/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Robert Osfield * * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ #ifdef WIN32 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Disable unavoidable warning messages: // // C4503 - decorated name length exceeded, name was truncated // #pragma warning(disable : 4503) #endif // WIN32 #ifndef DATASET_H #define DATASET_H 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // forward declare so we can avoid tieing osgTerrain to GDAL. class GDALDataset; namespace osgTerrain { #define MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_LEVELS 30 class OSGTERRAIN_EXPORT DataSet : public osg::Referenced { public: static std::string coordinateSystemStringToWTK(const std::string& coordinateSystem); class Source; struct SpatialProperties { SpatialProperties(): _numValuesX(0), _numValuesY(0), _numValuesZ(0) {} SpatialProperties(const SpatialProperties& sp): _cs(sp._cs), _geoTransform(sp._geoTransform), _extents(sp._extents), _numValuesX(sp._numValuesX), _numValuesY(sp._numValuesY), _numValuesZ(sp._numValuesZ) {} SpatialProperties(osg::CoordinateSystemNode* cs, const osg::BoundingBox& extents): _cs(cs), _extents(extents), _numValuesX(0), _numValuesY(0), _numValuesZ(0) {} inline SpatialProperties& assignSpatialProperties(const SpatialProperties& sp) { if (&sp==this) return *this; _cs = sp._cs; _geoTransform = sp._geoTransform; _extents = sp._extents; _numValuesX = sp._numValuesX; _numValuesY = sp._numValuesY; _numValuesZ = sp._numValuesZ; return *this; } void computeExtents() { _extents.init(); _extents.expandBy( osg::Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0)*_geoTransform); _extents.expandBy( osg::Vec3(_numValuesX,_numValuesY,0.0)*_geoTransform); } osg::ref_ptr _cs; osg::Matrixd _geoTransform; osg::BoundingBox _extents; unsigned int _numValuesX; unsigned int _numValuesY; unsigned int _numValuesZ; }; struct DestinationData : public osg::Referenced, SpatialProperties { DestinationData(DataSet* dataSet): _dataSet(dataSet), _minDistance(0.0), _maxDistance(FLT_MAX) {} typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr > ImageList; typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr > ModelList; DataSet* _dataSet; float _minDistance; float _maxDistance; osg::ref_ptr _image; osg::ref_ptr _heightField; ModelList _models; }; struct OSGTERRAIN_EXPORT SourceData : public osg::Referenced, public SpatialProperties { SourceData(Source* source=0): _source(source), _hasGCPs(false), _gdalDataSet(0) {} virtual ~SourceData(); static SourceData* readData(Source* source); osg::BoundingBox getExtents(const osg::CoordinateSystemNode* cs) const; const SpatialProperties& computeSpatialProperties(const osg::CoordinateSystemNode* cs) const; bool intersects(const SpatialProperties& sp) const; void read(DestinationData& destination); void readImage(DestinationData& destination); void readHeightField(DestinationData& destination); void readModels(DestinationData& destination); Source* _source; bool _hasGCPs; osg::ref_ptr _model; GDALDataset* _gdalDataSet; typedef std::map SpatialPropertiesMap; mutable SpatialPropertiesMap _spatialPropertiesMap; }; class OSGTERRAIN_EXPORT Source : public osg::Referenced, public SpatialProperties { public: enum Type { IMAGE, HEIGHT_FIELD, MODEL }; enum ParameterPolicy { PREFER_CONFIG_SETTINGS, PREFER_CONFIG_SETTINGS_BUT_SCALE_BY_FILE_RESOLUTION, PREFER_FILE_SETTINGS }; Source(): _type(IMAGE), _sortValue(0.0), _temporaryFile(false), _coordinateSystemPolicy(PREFER_FILE_SETTINGS), _geoTransformPolicy(PREFER_FILE_SETTINGS), _minLevel(0), _maxLevel(MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_LEVELS), _layer(0) {} Source(Type type, const std::string& filename): _type(type), _sortValue(0.0), _filename(filename), _temporaryFile(false), _coordinateSystemPolicy(PREFER_FILE_SETTINGS), _geoTransformPolicy(PREFER_FILE_SETTINGS), _minLevel(0), _maxLevel(MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_LEVELS), _layer(0) {} void setSortValue(double s) { _sortValue = s; } double getSortValue() const { return _sortValue; } void setSortValueFromSourceDataResolution(); void setType(Type type) { _type = type; } Type getType() const { return _type; } void setFileName(const std::string& filename) { _filename = filename; } const std::string& getFileName() const { return _filename; } void setTemporaryFile(bool temporaryFile) { _temporaryFile = temporaryFile; } bool getTemporaryFile() const { return _temporaryFile; } void setCoordinateSystemPolicy(ParameterPolicy policy) { _coordinateSystemPolicy = policy; } ParameterPolicy getCoordinateSystemPolicy() const { return _coordinateSystemPolicy; } void setCoordinateSystem(const std::string& wellKnownText) { _cs = new osg::CoordinateSystemNode("WKT",wellKnownText); } void setCoordinateSystem(osg::CoordinateSystemNode* cs) { _cs = cs; } osg::CoordinateSystemNode* getCoordinateSystem() { return _cs.get(); } void setGeoTransformPolicy(ParameterPolicy policy) { _geoTransformPolicy = policy; } ParameterPolicy getGeoTransformPolicy() const { return _geoTransformPolicy; } void setGeoTransform(osg::Matrixd& transform) { _geoTransform = transform; } osg::Matrixd& getGeoTransform() { return _geoTransform; } void setGeoTransformFromRange(double xMin, double xMax, double yMin, double yMax) { _geoTransform.makeIdentity(); _geoTransform(0,0) = xMax-xMin; _geoTransform(3,0) = xMin; _geoTransform(1,1) = yMax-yMin; _geoTransform(3,1) = yMin; } void assignCoordinateSystemAndGeoTransformAccordingToParameterPolicy(); void setMinLevel(unsigned int minLevel) { _minLevel = minLevel; } void setMaxLevel(unsigned int maxLevel) { _maxLevel = maxLevel; } void setMinMaxLevel(unsigned int minLevel, unsigned int maxLevel) { _minLevel = minLevel; _maxLevel = maxLevel; } unsigned int getMinLevel() const { return _minLevel; } unsigned int getMaxLevel() const { return _maxLevel; } void setLayer(unsigned int layer) { _layer = layer; } unsigned int getLayer() const { return _layer; } void setSourceData(SourceData* data) { _sourceData = data; if (_sourceData.valid()) _sourceData->_source = this; } SourceData* getSourceData() { return _sourceData.get(); } bool intersects(const SpatialProperties& sp) const { return _sourceData.valid()?_sourceData->intersects(sp):false; } void loadSourceData(); bool needReproject(const osg::CoordinateSystemNode* cs) const; bool needReproject(const osg::CoordinateSystemNode* cs, double minResolution, double maxResolution) const; Source* doReproject(const std::string& filename, osg::CoordinateSystemNode* cs, double targetResolution=0.0) const; void buildOverviews(); struct ResolutionPair { ResolutionPair(): _resX(0.0),_resY(0.0) {} ResolutionPair(double x,double y): _resX(x),_resY(y) {} bool operator < (const ResolutionPair& rhs) const { double minLHS = osg::minimum(_resX,_resY); double minRHS = osg::minimum(rhs._resX,rhs._resY); return minLHS ResolutionList; void addRequiredResolution(double resX, double resY) { _requiredResolutions.push_back(ResolutionPair(resX,resY)); } void setRequiredResolutions(ResolutionList& resolutions) { _requiredResolutions = resolutions; } ResolutionList& getRequiredResolutions() { return _requiredResolutions; } const ResolutionList& getRequiredResolutions() const { return _requiredResolutions; } void consolodateRequiredResolutions(); protected: Type _type; double _sortValue; std::string _filename; bool _temporaryFile; ParameterPolicy _coordinateSystemPolicy; ParameterPolicy _geoTransformPolicy; unsigned int _minLevel; unsigned int _maxLevel; unsigned int _layer; osg::ref_ptr _sourceData; ResolutionList _requiredResolutions; }; enum CompositeType { GROUP, LOD, PAGED_LOD }; class OSGTERRAIN_EXPORT CompositeSource : public osg::Referenced, public SpatialProperties { public: CompositeSource(CompositeType type=GROUP):_type(type) {}; typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr > SourceList; typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< CompositeSource> > ChildList; void setType(CompositeType type) { _type = type; } CompositeType getType() const { return _type; } void setSortValueFromSourceDataResolution(); void sort(); class iterator { public: enum IteratorMode { ACTIVE, ALL }; iterator(CompositeSource* composite=0,IteratorMode mode=ALL): _iteratorMode(mode) { if (composite) { _positionStack.push_back(IteratorPosition(composite)); } } iterator(const iterator& rhs): _positionStack(rhs._positionStack) {} iterator& operator = (const iterator& rhs) { if (&rhs==this) return *this; _positionStack = rhs._positionStack; return *this; } bool operator == (const iterator& rhs) const { return _positionStack == rhs._positionStack; } bool operator != (const iterator& rhs) const { return _positionStack != rhs._positionStack; } bool valid() const { return !_positionStack.empty() && _positionStack.back().valid(); } CompositeSource& operator *() { return *(valid()?_positionStack.back().current():0); } CompositeSource* operator ->() { return valid()?_positionStack.back().current():0; } const CompositeSource& operator *() const { return *(valid()?_positionStack.back().current():0); } const CompositeSource* operator ->() const { return valid()?_positionStack.back().current():0; } iterator& operator++() { advance(); return *this; } iterator operator++(int) { iterator tmp=*this; advance(); return tmp; } bool advance() { if (_positionStack.empty()) return false; // simple advance to the next source if (_positionStack.back().advance()) { if (_positionStack.back().current()) { _positionStack.push_back(IteratorPosition(_positionStack.back().current())); return advance(); } } _positionStack.pop_back(); return advance(); } protected: struct IteratorPosition { IteratorPosition(CompositeSource* composite): _composite(composite), _index(-1) {} IteratorPosition(const IteratorPosition& rhs): _composite(rhs._composite), _index(rhs._index) {} IteratorPosition& operator = (const IteratorPosition& rhs) { _composite = rhs._composite; _index = rhs._index; return *this; } bool operator == (const IteratorPosition& rhs) const { return _composite == rhs._composite && _index == rhs._index; } bool operator != (const IteratorPosition& rhs) const { return _composite != rhs._composite || _index != rhs._index; } CompositeSource* current() { if (_index==-1) return _composite; else return (_index>=0 && _index < (int)_composite->_children.size())?_composite->_children[_index].get():0; } const CompositeSource* current() const { if (_index==-1) return _composite; else return (_index>=0 && _index < (int)_composite->_children.size())?_composite->_children[_index].get():0; } bool valid() const { return _composite && _index < (int)_composite->_children.size(); } inline bool advance() { return advanceToNextChild(*_composite,_index); } inline bool isActive(const CompositeSource& /*composite*/,int /*index*/) { return true; } inline bool advanceToNextChild(CompositeSource& composite, int& index) { ++index; while (index<(int)composite._children.size()) { if (isActive(composite,index)) return true; ++index; } return false; } CompositeSource* _composite; int _index; }; typedef std::vector PositionStack; IteratorMode _iteratorMode; PositionStack _positionStack; }; template class base_source_iterator { public: base_source_iterator(CompositeSource* composite=0, T advancer=T()): _advancer(advancer), _compositeIterator(composite), _sourceIndex(-1) { advance(); } base_source_iterator(const base_source_iterator& rhs): _advancer(rhs._advancer), _compositeIterator(rhs._compositeIterator), _sourceIndex(rhs._sourceIndex) {} base_source_iterator& operator = (const base_source_iterator& rhs) { if (&rhs==this) return *this; _advancer = rhs._advancer; _compositeIterator = rhs._compositeIterator; _sourceIndex = rhs._sourceIndex; } bool operator == (const base_source_iterator& rhs) const { return _compositeIterator == rhs._compositeIterator && _sourceIndex == rhs._sourceIndex; } bool operator != (const base_source_iterator& rhs) const { return _compositeIterator != rhs._compositeIterator || _sourceIndex != rhs._sourceIndex; } bool valid() const { return _compositeIterator.valid() && _sourceIndex < (int)_compositeIterator->_sourceList.size(); } osg::ref_ptr& operator *() { return valid()?_compositeIterator->_sourceList[_sourceIndex]:_nullSource; } osg::ref_ptr* operator ->() { return &(valid()?_compositeIterator->_sourceList[_sourceIndex]:_nullSource); } base_source_iterator& operator++() { advance(); return *this; } base_source_iterator operator++(int) { base_source_iterator tmp=*this; advance(); return tmp; } bool advance() { if (!_compositeIterator.valid()) return false; if (_advancer.advanceToNextSource(*_compositeIterator,_sourceIndex)) return true; // at end of current CompositeSource, so need to advance to new one. _sourceIndex = -1; ++_compositeIterator; return advance(); } protected: T _advancer; iterator _compositeIterator; int _sourceIndex; osg::ref_ptr _nullSource; }; struct DefaultSourceAdvancer { DefaultSourceAdvancer() {} bool isActive(const CompositeSource& /*composite*/,int /*index*/) { return true; } inline bool advanceToNextSource(const CompositeSource& composite, int& index) { return ++index<(int)composite._sourceList.size(); } }; struct LODSourceAdvancer { LODSourceAdvancer(float targetResolution=0.0f): _targetResolution(targetResolution) {} inline bool advanceToNextSource(const CompositeSource& composite, int& index) { if (composite.getType()==GROUP) { return (++index<(int)composite._sourceList.size()); } else { if (composite._sourceList.empty()) return false; if (index!=-1) return false; // we've already traversed this composite, only ever one valid LOD. // find source with resolution closest to target int foundIndex = 0; float closestResolution = fabsf(composite._sourceList[0]->getSortValue()-_targetResolution); for(int i=1;i<(int)composite._sourceList.size();++i) { float delta = fabsf(composite._sourceList[i]->getSortValue()-_targetResolution); if (delta source_iterator; typedef base_source_iterator source_lod_iterator; CompositeType _type; SourceList _sourceList; ChildList _children; }; class OSGTERRAIN_EXPORT DestinationTile : public osg::Referenced, public SpatialProperties { public: enum Position { LEFT = 0, LEFT_BELOW = 1, BELOW = 2, BELOW_RIGHT = 3, RIGHT = 4, RIGHT_ABOVE = 5, ABOVE = 6, ABOVE_LEFT = 7, NUMBER_OF_POSITIONS = 8 }; DestinationTile(); void computeNeighboursFromQuadMap(); void setNeighbours(DestinationTile* left, DestinationTile* left_below, DestinationTile* below, DestinationTile* below_right, DestinationTile* right, DestinationTile* right_above, DestinationTile* above, DestinationTile* above_left); void checkNeighbouringTiles(); void setMaximumImagerySize(unsigned int maxNumColumns,unsigned int maxNumRows) { _imagery_maxNumColumns = maxNumColumns; _imagery_maxNumRows = maxNumRows; } void setMaximumTerrainSize(unsigned int maxNumColumns,unsigned int maxNumRows) { _terrain_maxNumColumns = maxNumColumns; _terrain_maxNumRows = maxNumRows; } void computeMaximumSourceResolution(CompositeSource* sourceGraph); bool computeImageResolution(unsigned int layer, unsigned int& numColumns, unsigned int& numRows, double& resX, double& resY); bool computeTerrainResolution(unsigned int& numColumns, unsigned int& numRows, double& resX, double& resY); void allocate(); void addRequiredResolutions(CompositeSource* sourceGraph); void readFrom(CompositeSource* sourceGraph); void allocateEdgeNormals(); void equalizeCorner(Position position); void equalizeEdge(Position position); void equalizeBoundaries(); void setTileComplete(bool complete); bool getTileComplete() const { return _complete; } void optimizeResolution(); osg::Node* createScene(); osg::StateSet* createStateSet(); osg::Node* createHeightField(); osg::Node* createPolygonal(); void unrefData(); DataSet* _dataSet; std::string _name; unsigned int _level; unsigned int _tileX; unsigned int _tileY; GLenum _pixelFormat; struct ImageData { ImageData(): _imagery_maxSourceResolutionX(0.0f), _imagery_maxSourceResolutionY(0.0f) {} float _imagery_maxSourceResolutionX; float _imagery_maxSourceResolutionY; osg::ref_ptr _imagery; }; std::vector _imagery; inline ImageData& getImageData(unsigned int layer) { if (layer>=_imagery.size()) _imagery.resize(layer+1); return _imagery[layer]; } osg::ref_ptr _terrain; osg::ref_ptr _models; DestinationTile* _neighbour[NUMBER_OF_POSITIONS]; bool _equalized[NUMBER_OF_POSITIONS]; unsigned int _maxSourceLevel; unsigned int _imagery_maxNumColumns; unsigned int _imagery_maxNumRows; unsigned int _terrain_maxNumColumns; unsigned int _terrain_maxNumRows; float _terrain_maxSourceResolutionX; float _terrain_maxSourceResolutionY; bool _complete; typedef std::vector HeightDeltaList; HeightDeltaList _heightDeltas[NUMBER_OF_POSITIONS]; }; class OSGTERRAIN_EXPORT CompositeDestination : public osg::Referenced, public SpatialProperties { public: CompositeDestination(): _dataSet(0), _parent(0), _level(0), _tileX(0), _tileY(0), _type(GROUP), _maxVisibleDistance(FLT_MAX), _subTileGenerated(false) {} CompositeDestination(osg::CoordinateSystemNode* cs, const osg::BoundingBox& extents): SpatialProperties(cs,extents), _dataSet(0), _parent(0), _level(0), _tileX(0), _tileY(0), _type(GROUP), _maxVisibleDistance(FLT_MAX), _subTileGenerated(false) {} void computeNeighboursFromQuadMap(); void addRequiredResolutions(CompositeSource* sourceGraph); void readFrom(CompositeSource* sourceGraph); void equalizeBoundaries(); osg::Node* createScene(); bool areSubTilesComplete(); std::string getSubTileName(); osg::Node* createPagedLODScene(); osg::Node* createSubTileScene(); void unrefSubTileData(); void unrefLocalData(); void setSubTilesGenerated(bool generated) { _subTileGenerated=generated; } bool getSubTilesGenerated() const { return _subTileGenerated; } typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr > TileList; typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr > ChildList; DataSet* _dataSet; CompositeDestination* _parent; std::string _name; unsigned int _level; unsigned int _tileX; unsigned int _tileY; CompositeType _type; TileList _tiles; ChildList _children; float _maxVisibleDistance; bool _subTileGenerated; }; typedef std::map Row; typedef std::map Level; typedef std::map QuadMap; void insertTileToQuadMap(CompositeDestination* tile) { _quadMap[tile->_level][tile->_tileY][tile->_tileX] = tile; } DestinationTile* getTile(unsigned int level,unsigned int X, unsigned int Y) { CompositeDestination* cd = getComposite(level,X,Y); if (!cd) return 0; if (cd->_tiles.empty()) return 0; return (cd->_tiles).front().get(); } CompositeDestination* getComposite(unsigned int level,unsigned int X, unsigned int Y) { QuadMap::iterator levelItr = _quadMap.find(level); if (levelItr==_quadMap.end()) return 0; Level::iterator rowItr = levelItr->second.find(Y); if (rowItr==levelItr->second.end()) return 0; Row::iterator columnItr = rowItr->second.find(X); if (columnItr==rowItr->second.end()) return 0; else return columnItr->second; } Row& getRow(unsigned int level,unsigned int Y) { return _quadMap[level][Y]; } public: DataSet(); void addSource(Source* source); void addSource(CompositeSource* composite); void loadSources(); void setMaximumTileImageSize(unsigned int size) { _maximumTileImageSize = size; } unsigned int getMaximumTileImageSize() const { return _maximumTileImageSize; } void setMaximumTileTerrainSize(unsigned int size) { _maximumTileTerrainSize = size; } unsigned int getMaximumTileTerrainSize() const { return _maximumTileTerrainSize; } void setMaximumVisibleDistanceOfTopLevel(float d) { _maximumVisiableDistanceOfTopLevel = d; } float getMaximumVisibleDistanceOfTopLevel() const { return _maximumVisiableDistanceOfTopLevel; } void setRadiusToMaxVisibleDistanceRatio(float ratio) { _radiusToMaxVisibleDistanceRatio = ratio; } float getRadiusToMaxVisibleDistanceRatio() const { return _radiusToMaxVisibleDistanceRatio; } void setVerticalScale(float verticalScale) { _verticalScale = verticalScale; } float getVerticalScale() const { return _verticalScale; } void setSkirtRatio(float skirtRatio) { _skirtRatio = skirtRatio; } float getSkirtRatio() const { return _skirtRatio; } void setDefaultColor(const osg::Vec4& defaultColor) { _defaultColor = defaultColor; } const osg::Vec4& getDefaultColor() const { return _defaultColor; } void setDestinationCoordinateSystem(const std::string& wellKnownText) { setDestinationCoordinateSystem(new osg::CoordinateSystemNode("WKT",wellKnownText)); } void setDestinationCoordinateSystem(osg::CoordinateSystemNode* cs) { _destinationCoordinateSystem = cs; } osg::CoordinateSystemNode* getDestinationCoordinateSystem() { return _destinationCoordinateSystem .get(); } void setIntermediateCoordinateSystem(const std::string& wellKnownText) { setIntermediateCoordinateSystem(new osg::CoordinateSystemNode("WKT",wellKnownText)); } void setIntermediateCoordinateSystem(osg::CoordinateSystemNode* cs) { _intermediateCoordinateSystem = cs; } osg::CoordinateSystemNode* getIntermediateCoordinateSystem() { return _intermediateCoordinateSystem.get(); } void setConvertFromGeographicToGeocentric(bool flag) { _convertFromGeographicToGeocentric = flag; } bool getConvertFromGeographicToGeocentric() const { return _convertFromGeographicToGeocentric; } void setEllipsoidModel(osg::EllipsoidModel* et) { _ellipsoidModel = et; } osg::EllipsoidModel* getEllipsoidModel() { return _ellipsoidModel.get(); } const osg::EllipsoidModel* getEllipsoidModel() const { return _ellipsoidModel.get(); } bool mapLatLongsToXYZ() const { return getConvertFromGeographicToGeocentric() && getEllipsoidModel(); } void setDestinationExtents(const osg::BoundingBox& extents) { _extents = extents; } void setDestinationGeoTransform(const osg::Matrixd& geoTransform) { _geoTransform = geoTransform; } /** Set the Archive name if one is to be used.*/ void setArchiveName(const std::string& filename) { _archiveName = filename; } /** Get the Archive name.*/ const std::string& getArchiveName() const { return _archiveName; } /** Set the Archive.*/ void setArchive(osgDB::Archive* archive) { _archive = archive; } /** Get the Archive if one is to being used.*/ osgDB::Archive* getArchive() { return _archive.get(); } /** Set the Directory, DestinationTileBaseName and DestinationTileExtension from the passed in filename.*/ void setDestinationName(const std::string& filename); void setDirectory(const std::string& directory); const std::string& getDirectory() const { return _directory; } void setDestinationTileBaseName(const std::string& basename) { _tileBasename = basename; } const std::string& getDestinationTileBaseName() const { return _tileBasename; } void setDestinationTileExtension(const std::string& extension) { _tileExtension = extension; } const std::string& getDestinationTileExtension() const { return _tileExtension; } void setDestinationImageExtension(const std::string& extension) { _imageExtension = extension; } const std::string& getDestinationImageExtension() const { return _imageExtension; } enum DatabaseType { LOD_DATABASE, PagedLOD_DATABASE, }; void setDatabaseType(DatabaseType type) { _databaseType = type; } DatabaseType getDatabaseType() const { return _databaseType; } enum GeometryType { HEIGHT_FIELD, POLYGONAL, }; void setGeometryType(GeometryType type) { _geometryType = type; } GeometryType getGeometryType() const { return _geometryType; } enum TextureType { RGB_24, RGBA, RGB_16, RGBA_16, COMPRESSED_TEXTURE, COMPRESSED_RGBA_TEXTURE }; void setTextureType(TextureType type) { _textureType = type; } TextureType getTextureType() const { return _textureType; } void setMaxAnisotropy(float d) { _maxAnisotropy = d; } float getMaxAnisotropy() const { return _maxAnisotropy; } enum MipMappingMode { NO_MIP_MAPPING, /// disable mip mapping - use LINEAR, LINEAR filters. MIP_MAPPING_HARDWARE, /// use mip mapping, dynamically compute them in hardware if supported MIP_MAPPING_IMAGERY /// use mip mapping, and store imagery along with associated mip maps. }; void setMipMappingMode(MipMappingMode mipMappingMode) { _mipMappingMode = mipMappingMode; } MipMappingMode getMipMappingMode() const { return _mipMappingMode; } void setUseLocalTileTransform(bool flag) { _useLocalTileTransform = flag; } bool getUseLocalTileTransform() const { return _useLocalTileTransform; } void setDecorateGeneratedSceneGraphWithCoordinateSystemNode(bool flag) { _decorateWithCoordinateSystemNode = flag; } bool getDecorateGeneratedSceneGraphWithCoordinateSystemNode() const { return _decorateWithCoordinateSystemNode; } void setDecorateGeneratedSceneGraphWithMultiTextureControl(bool flag) { _decorateWithMultiTextureControl = flag; } bool getDecorateGeneratedSceneGraphWithMultiTextureControl() const { return _decorateWithMultiTextureControl; } unsigned int getNumOfTextureLevels() const { return _numTextureLevels; } void setCommentString(const std::string& comment) { _comment = comment; } const std::string& getCommentString() const { return _comment; } void setWriteNodeBeforeSimplification(bool flag) { _writeNodeBeforeSimplification = flag; } bool getWriteNodeBeforeSimplification() const { return _writeNodeBeforeSimplification; } static void setNotifyOffset(int level); static int setNotifyOffset(); CompositeDestination* createDestinationGraph(CompositeDestination* parent, osg::CoordinateSystemNode* cs, const osg::BoundingBox& extents, unsigned int maxImageSize, unsigned int maxTerrainSize, unsigned int currentLevel, unsigned int currentX, unsigned int currentY, unsigned int maxNumLevels); void computeDestinationGraphFromSources(unsigned int numLevels); void updateSourcesForDestinationGraphNeeds(); void populateDestinationGraphFromSources(); void createDestination(unsigned int numLevels); void buildDestination() { _buildDestination(false); } void writeDestination() { _buildDestination(true); } osg::Node* getDestinationRootNode() { return _rootNode.get(); } // helper functions for handling optional archive void _writeNodeFile(const osg::Node& node,const std::string& filename); void _writeImageFile(const osg::Image& image,const std::string& filename); void setState(osg::State* state) { _state = state; } osg::State* getState() { return _state.get(); } protected: virtual ~DataSet() {} void _readRow(Row& row); void _equalizeRow(Row& row); void _writeRow(Row& row); void _buildDestination(bool writeToDisk); void init(); osg::Node* decorateWithCoordinateSystemNode(osg::Node* subgraph); osg::Node* decorateWithMultiTextureControl(osg::Node* subgraph); osg::ref_ptr _sourceGraph; osg::ref_ptr _destinationGraph; QuadMap _quadMap; unsigned int _maximumTileImageSize; unsigned int _maximumTileTerrainSize; float _maximumVisiableDistanceOfTopLevel; float _radiusToMaxVisibleDistanceRatio; float _verticalScale; float _skirtRatio; osg::ref_ptr _destinationCoordinateSystem; osg::ref_ptr _intermediateCoordinateSystem; bool _convertFromGeographicToGeocentric; osg::ref_ptr _ellipsoidModel; osg::Matrixd _geoTransform; osg::BoundingBox _extents; std::string _archiveName; osg::ref_ptr _archive; std::string _directory; std::string _tileBasename; std::string _tileExtension; std::string _imageExtension; osg::Vec4 _defaultColor; DatabaseType _databaseType; GeometryType _geometryType; TextureType _textureType; float _maxAnisotropy; MipMappingMode _mipMappingMode; unsigned int _numTextureLevels; bool _useLocalTileTransform; bool _decorateWithCoordinateSystemNode; bool _decorateWithMultiTextureControl; std::string _comment; bool _writeNodeBeforeSimplification; osg::ref_ptr _rootNode; osg::ref_ptr _state; }; } #endif