#if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma warning( disable : 4786 ) #endif #include #include #include using namespace osg; using namespace osgGA; DriveManipulator::DriveManipulator() { _modelScale = 0.01f; _velocity = 0.0f; _height = 1.5f; _buffer = 2.0f; //_speedMode = USE_MOUSE_Y_FOR_SPEED; _speedMode = USE_MOUSE_BUTTONS_FOR_SPEED; } DriveManipulator::~DriveManipulator() { } void DriveManipulator::setNode(osg::Node* node) { _node = node; if (_node.get()) { const osg::BoundingSphere& boundingSphere=_node->getBound(); _modelScale = boundingSphere._radius; //_height = sqrtf(_modelScale)*0.03f; //_buffer = sqrtf(_modelScale)*0.05f; _height = 1.5f; _buffer = 2.0f; } } const osg::Node* DriveManipulator::getNode() const { return _node.get(); } osg::Node* DriveManipulator::getNode() { return _node.get(); } void DriveManipulator::home(const GUIEventAdapter& ea,GUIActionAdapter& us) { if(_node.get() && _camera.get()) { const osg::BoundingSphere& boundingSphere=_node->getBound(); osg::Vec3 ep = boundingSphere._center; osg::Vec3 bp = ep; ep.z() -= _modelScale*0.0001f; bp.z() -= _modelScale; // check to see if any obstruction in front. osgUtil::IntersectVisitor iv; bool cameraSet = false; osg::ref_ptr segDown = new osg::LineSegment; segDown->set(ep,bp); iv.addLineSegment(segDown.get()); _node->accept(iv); if (iv.hits()) { osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList& hitList = iv.getHitList(segDown.get()); if (!hitList.empty()) { // notify(INFO) << "Hit terrain ok"<< std::endl; osg::Vec3 ip = hitList.front().getWorldIntersectPoint(); osg::Vec3 np = hitList.front().getWorldIntersectNormal(); osg::Vec3 uv; if (np.z()>0.0f) uv = np; else uv = -np; float lookDistance = _modelScale*0.1f; ep = ip; ep.z() += _height; osg::Vec3 lv = uv^osg::Vec3(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f); osg::Vec3 cp = ep+lv*lookDistance; _camera->setLookAt(ep,cp,uv); cameraSet = true; } } if (!cameraSet) { bp = ep; bp.z() += _modelScale; osg::ref_ptr segUp = new osg::LineSegment; segUp->set(ep,bp); iv.addLineSegment(segUp.get()); _node->accept(iv); if (iv.hits()) { osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList& hitList = iv.getHitList(segUp.get()); if (!hitList.empty()) { // notify(INFO) << "Hit terrain ok"<< std::endl; osg::Vec3 ip = hitList.front().getWorldIntersectPoint(); osg::Vec3 np = hitList.front().getWorldIntersectNormal(); osg::Vec3 uv; if (np.z()>0.0f) uv = np; else uv = -np; float lookDistance = _modelScale*0.1f; ep = ip; ep.z() += _height; osg::Vec3 lv = uv^osg::Vec3(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f); osg::Vec3 cp = ep+lv*lookDistance; _camera->setLookAt(ep,cp,uv); cameraSet = true; } } } if (!cameraSet) { // eye _camera->setLookAt(boundingSphere._center+osg::Vec3( 0.0,-2.0f * boundingSphere._radius,0.0f), // look boundingSphere._center, // up osg::Vec3(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f)); } } _velocity = 0.0f; us.requestRedraw(); us.requestWarpPointer((ea.getXmin()+ea.getXmax())/2.0f,(ea.getYmin()+ea.getYmax())/2.0f); flushMouseEventStack(); computeLocalDataFromCamera(); } void DriveManipulator::init(const GUIEventAdapter& ea,GUIActionAdapter& us) { flushMouseEventStack(); us.requestContinuousUpdate(false); _velocity = 0.0f; osg::Vec3 ep = _camera->getEyePoint(); osg::Vec3 sv = _camera->getSideVector(); osg::Vec3 bp = ep; bp.z() -= _modelScale; // check to see if any obstruction in front. osgUtil::IntersectVisitor iv; bool cameraSet = false; osg::ref_ptr segDown = new osg::LineSegment; segDown->set(ep,bp); iv.addLineSegment(segDown.get()); _node->accept(iv); if (iv.hits()) { osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList& hitList = iv.getHitList(segDown.get()); if (!hitList.empty()) { // notify(INFO) << "Hit terrain ok"<< std::endl; osg::Vec3 ip = hitList.front().getWorldIntersectPoint(); osg::Vec3 np = hitList.front().getWorldIntersectNormal(); osg::Vec3 uv; if (np.z()>0.0f) uv = np; else uv = -np; float lookDistance = _modelScale*0.1f; ep = ip+uv*_height; osg::Vec3 lv = uv^sv; osg::Vec3 lp = ep+lv*lookDistance; _camera->setLookAt(ep,lp,uv); _camera->ensureOrthogonalUpVector(); cameraSet = true; } } if (!cameraSet) { bp = ep; bp.z() += _modelScale; osg::ref_ptr segUp = new osg::LineSegment; segUp->set(ep,bp); iv.addLineSegment(segUp.get()); _node->accept(iv); if (iv.hits()) { osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList& hitList = iv.getHitList(segUp.get()); if (!hitList.empty()) { // notify(INFO) << "Hit terrain ok"<< std::endl; osg::Vec3 ip = hitList.front().getWorldIntersectPoint(); osg::Vec3 np = hitList.front().getWorldIntersectNormal(); osg::Vec3 uv; if (np.z()>0.0f) uv = np; else uv = -np; float lookDistance = _modelScale*0.1f; ep = ip+uv*_height; osg::Vec3 lv = uv^sv; osg::Vec3 lp = ep+lv*lookDistance; _camera->setLookAt(ep,lp,uv); _camera->ensureOrthogonalUpVector(); cameraSet = true; } } } if (ea.getEventType()!=GUIEventAdapter::RESIZE) { us.requestWarpPointer((ea.getXmin()+ea.getXmax())/2.0f,(ea.getYmin()+ea.getYmax())/2.0f); } computeLocalDataFromCamera(); } bool DriveManipulator::handle(const GUIEventAdapter& ea,GUIActionAdapter& us) { if(!_camera.get()) return false; switch(ea.getEventType()) { case(GUIEventAdapter::PUSH): { addMouseEvent(ea); us.requestContinuousUpdate(true); if (calcMovement()) us.requestRedraw(); return true; } case(GUIEventAdapter::RELEASE): { addMouseEvent(ea); us.requestContinuousUpdate(true); if (calcMovement()) us.requestRedraw(); return true; } case(GUIEventAdapter::DRAG): { addMouseEvent(ea); us.requestContinuousUpdate(true); if (calcMovement()) us.requestRedraw(); return true; } case(GUIEventAdapter::MOVE): { addMouseEvent(ea); us.requestContinuousUpdate(true); if (calcMovement()) us.requestRedraw(); return true; } case(GUIEventAdapter::KEYDOWN): { if (ea.getKey()==' ') { flushMouseEventStack(); home(ea,us); us.requestRedraw(); us.requestContinuousUpdate(false); return true; } else if (ea.getKey()=='q') { _speedMode = USE_MOUSE_Y_FOR_SPEED; return true; } else if (ea.getKey()=='a') { _speedMode = USE_MOUSE_BUTTONS_FOR_SPEED; return true; } else if (ea.getKey()=='+') { _camera->setFusionDistanceRatio(_camera->getFusionDistanceRatio()*1.25f); return true; } else if (ea.getKey()=='-') { _camera->setFusionDistanceRatio(_camera->getFusionDistanceRatio()/1.25f); return true; } return false; } case(GUIEventAdapter::FRAME): { addMouseEvent(ea); if (calcMovement()) us.requestRedraw(); return true; } case(GUIEventAdapter::RESIZE): { init(ea,us); us.requestRedraw(); return true; } default: return false; } } void DriveManipulator::getUsage(osg::ApplicationUsage& usage) const { usage.addKeyboardMouseBinding("Drive: Space","Reset the viewing position to home"); usage.addKeyboardMouseBinding("Drive: +","When in stereo, increase the fusion distance"); usage.addKeyboardMouseBinding("Drive: -","When in stereo, reduse the fusion distance"); usage.addKeyboardMouseBinding("Drive: q","Use mouse y for controlling speed"); usage.addKeyboardMouseBinding("Drive: a","Use mouse middle,right mouse buttons for speed"); } void DriveManipulator::flushMouseEventStack() { _ga_t1 = NULL; _ga_t0 = NULL; } void DriveManipulator::addMouseEvent(const GUIEventAdapter& ea) { _ga_t1 = _ga_t0; _ga_t0 = &ea; } void DriveManipulator::computeLocalDataFromCamera() { // maths from gluLookAt/osg::Matrix::makeLookAt osg::Vec3 f(_camera->getCenterPoint()-_camera->getEyePoint()); f.normalize(); osg::Vec3 s(f^_camera->getUpVector()); s.normalize(); osg::Vec3 u(s^f); u.normalize(); osg::Matrix rotation_matrix(s[0], u[0], -f[0], 0.0f, s[1], u[1], -f[1], 0.0f, s[2], u[2], -f[2], 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); _eye = _camera->getEyePoint(); _distance = _camera->getLookDistance(); _rotation.set(rotation_matrix); _rotation = _rotation.inverse(); } void DriveManipulator::computeCameraFromLocalData() { osg::Matrix new_rotation; new_rotation.makeRotate(_rotation); osg::Vec3 up = osg::Vec3(0.0f,1.0f,0.0) * new_rotation; osg::Vec3 center = (osg::Vec3(0.0f,0.0f,-_distance) * new_rotation) + _eye; _camera->setLookAt(_eye,center,up); } void DriveManipulator::computeCameraFromLocalData(const osg::Vec3& lv,const osg::Vec3& up) { osg::Vec3 f(lv); f.normalize(); osg::Vec3 s(f^up); s.normalize(); osg::Vec3 u(s^f); u.normalize(); osg::Matrix rotation_matrix(s[0], u[0], -f[0], 0.0f, s[1], u[1], -f[1], 0.0f, s[2], u[2], -f[2], 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); _rotation.set(rotation_matrix); _rotation = _rotation.inverse(); computeCameraFromLocalData(); } bool DriveManipulator::calcMovement() { _camera->setFusionDistanceMode(osg::Camera::PROPORTIONAL_TO_SCREEN_DISTANCE); // return if less then two events have been added. if (_ga_t0.get()==NULL || _ga_t1.get()==NULL) return false; double dt = _ga_t0->time()-_ga_t1->time(); if (dt<0.0f) { notify(WARN) << "warning dt = "<getYnormalized(); _velocity = -_modelScale*0.2f*dy; break; } case(USE_MOUSE_BUTTONS_FOR_SPEED): { unsigned int buttonMask = _ga_t1->getButtonMask(); if (buttonMask==GUIEventAdapter::LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON) { // pan model. _velocity += dt*_modelScale*0.02f; } else if (buttonMask==GUIEventAdapter::MIDDLE_MOUSE_BUTTON || buttonMask==(GUIEventAdapter::LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON|GUIEventAdapter::RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON)) { _velocity = 0.0f; } else if (buttonMask==GUIEventAdapter::RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON) { _velocity -= dt*_modelScale*0.02f; } break; } } osg::Matrix rotation_matrix; rotation_matrix.makeRotate(_rotation); osg::Vec3 up = osg::Vec3(0.0f,1.0f,0.0) * rotation_matrix; osg::Vec3 lv = osg::Vec3(0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f) * rotation_matrix; // rotate the camera. float dx = _ga_t0->getXnormalized(); float yaw = -inDegrees(dx*50.0f*dt); osg::Quat yaw_rotation; yaw_rotation.makeRotate(yaw,up); _rotation *= yaw_rotation; rotation_matrix.makeRotate(_rotation); osg::Vec3 sv = osg::Vec3(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f) * rotation_matrix; // movement is big enough the move the eye point along the look vector. if (fabsf(_velocity*dt)>1e-8) { float distanceToMove = _velocity*dt; float signedBuffer; if (distanceToMove>=0.0f) signedBuffer=_buffer; else signedBuffer=-_buffer; // check to see if any obstruction in front. osgUtil::IntersectVisitor iv; osg::ref_ptr segForward = new osg::LineSegment; segForward->set(_eye,_eye+lv*(signedBuffer+distanceToMove)); iv.addLineSegment(segForward.get()); _node->accept(iv); if (iv.hits()) { osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList& hitList = iv.getHitList(segForward.get()); if (!hitList.empty()) { // notify(INFO) << "Hit obstruction"<< std::endl; osg::Vec3 ip = hitList.front().getWorldIntersectPoint(); distanceToMove = (ip-_eye).length()-_buffer; _velocity = 0.0f; } } // check to see if forward point is correct height above terrain. osg::Vec3 fp = _eye+lv*distanceToMove; osg::Vec3 lfp = fp-up*_height*5; iv.reset(); osg::ref_ptr segNormal = new osg::LineSegment; segNormal->set(fp,lfp); iv.addLineSegment(segNormal.get()); _node->accept(iv); if (iv.hits()) { osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList& hitList = iv.getHitList(segNormal.get()); if (!hitList.empty()) { // notify(INFO) << "Hit terrain ok"<< std::endl; osg::Vec3 ip = hitList.front().getWorldIntersectPoint(); osg::Vec3 np = hitList.front().getWorldIntersectNormal(); if (up*np>0.0f) up = np; else up = -np; _eye = ip+up*_height; lv = up^sv; computeCameraFromLocalData(lv,up); return true; } } // no hit on the terrain found therefore resort to a fall under // under the influence of gravity. osg::Vec3 dp = lfp; dp.z() -= 2*_modelScale; iv.reset(); osg::ref_ptr segFall = new osg::LineSegment; segFall->set(lfp,dp); iv.addLineSegment(segFall.get()); _node->accept(iv); if (iv.hits()) { osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList& hitList = iv.getHitList(segFall.get()); if (!hitList.empty()) { notify(INFO) << "Hit terrain on decent ok"<< std::endl; osg::Vec3 ip = hitList.front().getWorldIntersectPoint(); osg::Vec3 np = hitList.front().getWorldIntersectNormal(); if (up*np>0.0f) up = np; else up = -np; _eye = ip+up*_height; lv = up^sv; computeCameraFromLocalData(lv,up); return true; } } // no collision with terrain has been found therefore track horizontally. lv *= (_velocity*dt); _eye += lv; } computeCameraFromLocalData(); return true; }