/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Robert Osfield * * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ #include #include namespace osgUtx { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TestContext::TestContext() { } void TestContext::setTraceLevel(TraceLevel tl) { _tout.setTraceLevel(tl); } TestContext::TraceLevel TestContext::getTraceLevel() const { return _tout.getTraceLevel(); } std::ostream& TestContext::tout(TraceLevel tl) const { return _tout.stream(tl); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TestContext::TraceStream::TraceStream(std::ostream& o, TraceLevel tl): _traceLevel(tl), _outputStreamPtr(&o), #if defined(WIN32) && !(defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__MINGW32__)) _nullStream("nul") #else _nullStream("/dev/null") #endif { } TestContext::TraceStream::~TraceStream() { _nullStream.close(); } void TestContext::TraceStream::setTraceLevel(TraceLevel tl) { _traceLevel = tl; } TestContext::TraceLevel TestContext::TraceStream::getTraceLevel() const { return _traceLevel; } std::ostream& TestContext::TraceStream::stream(TestContext::TraceLevel tl) { if(_traceLevel >= tl){ return *_outputStreamPtr; } return _nullStream; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TestGraph& TestGraph::instance() { static TestGraph instance_; return instance_; } TestSuite* TestGraph::root() { return root_.get(); } TestSuite* TestGraph::suite(const std::string& path, TestSuite* tsuite, bool createIfNecessary) { using namespace std; list pathComponents; std::string::const_iterator it1 = path.begin(); std::string::const_iterator it2 = it1; // Dissect the path into it's constituent components do{ while( *it2 != '.' && it2 != path.end() ) ++it2; // Consider a check for "" empty strings? pathComponents.push_back( std::string(it1,it2) ); if( it2 != path.end()) ++it2; it1 = it2; }while( it2 != path.end()); return suite(pathComponents.begin(), pathComponents.end(), tsuite, createIfNecessary); } TestSuite* TestGraph::suite( std::list::iterator it, std::list::iterator end, TestSuite* tsuite, bool createIfNecessary) { using namespace std; if( ! tsuite) tsuite = root(); // Make sure these tie up if(*it != tsuite->name()) return 0; ++it; if(it == end) return tsuite; Test* child = tsuite->findChild(*it); if(child){ // We've found a child with the right name. But is it a // test suite? if(TestSuite* childSuite = dynamic_cast(child)){ return suite(it, end, childSuite, createIfNecessary); } // We could return 0 here, to indicate that someone is // trying to add a TestSuite named 'xxx' to a suite with a // Test already named 'xxx'. But we don't enforce uniqueness // the other way round, so we don't do it this way round // either. Carry on as normal, and create a TestSuite of // the same name if createIfNecessary is true. } if(createIfNecessary){ TestSuite* childSuite = new TestSuite(*it); tsuite->add(childSuite); return suite(it, end, childSuite, createIfNecessary); } return 0; } TestGraph::TestGraph(): root_(new TestSuite("root")) { } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool TestQualifier::visitEnter( TestSuite* pSuite ) { _path.append( pSuite->name() ); _path += SEPCHAR; return true; } // Leaving a composite: Pop its name from the Path bool TestQualifier::visitLeave( TestSuite* pSuite ) { // assert( _path.rfind( pSuite->name() + static_cast(SEPCHAR)) // == _path.size() - pSuite->name().size() - 1); _path.erase( _path.size() - pSuite->name().size() -1 ); return true; } // Provide read-only access to the current qualifier const std::string& TestQualifier::currentPath() const { return _path; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// osg::Timer TestRecord::timer_; void TestRecord::start() { start_ = timer_.tick(); } void TestRecord::stop() { stop_ = timer_.tick(); } void TestRecord::log(const TestFailureX& e) { stop(); result_ = Failure; problem_ = e.what(); } void TestRecord::log(const TestErrorX& e) { stop(); result_ = Error; problem_ = e.what(); } void TestRecord::log(const std::exception& e) { stop(); result_ = Error; problem_ = e.what(); } void TestRecord::log(const std::string& s) { stop(); result_ = Error; problem_ = s; } TestRecord::TestRecord(const std::string& name): name_(name), start_(0), stop_(0), result_(Success), problem_("No problem") { } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o,const TestRecord& tr) { if(tr.result_ == TestRecord::Success) o<<"pass"; else if(tr.result_ == TestRecord::Failure) o<<"fail"; else o<<"error"; o<<"\t"<name() ) ) != _tests.end()) perform( pTest ); return !_ctx.shouldStop(); } bool TestRunner::visitLeave( TestSuite* pSuite ) { TestQualifier::visitLeave( pSuite ); return !_ctx.shouldStop(); } void TestRunner::perform( TestCase* pTest ) { TestRecord& record = _db.createRecord( currentPath() + pTest->name() ); try { record.start(); pTest->run( _ctx ); record.stop(); } catch ( const TestFailureX& e ) { record.log( e ); } catch ( const TestErrorX& e ) { record.log( e ); } catch ( const std::exception& e ) { record.log( e ); } catch ( ... ) { record.log( std::string("Unknown") ); } _ctx.tout(TestContext::Results) << record << std::endl; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TestSuite::TestSuite( const std::string& name ) : Test( name ) { } void TestSuite::add( Test* pTest ) { _tests.push_back( pTest ); } Test* TestSuite::findChild(const std::string& name) { for(Tests::iterator it = _tests.begin(); it != _tests.end(); ++it){ if ((*it)->name() == name) return (*it).get(); } return 0; } bool TestSuite::accept( Test::Visitor& v ) { if ( v.visitEnter( this ) ) { Tests::iterator end = _tests.end(); for ( Tests::iterator at = _tests.begin(); at != end; ++at ) if ( !(*at)->accept( v ) ) break; } return v.visitLeave( this ); // continue with siblings? } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool QualifiedTestPrinter::visit( TestCase* pTest ) { osg::notify(osg::NOTICE) << currentPath() + pTest->name() << std::endl; return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// };