#ifdef USE_MEM_CHECK #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined (WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) #include #endif #include "receiver.h" #include "broadcaster.h" const unsigned int MAX_NUM_EVENTS = 10; const unsigned int SWAP_BYTES_COMPARE = 0x12345678; class CameraPacket { public: CameraPacket():_masterKilled(false) { _byte_order = SWAP_BYTES_COMPARE; } void setPacket(const osg::Matrix& matrix,const osg::FrameStamp* frameStamp) { _matrix = matrix; if (frameStamp) { _frameStamp = *frameStamp; } } void getModelView(osg::Matrix& matrix,float angle_offset=0.0f) { matrix = _matrix * osg::Matrix::rotate(osg::DegreesToRadians(angle_offset),0.0f,1.0f,0.0f); } void readEventQueue(osgProducer::Viewer& viewer); void writeEventQueue(osgProducer::Viewer& viewer); void setMasterKilled(const bool flag) { _masterKilled = flag; } const bool getMasterKilled() const { return _masterKilled; } unsigned int _byte_order; bool _masterKilled; osg::Matrix _matrix; // note don't use a ref_ptr as used elsewhere for FrameStamp // since we don't want to copy the pointer - but the memory. // FrameStamp doesn't have a private destructor to allow // us to do this, even though its a reference counted object. osg::FrameStamp _frameStamp; osgProducer::KeyboardMouseCallback::EventQueue _events; }; class DataConverter { public: DataConverter(unsigned int numBytes): _startPtr(0), _endPtr(0), _swapBytes(false), _currentPtr(0) { _currentPtr = _startPtr = new char[numBytes]; _endPtr = _startPtr+numBytes; _numBytes = numBytes; } char* _startPtr; char* _endPtr; unsigned int _numBytes; bool _swapBytes; char* _currentPtr; void reset() { _currentPtr = _startPtr; } inline void write1(char* ptr) { if (_currentPtr+1>=_endPtr) return; *(_currentPtr++) = *(ptr); } inline void read1(char* ptr) { if (_currentPtr+1>=_endPtr) return; *(ptr) = *(_currentPtr++); } inline void write2(char* ptr) { if (_currentPtr+2>=_endPtr) return; *(_currentPtr++) = *(ptr++); *(_currentPtr++) = *(ptr); } inline void read2(char* ptr) { if (_currentPtr+2>=_endPtr) return; if (_swapBytes) { *(ptr+1) = *(_currentPtr++); *(ptr) = *(_currentPtr++); } else { *(ptr++) = *(_currentPtr++); *(ptr) = *(_currentPtr++); } } inline void write4(char* ptr) { if (_currentPtr+4>=_endPtr) return; *(_currentPtr++) = *(ptr++); *(_currentPtr++) = *(ptr++); *(_currentPtr++) = *(ptr++); *(_currentPtr++) = *(ptr); } inline void read4(char* ptr) { if (_currentPtr+4>=_endPtr) return; if (_swapBytes) { *(ptr+3) = *(_currentPtr++); *(ptr+2) = *(_currentPtr++); *(ptr+1) = *(_currentPtr++); *(ptr) = *(_currentPtr++); } else { *(ptr++) = *(_currentPtr++); *(ptr++) = *(_currentPtr++); *(ptr++) = *(_currentPtr++); *(ptr) = *(_currentPtr++); } } inline void write8(char* ptr) { if (_currentPtr+8>=_endPtr) return; *(_currentPtr++) = *(ptr++); *(_currentPtr++) = *(ptr++); *(_currentPtr++) = *(ptr++); *(_currentPtr++) = *(ptr++); *(_currentPtr++) = *(ptr++); *(_currentPtr++) = *(ptr++); *(_currentPtr++) = *(ptr++); *(_currentPtr++) = *(ptr); } inline void read8(char* ptr) { char* endPtr = _currentPtr+8; if (endPtr>=_endPtr) return; if (_swapBytes) { *(ptr+7) = *(_currentPtr++); *(ptr+6) = *(_currentPtr++); *(ptr+5) = *(_currentPtr++); *(ptr+4) = *(_currentPtr++); *(ptr+3) = *(_currentPtr++); *(ptr+2) = *(_currentPtr++); *(ptr+1) = *(_currentPtr++); *(ptr) = *(_currentPtr++); } else { *(ptr++) = *(_currentPtr++); *(ptr++) = *(_currentPtr++); *(ptr++) = *(_currentPtr++); *(ptr++) = *(_currentPtr++); *(ptr++) = *(_currentPtr++); *(ptr++) = *(_currentPtr++); *(ptr++) = *(_currentPtr++); *(ptr) = *(_currentPtr++); } } inline void writeChar(char c) { write1(&c); } inline void writeUChar(unsigned char c) { write1((char*)&c); } inline void writeShort(short c) { write2((char*)&c); } inline void writeUShort(unsigned short c) { write2((char*)&c); } inline void writeInt(int c) { write4((char*)&c); } inline void writeUInt(unsigned int c) { write4((char*)&c); } inline void writeFloat(float c) { write4((char*)&c); } inline void writeDouble(double c) { write8((char*)&c); } inline char readChar() { char c; read1(&c); return c; } inline unsigned char readUChar() { unsigned char c; read1((char*)&c); return c; } inline short readShort() { short c; read2((char*)&c); return c; } inline unsigned short readUShort() { unsigned short c; read2((char*)&c); return c; } inline int readInt() { int c; read4((char*)&c); return c; } inline unsigned int readUInt() { unsigned int c; read4((char*)&c); return c; } inline float readFloat() { float c; read4((char*)&c); return c; } inline double readDouble() { double c; read8((char*)&c); return c; } void write(const osg::FrameStamp& fs) { osg::notify(osg::NOTICE)<<"writeFramestamp = "<setCommandLineUsage(arguments.getApplicationName()+" [options] filename ..."); arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-h or --help","Display this information"); arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-m","Set viewer to MASTER mode, sending view via packets."); arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-s","Set viewer to SLAVE mode, reciving view via packets."); arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-n ","Socket number to transmit packets"); arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-f ","Field of view of camera"); arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-o ","Offset angle of camera"); // construct the viewer. osgProducer::Viewer viewer(arguments); // set up the value with sensible default event handlers. viewer.setUpViewer(osgProducer::Viewer::STANDARD_SETTINGS); // get details on keyboard and mouse bindings used by the viewer. viewer.getUsage(*arguments.getApplicationUsage()); // read up the osgcluster specific arguments. ViewerMode viewerMode = STAND_ALONE; while (arguments.read("-m")) viewerMode = MASTER; while (arguments.read("-s")) viewerMode = SLAVE; int socketNumber=8100; while (arguments.read("-n",socketNumber)) ; float camera_fov=-1.0f; while (arguments.read("-f",camera_fov)) { } float camera_offset=45.0f; while (arguments.read("-o",camera_offset)) ; // if user request help write it out to cout. if (arguments.read("-h") || arguments.read("--help")) { arguments.getApplicationUsage()->write(std::cout); return 1; } // any option left unread are converted into errors to write out later. arguments.reportRemainingOptionsAsUnrecognized(); // report any errors if they have occured when parsing the program aguments. if (arguments.errors()) { arguments.writeErrorMessages(std::cout); return 1; } if (arguments.argc()<=1) { arguments.getApplicationUsage()->write(std::cout,osg::ApplicationUsage::COMMAND_LINE_OPTION); return 1; } // load model. osg::ref_ptr rootnode = osgDB::readNodeFiles(arguments); // set the scene to render viewer.setSceneData(rootnode.get()); // create the windows and run the threads. viewer.realize(); // set up the lens after realize as the Producer lens is not set up properly before this.... will need to inveestigate this at a later date. if (camera_fov>0.0f) { float aspectRatio = tan( osg::DegreesToRadians(viewer.getLensVerticalFov()*0.5)) / tan(osg::DegreesToRadians(viewer.getLensHorizontalFov()*0.5)); float new_fovy = osg::RadiansToDegrees(atan( aspectRatio * tan( osg::DegreesToRadians(camera_fov*0.5))))*2.0f; std::cout << "setting lens perspective : original "<(socketNumber)); rc.setPort(static_cast(socketNumber)); bool masterKilled = false; DataConverter scratchPad(1024); while( !viewer.done() && !masterKilled ) { // wait for all cull and draw threads to complete. viewer.sync(); osg::Timer_t startTick = osg::Timer::instance()->tick(); // special handling for working as a cluster. switch (viewerMode) { case(MASTER): { // take camera zero as the guide. osg::Matrix modelview(viewer.getCameraConfig()->getCamera(0)->getViewMatrix()); cp->setPacket(modelview,viewer.getFrameStamp()); cp->readEventQueue(viewer); scratchPad.reset(); scratchPad.write(*cp); scratchPad.reset(); scratchPad.read(*cp); bc.setBuffer(scratchPad._startPtr, scratchPad._numBytes); std::cout << "bc.sync()"<writeEventQueue(viewer); if (cp->getMasterKilled()) { std::cout << "Received master killed."<tick(); osg::notify(osg::INFO)<<"Time to do cluster sync "<delta_m(startTick,endTick)<getModelView(modelview,camera_offset); viewer.setView(modelview); } // fire off the cull and draw traversals of the scene. if(!masterKilled) viewer.frame(); } // wait for all cull and draw threads to complete before exit. viewer.sync(); // if we are master clean up by telling all slaves that we're going down. if (viewerMode==MASTER) { // need to broadcast my death. cp->setPacket(osg::Matrix::identity(),viewer.getFrameStamp()); cp->setMasterKilled(true); bc.setBuffer(cp, sizeof( CameraPacket )); bc.sync(); std::cout << "Broadcasting death."<