class SG_EXPORT Test: public osg::Referenced
- Test, an abstract base class, is the Composite pattern's \em component class for our graph of test cases, and defines the basic interface for all Test components.
class SG_EXPORT TestContext
- TestContext wraps up information which is passed to tests as they are run, and may contain test-specific information or 'global' test objects, such as an output stream for verbose output during the running of tests.
class TestVisitor
- Visits while maintaining the current hierarchical context.
class TestCase: public Test
- TestCase, is the supplies the interface for a Composite pattern's \em leaf class, though it is not a leaf in itself
class TestX
- Base class catchable for the exception's which may be thrown to indicate problems during the run of a TestCase
class TestFailureX: public TestX
- A TestFailureX indicates a failure in the tested component
class TestErrorX: public TestX
- A TestErrorX indicates an error while testing a component, which prevents the test from being run; it does not indicate a problem with the component, but rather a problem during the run which prevents the component from being tested
template< typename FixtureT > class TestCase_: public TestCase
- TestCase_ is a class template for a leaf TestCase, which allows TestFixture classes to be easily collected into the tree of tests, and have their public test methods called.
class SG_EXPORT TestSuite: public Test
- A TestSuite is the \em composite component of the Composite pattern, and allows aggregation of Tests into hierarchies
class SG_EXPORT TestGraph
- TestGraph is a singleton providing central access to the tree of tests; primarily, it provides access to the root suite
class SG_EXPORT TestQualifier: public TestVisitor
- Maintains a string that when accessed in the "visit" member, returns the current qualified TestSuite path
class SG_EXPORT QualifiedTestPrinter: public TestQualifier
- QualifiedTestPrinter prints to standard output a list of fully qualified tests
class SG_EXPORT TestRecord
- A TestRecord records the output of a given test case, ie.
class SG_EXPORT TestReport
- A TestReport represents the complete set of results (TestRecords) for a given test run.
class SG_EXPORT TestRunner: public TestQualifier
- A TestRunner is a visitor which will run specified tests as it traverses the test graph.
struct TestSuiteAutoRegistrationAgent
- A helper struct to perform automatic registration at program startup; not for direct use, it should be used via the following macros.
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