# This script sets up packaging targets for each "COMPONENT" as specified in INSTALL commands # # for each component a CPackConfig-.cmake is generated in the build tree # and a target is added to call cpack for it (e.g. package_openscenegaph # A target for generating a package with everything that gets INSTALLED is generated (package_openscenegraph-all) # A target for making all of the abaove packages is generated (package_ALL) # # package filenames are created on the form --[-]-[-static].tar.gz # ...where compiler optionally set using a cmake gui (OSG_CPACK_COMPILER). This script tries to guess compiler version for msvc generators # ...build_type matches CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE for all generators but the msvc ones # resolve architecture. The reason i "change" i686 to i386 is that debian packages # require i386 so this is for the future IF("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}" STREQUAL "i686") SET(SYSTEM_ARCH "i386") ELSE() SET(SYSTEM_ARCH ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}) ENDIF() # set a default system name - use CMake setting (Linux|Windows|...) SET(SYSTEM_NAME ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}) #message(STATUS "CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}") #message(STATUS "CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}") # for msvc the SYSTEM_NAME is set win32/64 instead of "Windows" IF(MSVC) IF(CMAKE_CL_64) SET(SYSTEM_NAME "win64") ELSE() SET(SYSTEM_NAME "win32") ENDIF() ENDIF() # Guess the compiler (is this desired for other platforms than windows?) IF(NOT DEFINED OSG_CPACK_COMPILER) INCLUDE(OsgDetermineCompiler) ENDIF() # expose the compiler setting to the user SET(OSG_CPACK_COMPILER "${OSG_COMPILER}" CACHE STRING "This ia short string (vc90, vc80sp1, gcc-4.3, ...) describing your compiler. The string is used for creating package filenames") IF(OSG_CPACK_COMPILER) SET(OSG_CPACK_SYSTEM_SPEC_STRING ${SYSTEM_NAME}-${SYSTEM_ARCH}-${OSG_CPACK_COMPILER}) ELSE() SET(OSG_CPACK_SYSTEM_SPEC_STRING ${SYSTEM_NAME}-${SYSTEM_ARCH}) ENDIF() ## variables that apply to all packages SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME "${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}-${OPENSCENEGRAPH_VERSION}") # these goes for all platforms. Setting these stops the CPack.cmake script from generating options about other package compression formats (.z .tz, etc.) IF(WIN32) SET(CPACK_GENERATOR "ZIP" CACHE STRING "CPack package generator type (i.e ZIP,NSIS,TGZ,DEB,RPM, -- see CPack for valid stypes") ELSE() SET(CPACK_GENERATOR "TGZ" CACHE STRING "CPack package generator type (i.e ZIP,NSIS,TGZ,DEB,RPM, -- see CPack for valid stypes") ENDIF() SET(CPACK_SOURCE_GENERATOR "TGZ") # for ms visual studio we use it's internally defined variable to get the configuration (debug,release, ...) IF(MSVC_IDE) SET(OSG_CPACK_CONFIGURATION "$(OutDir)") SET(PACKAGE_TARGET_PREFIX "Package ") ELSE() # on un*x an empty CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE means release IF(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) SET(OSG_CPACK_CONFIGURATION ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}) ELSE() SET(OSG_CPACK_CONFIGURATION "Release") ENDIF() SET(PACKAGE_TARGET_PREFIX "package_") ENDIF() # Get all defined components GET_CMAKE_PROPERTY(CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL COMPONENTS) IF(NOT CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL) # cmake 2.6.0 don't supply the COMPONENTS property. # I set it manually to be the packages that can always be packaged MESSAGE("When building packages please consider using cmake version 2.6.1 or above") SET(CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL libopenscenegraph libopenthreads openscenegraph libopenscenegraph-dev libopenthreads-dev) ENDIF() # Create a target that will be used to generate all packages defined below SET(PACKAGE_ALL_TARGETNAME "${PACKAGE_TARGET_PREFIX}ALL") ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(${PACKAGE_ALL_TARGETNAME}) MACRO(GENERATE_PACKAGING_TARGET package_name) SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME ${package_name}) # the doc packages don't need a system-arch specification IF(${package} MATCHES -doc) SET(OSG_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME ${package_name}-${OPENSCENEGRAPH_VERSION}) ELSE() SET(OSG_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME ${package_name}-${OPENSCENEGRAPH_VERSION}-${OSG_CPACK_SYSTEM_SPEC_STRING}-${OSG_CPACK_CONFIGURATION}) IF(NOT DYNAMIC_OPENSCENEGRAPH) SET(OSG_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME ${OSG_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME}-static) ENDIF() ENDIF() CONFIGURE_FILE("${OpenSceneGraph_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeModules/OsgCPackConfig.cmake.in" "${OpenSceneGraph_BINARY_DIR}/CPackConfig-${package_name}.cmake" IMMEDIATE) SET(PACKAGE_TARGETNAME "${PACKAGE_TARGET_PREFIX}${package_name}") # This is naive and will probably need fixing eventually IF(MSVC) SET(MOVE_COMMAND "move") ELSE() SET(MOVE_COMMAND "mv") ENDIF() # Set in and out archive filenames. Windows = zip, others = tar.gz IF(WIN32) SET(ARCHIVE_EXT "zip") ELSE() SET(ARCHIVE_EXT "tar.gz") ENDIF() # Create a target that creates the current package # and rename the package to give it proper filename ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(${PACKAGE_TARGETNAME}) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(TARGET ${PACKAGE_TARGETNAME} COMMAND ${CMAKE_CPACK_COMMAND} -C ${OSG_CPACK_CONFIGURATION} --config ${OpenSceneGraph_BINARY_DIR}/CPackConfig-${package_name}.cmake COMMENT "Run CPack packaging for ${package_name}..." ) # Add the exact same custom command to the all package generating target. # I can't use add_dependencies to do this because it would allow parallell building of packages so am going brute here ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(TARGET ${PACKAGE_ALL_TARGETNAME} COMMAND ${CMAKE_CPACK_COMMAND} -C ${OSG_CPACK_CONFIGURATION} --config ${OpenSceneGraph_BINARY_DIR}/CPackConfig-${package_name}.cmake ) ENDMACRO(GENERATE_PACKAGING_TARGET) # Create configs and targets for a package including all components SET(OSG_CPACK_COMPONENT ALL) GENERATE_PACKAGING_TARGET(openscenegraph-all) # Create configs and targets for each component FOREACH(package ${CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL}) SET(OSG_CPACK_COMPONENT ${package}) GENERATE_PACKAGING_TARGET(${package}) ENDFOREACH()