/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph example, osgcomputeshaders. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ // Written by Wang Rui // This example can work only if GL version is 4.3 or greater #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const char* computeSrc = { "#version 430\n" "uniform float osg_FrameTime;\n" "uniform image2D targetTex;\n" "layout (local_size_x = 16, local_size_y = 16) in;\n" "void main() {\n" " ivec2 storePos = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy);\n" " float coeffcient = 0.5*sin(float(gl_WorkGroupID.x + gl_WorkGroupID.y)*0.1 + osg_FrameTime);\n" " coeffcient *= length(vec2(ivec2(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy) - ivec2(8)) / vec2(8.0));\n" " imageStore(targetTex, storePos, vec4(1.0-coeffcient, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0));\n" "}\n" }; int main( int argc, char** argv ) { osg::ArgumentParser arguments( &argc, argv ); // Create the texture as both the output of compute shader and the input of a normal quad osg::ref_ptr tex2D = new osg::Texture2D; tex2D->setTextureSize( 512, 512 ); tex2D->setFilter( osg::Texture2D::MIN_FILTER, osg::Texture2D::LINEAR ); tex2D->setFilter( osg::Texture2D::MAG_FILTER, osg::Texture2D::LINEAR ); tex2D->setInternalFormat( GL_R32F ); tex2D->setSourceFormat( GL_RED ); tex2D->setSourceType( GL_FLOAT ); tex2D->bindToImageUnit( 0, osg::Texture::WRITE_ONLY ); // So we can use 'image2D' in the compute shader // The compute shader can't work with other kinds of shaders // It also requires the work group numbers. Setting them to 0 will disable the compute shader osg::ref_ptr computeProg = new osg::Program; computeProg->setComputeGroups( 512/16, 512/16, 1 ); computeProg->addShader( new osg::Shader(osg::Shader::COMPUTE, computeSrc) ); // Create a node for outputting to the texture. // It is OK to have just an empty node here, but seems inbuilt uniforms like osg_FrameTime won't work then. // TODO: maybe we can have a custom drawable which also will implement glMemoryBarrier? osg::Node* sourceNode = osgDB::readNodeFile("axes.osgt"); if ( !sourceNode ) sourceNode = new osg::Node; sourceNode->setDataVariance( osg::Object::DYNAMIC ); sourceNode->getOrCreateStateSet()->setAttributeAndModes( computeProg.get() ); sourceNode->getOrCreateStateSet()->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("targetTex", (int)0) ); sourceNode->getOrCreateStateSet()->setTextureAttributeAndModes( 0, tex2D.get() ); // Display the texture on a quad. We will also be able to operate on the data if reading back to CPU side osg::Geometry* geom = osg::createTexturedQuadGeometry( osg::Vec3(), osg::Vec3(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f), osg::Vec3(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f) ); osg::ref_ptr quad = new osg::Geode; quad->addDrawable( geom ); quad->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode( GL_LIGHTING, osg::StateAttribute::OFF ); quad->getOrCreateStateSet()->setTextureAttributeAndModes( 0, tex2D.get() ); // Create the scene graph and start the viewer osg::ref_ptr scene = new osg::Group; scene->addChild( sourceNode ); scene->addChild( quad.get() ); osgViewer::Viewer viewer; viewer.addEventHandler( new osgGA::StateSetManipulator(viewer.getCamera()->getOrCreateStateSet()) ); viewer.addEventHandler( new osgViewer::StatsHandler ); viewer.addEventHandler( new osgViewer::WindowSizeHandler ); viewer.setSceneData( scene.get() ); return viewer.run(); }