// C++ source file - (C) 2003 Robert Osfield, released under the OSGPL. // // Simple example of use of Producer::RenderSurface + KeyboardMouseCallback + SceneView // example that provides the user with control over view position with basic picking. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class MyKeyboardMouseCallback : public Producer::KeyboardMouseCallback { public: MyKeyboardMouseCallback(osgUtil::SceneView* sceneView) : Producer::KeyboardMouseCallback(), _mx(0.0f),_my(0.0f),_mbutton(0), _done(false), _trackBall(new Producer::Trackball), _sceneView(sceneView) { resetTrackball(); _mouseMovingOnPreviousRelease = false; } virtual void specialKeyPress( Producer::KeyCharacter key ) { if (key==Producer::KeyChar_Escape) shutdown(); } virtual void shutdown() { _done = true; } virtual void keyPress( Producer::KeyCharacter key) { if (key==' ') resetTrackball(); } virtual void mouseMotion( float mx, float my ) { _mx = mx; _my = my; } virtual void buttonPress( float mx, float my, unsigned int mbutton ) { _mx = mx; _my = my; _mbutton |= (1<<(mbutton-1)); _mx_buttonPress = _mx; _my_buttonPress = _my; } virtual void buttonRelease( float mx, float my, unsigned int mbutton ) { _mx = mx; _my = my; _mbutton &= ~(1<<(mbutton-1)); if (_mx==_mx_buttonPress && _my_buttonPress==_my) { if (!_mouseMovingOnPreviousRelease) { // button press and release without moving so assume this means // the users wants to pick. pick(_mx,_my); } _mouseMovingOnPreviousRelease = false; } else { _mouseMovingOnPreviousRelease = true; } } bool done() { return _done; } float mx() { return _mx; } float my() { return _my; } unsigned int mbutton() { return _mbutton; } void resetTrackball() { osg::Node* scene = _sceneView->getSceneData(); if (scene) { const osg::BoundingSphere& bs = scene->getBound(); _trackBall->reset(); _trackBall->setOrientation( Producer::Trackball::Z_UP ); _trackBall->setDistance(bs.radius()*2.0f); _trackBall->translate(-bs.center().x(),-bs.center().y(),-bs.center().z()); } } osg::Matrixd getViewMatrix() { _trackBall->input( mx(), my(), mbutton() ); return osg::Matrixd(_trackBall->getMatrix().ptr()); } void pick(float x, float y) { osg::Node* scene = _sceneView->getSceneData(); if (scene) { std::cout<<"Picking "<getViewport(origX,origY,width,height); // convert Produce's non dimensional x,y coords back into pixel coords. int winX = (int)((x+1.0f)*0.5f*(float)width); int winY = (int)((y+1.0f)*0.5f*(float)height); osg::Vec3 nearPoint, farPoint; _sceneView->projectWindowXYIntoObject(winX,winY,nearPoint,farPoint); std::cout<<"nearPoint "< lineSegment = new osg::LineSegment(nearPoint,farPoint); // create the IntersectVisitor to do the line intersection traversals. osgUtil::IntersectVisitor intersector; intersector.addLineSegment(lineSegment.get()); scene->accept(intersector); osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList& hits=intersector.getHitList(lineSegment.get()); if (!hits.empty()) { std::cout<<"Got hits"<=1)?nodePath[nodePath.size()-1]:0; osg::Group* parent = (nodePath.size()>=2)?dynamic_cast(nodePath[nodePath.size()-2]):0; if (parent && node) { std::cout<<"Hits "<className()<className()<(parent); if (!parentAsScribe) { // node not already picked, so highlight it with an osgFX::Scribe osgFX::Scribe* scribe = new osgFX::Scribe(); scribe->addChild(node); parent->replaceChild(node,scribe); } else { // node already picked so we want to remove scribe to unpick it. osg::Node::ParentList parentList = parentAsScribe->getParents(); for(osg::Node::ParentList::iterator itr=parentList.begin(); itr!=parentList.end(); ++itr) { (*itr)->replaceChild(parentAsScribe,node); } } } } } } private: float _mx, _my; float _mx_buttonPress, _my_buttonPress; unsigned int _mbutton; bool _mouseMovingOnPreviousRelease; bool _done; osg::ref_ptr _trackBall; osg::ref_ptr _sceneView; }; int main( int argc, char **argv ) { if (argc<2) { std::cout << argv[0] <<": requires filename argument." << std::endl; return 1; } // load the scene. osg::ref_ptr loadedModel = osgDB::readNodeFile(argv[1]); if (!loadedModel) { std::cout << argv[0] <<": No data loaded." << std::endl; return 1; } // create the window to draw to. osg::ref_ptr renderSurface = new Producer::RenderSurface; renderSurface->setWindowName("osgkeyboardmouse"); renderSurface->setWindowRectangle(100,100,800,600); renderSurface->useBorder(true); renderSurface->realize(); // create the view of the scene. osg::ref_ptr sceneView = new osgUtil::SceneView; sceneView->setDefaults(); sceneView->setSceneData(loadedModel.get()); // set up a KeyboardMouse to manage the events comming in from the RenderSurface osg::ref_ptr kbm = new Producer::KeyboardMouse(renderSurface.get()); // create a KeyboardMouseCallback to handle the mouse events within this applications osg::ref_ptr kbmcb = new MyKeyboardMouseCallback(sceneView.get()); // record the timer tick at the start of rendering. osg::Timer_t start_tick = osg::Timer::instance()->tick(); unsigned int frameNum = 0; // main loop (note, window toolkits which take control over the main loop will require a window redraw callback containing the code below.) while( renderSurface->isRealized() && !kbmcb->done()) { // set up the frame stamp for current frame to record the current time and frame number so that animtion code can advance correctly osg::FrameStamp* frameStamp = new osg::FrameStamp; frameStamp->setReferenceTime(osg::Timer::instance()->delta_s(start_tick,osg::Timer::instance()->tick())); frameStamp->setFrameNumber(frameNum++); // pass frame stamp to the SceneView so that the update, cull and draw traversals all use the same FrameStamp sceneView->setFrameStamp(frameStamp); // pass any keyboard mouse events onto the local keyboard mouse callback. kbm->update( *kbmcb ); // set the view sceneView->setViewMatrix(kbmcb->getViewMatrix()); // update the viewport dimensions, incase the window has been resized. sceneView->setViewport(0,0,renderSurface->getWindowWidth(),renderSurface->getWindowHeight()); // do the update traversal the scene graph - such as updating animations sceneView->update(); // do the cull traversal, collect all objects in the view frustum into a sorted set of rendering bins sceneView->cull(); // draw the rendering bins. sceneView->draw(); // Swap Buffers renderSurface->swapBuffers(); } return 0; }