectionMatrixAsOrtho(-right,right,-top,top,znear,zfar); } Vec3 rotate_from = bs.center()-eye_local; Vec3 rotate_to = cv-> getLookVectorLocal(); osg::Matrix rotate_matrix = osg::Matrix::translate(-eye_local)* osg::Matrix::rotate(rotate_from,rotate_to)* osg::Matrix::translate(eye_local)* cv->getModelViewMatrix(); camera->setReferenceFrame(osg::Transform::ABSOLUTE_RF); camera->setViewMatrix(rotate_matrix); camera->setViewport(0,0,new_s,new_t); // tell the camera to use OpenGL frame buffer object where supported. camera->setRenderTargetImplementation(osg::Camera::FRAME_BUFFER_OBJECT, osg::Camera::FRAME_BUFFER); // set the camera to render before the main camera. camera->setRenderOrder(osg::Camera::PRE_RENDER); // attach the texture and use it as the color buffer. camera->attach(osg::Camera::COLOR_BUFFER, texture); // do the cull traversal on the subgraph camera->accept(*cv); return impostorSprite; }