//C++ header - Open Scene Graph - Copyright (C) 1998-2002 Robert Osfield //Distributed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL) //as published by the Free Software Foundation. #ifndef OSG_STENCIL #define OSG_STENCIL 1 #include #include namespace osg { /** Encapsulate OpenGL glStencilFunc/Op/Mask functions. */ class SG_EXPORT Stencil : public StateAttribute { public : Stencil(); /** Copy constructor using CopyOp to manage deep vs shallow copy.*/ Stencil(const Stencil& stencil,const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY): StateAttribute(stencil,copyop), _func(stencil._func), _funcRef(stencil._funcRef), _funcMask(stencil._funcMask), _sfail(stencil._sfail), _zfail(stencil._zfail), _zpass(stencil._zpass), _writeMask(stencil._writeMask) {} META_StateAttribute(osg, Stencil, STENCIL); /** return -1 if *this < *rhs, 0 if *this==*rhs, 1 if *this>*rhs.*/ virtual int compare(const StateAttribute& sa) const { // check the types are equal and then create the rhs variable // used by the COMPARE_StateAttribute_Paramter macro's below. COMPARE_StateAttribute_Types(Stencil,sa) // compare each paramter in turn against the rhs. COMPARE_StateAttribute_Parameter(_func) COMPARE_StateAttribute_Parameter(_funcRef) COMPARE_StateAttribute_Parameter(_funcMask) COMPARE_StateAttribute_Parameter(_sfail) COMPARE_StateAttribute_Parameter(_zfail) COMPARE_StateAttribute_Parameter(_zpass) COMPARE_StateAttribute_Parameter(_writeMask) return 0; // passed all the above comparison macro's, must be equal. } virtual void getAssociatedModes(std::vector& modes) const { modes.push_back(GL_STENCIL_TEST); } enum Function { NEVER = GL_NEVER, LESS = GL_LESS, EQUAL = GL_EQUAL, LEQUAL = GL_LEQUAL, GREATER = GL_GREATER, NOTEQUAL = GL_NOTEQUAL, GEQUAL = GL_GEQUAL, ALWAYS = GL_ALWAYS }; inline void setFunction(Function func,int ref,uint mask) { _func = func; _funcRef = ref; _funcMask = mask; } inline Function getFunction() const { return _func; } inline int getFunctionRef() const { return _funcRef; } inline uint getFunctionMask() const { return _funcMask; } enum Operation { KEEP = GL_KEEP, ZERO = GL_ZERO, REPLACE = GL_REPLACE, INCR = GL_INCR, DECR = GL_DECR, INVERT = GL_INVERT }; /** set the operations to apply when the various stencil and depth * tests fail or pass. First parameter is to control the operation * when the stencil test fails. The second parameter is to control the * operation when the stencil test passes, but depth test fails. The * third parameter controls the operation when both the stencil test * and depth pass. Ordering of parameter is the same as if using * glStencilOp(,,).*/ inline void setOperation(Operation sfail, Operation zfail, Operation zpass) { _sfail = sfail; _zfail = zfail; _zpass = zpass; } /** get the operation when the stencil test fails.*/ inline Operation getStencilFailOperation() const { return _sfail; } /** get the operation when the stencil test passes but the depth test fails*/ inline Operation getStencilPassAndDepthFailOperation() const { return _zfail; } /** get the operation when both the stencil test and the depth test pass*/ inline Operation getStencilPassAndDepthPassOperation() const { return _zpass; } inline void setWriteMask(uint mask) { _writeMask = mask; } inline uint getWriteMask() const { return _writeMask; } virtual void apply(State& state) const; protected: virtual ~Stencil(); Function _func; int _funcRef; uint _funcMask; Operation _sfail; Operation _zfail; Operation _zpass; uint _writeMask; }; } #endif