// C++ source file - (C) 2003 Robert Osfield, released under the OSGPL. // (C) 2005 Mike Weiblen http://mew.cx/ released under the OSGPL. // Simple example using GLUT to create an OpenGL window and OSG for rendering. // Derived from osgsimple.cpp #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ # include #else # include #endif #include #include #include osg::ref_ptr sceneView; osg::Timer_t start_tick; unsigned int frameNum; osg::Matrix viewMatrix; void display(void) { // set up the frame stamp for current frame to record the current time and frame number so that animtion code can advance correctly osg::ref_ptr frameStamp = new osg::FrameStamp; frameStamp->setReferenceTime(osg::Timer::instance()->delta_s(start_tick,osg::Timer::instance()->tick())); frameStamp->setFrameNumber( frameNum++ ); // pass frame stamp to the SceneView so that the update, cull and draw traversals all use the same FrameStamp sceneView->setFrameStamp( frameStamp.get() ); // set the view sceneView->setViewMatrix( viewMatrix ); // do the update traversal the scene graph - such as updating animations sceneView->update(); // do the cull traversal, collect all objects in the view frustum into a sorted set of rendering bins sceneView->cull(); // draw the rendering bins. sceneView->draw(); // Swap Buffers glutSwapBuffers(); glutPostRedisplay(); } void reshape( int w, int h ) { // update the viewport dimensions, in case the window has been resized. sceneView->setViewport( 0, 0, w, h ); } int main( int argc, char **argv ) { glutInit(&argc, argv); if (argc<2) { std::cout << argv[0] <<": requires filename argument." << std::endl; return 1; } // load the scene. osg::ref_ptr loadedModel = osgDB::readNodeFile(argv[1]); if (!loadedModel) { std::cout << argv[0] <<": No data loaded." << std::endl; return 1; } glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_ALPHA ); glutInitWindowPosition( 100, 100 ); glutInitWindowSize( 800, 600 ); glutCreateWindow( argv[0] ); glutDisplayFunc( display ); glutReshapeFunc( reshape ); // create the view of the scene. sceneView = new osgUtil::SceneView; sceneView->setDefaults(); sceneView->setSceneData(loadedModel.get()); // initialize the view to look at the center of the scene graph const osg::BoundingSphere& bs = loadedModel->getBound(); viewMatrix.makeLookAt(bs.center()-osg::Vec3(0.0,2.0f*bs.radius(),0.0),bs.center(),osg::Vec3(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f)); // record the timer tick at the start of rendering. start_tick = osg::Timer::instance()->tick(); frameNum = 0; glutMainLoop(); return 0; } /*EOF*/