namespace osg

class SG_EXPORT AlphaFunc
Encapsulte OpenGL glAlphaFunc
class SG_EXPORT Billboard
Billboard - a Geode which orientates its child osg::GeoSet's to face the eye point.
class SG_EXPORT BoundingBox
General purpose axis-aligned bounding box class for enclosing objects/vertices.
class SG_EXPORT BoundingSphere
General purpose bounding sphere class for enclosing nodes/objects/vertices.
class SG_EXPORT Camera
Camera class for encapsulating the view position and orientation.
class SG_EXPORT CullFace
Class to globally enable/disable OpenGL's polygon culling mode (GL_CULL_FACE)
DCS - Dynamic Coordinate System a is group which all children are transformed by the the DCS's osg::Matrix.
class SG_EXPORT DynamicLibrary
DynamicLibrary - encapsulates the loading and unloading of dynamic libraries, typically used for loading ReaderWriter plug-ins
SG_EXPORT extern bool ExtensionSupported
return true if OpenGL "extension" is supported.
class SG_EXPORT Field
class SG_EXPORT FieldReader
class SG_EXPORT FieldReaderIterator
[more]SG_EXPORT extern std::string getFilePath(const std::string& filename)
[more]SG_EXPORT extern std::string getFileExtension(const std::string& filename)
[more]SG_EXPORT extern std::string getLowerCaseFileExtension(const std::string& filename)
[more]SG_EXPORT extern std::string getSimpleFileName(const std::string& fileName)
[more]SG_EXPORT extern std::string getStrippedName(const std::string& fileName)
class SG_EXPORT Fog
Fog - encapsulates OpenGL fog state.
class SG_EXPORT GeoSet
Encapsulates OpenGL drawing primitives, geometry and optional binding of normal, color and texture coordinates.
template<class T> void for_each_triangle
Template function for iterating through a GeoSet operating on triangles with templated functor.
class SG_EXPORT GeoState
Encapsulates OpenGL state modes and attributes.
class SG_EXPORT Geode
Leaf Node for grouping GeoSets
class SG_EXPORT Group
General group node which maintains a list of children.
class SG_EXPORT Image
Image class for encapsulating the storage texture image data
SG_EXPORT extern Geode* createGeodeForImage
Convinience function to be used by images loaders to generate a valid geode to return for readNode().
SG_EXPORT extern Geode* createGeodeForImage
Convinience function to be used by images loaders to generate a valid geode to return for readNode().
class SG_EXPORT Input
Class for managing the reading of ASCII osg files
LOD - Level Of Detail group node which allows switching between children depending on distance from eye point.
class SG_EXPORT Light
Light state class which encapsulates OpenGL glLight() functionality
class SG_EXPORT LightSource
Leaf Node for defining a light in the scene
class SG_EXPORT Lighting
Class to globally control OpenGL's lighting
class SG_EXPORT Material
class SG_EXPORT Matrix
4x4 Matrix for storage & manipulation of transformations in scene graph.
[more]inline Vec3 Matrix::operator * (const Vec3& v) const
[more]inline Vec3 operator * (const Vec3& v, const Matrix& m)
class SG_EXPORT MemoryAdapter
Class for adapting the memory management of external data.
class SG_EXPORT Node
Base class for all internal nodes in the scene graph.
typedef std::vector<Node*> NodePath
A vector of Nodes pointers which is used to describe the path from a root node to a descendant
class SG_EXPORT NodeVisitor
Visitor for type safe operations on osg::Node's.
struct NodeAcceptOp
Convinience functor for assisting visiting of arrays of osg::Node's
enum NotifySeverity
[more]extern NotifySeverity g_NotifyLevel
[more]extern ofstream* g_absorbStreamPtr
[more]SG_EXPORT extern void setNotifyLevel(NotifySeverity severity)
[more]SG_EXPORT extern int getNotifyLevel()
[more]inline ostream& notify(NotifySeverity severity=INFO)
[more]SG_EXPORT extern ostream& notify(NotifySeverity severity=INFO)
class SG_EXPORT NotifyInit
[more]static NotifyInit niftyNotifyInit
[more]SG_EXPORT extern void Init( void )
[more]SG_EXPORT extern void SetFilePath( const char *_path )
[more]SG_EXPORT extern char* FindFile( const char *file )
[more]SG_EXPORT extern char* findDSO( const char *name )
class SG_EXPORT Object
Base class/standard interface for objects which require IO support, cloning and reference counting.
class SG_EXPORT Output
ofstream wrapper class for adding support for indenting.
[more]template<class T> bool writeArrayBlock(Output& fw, T* start, T* finish)
class SG_EXPORT Point
class SG_EXPORT PolygonOffset
class SG_EXPORT Quat
A quaternion class.
template<class T> struct UnrefOp
Convience functor for unreferencing objects
template<class T> class ref_ptr
Smart pointer for handling referenced counted objects
class Referenced
Base class from providing referencing counted objects
[more]SG_EXPORT extern Object* loadObjectFile(const char *name)
[more]SG_EXPORT extern Image* loadImageFile(const char *name)
[more]SG_EXPORT extern Node* loadNodeFile(const char *name)
[more]SG_EXPORT extern bool saveObjectFile(Object& object, const char *name)
[more]SG_EXPORT extern bool saveImageFile(Image& image, const char *name)
[more]SG_EXPORT extern bool saveNodeFile(Node& node, const char *name)
class SG_EXPORT ReaderWriter
pure virtual base class for reading and writing of non native formats.
class SG_EXPORT Registry
Registry is a singleton factory which stores the Objects types available at runtime for loading, and any Object reader or writers which are linked in at runtime for reading non-native file formats.
template<class T> class RegisterObjectProxy
Proxy class for automatic registration of reader/writers with the Registry
template<class T> class RegisterReaderWriterProxy
Proxy class for automatic registration of reader/writers with the Registry
class SG_EXPORT Scene
The top level group node in a scene graph.
class SG_EXPORT Seg
Segment class for representing a line segment
class SG_EXPORT Sequence
Sequence - Switch node which allows iterators between children.
class SG_EXPORT State
class SG_EXPORT Switch
Switch - Group node which allows switching between children.
class SG_EXPORT TexEnv
class SG_EXPORT TexGen
class SG_EXPORT TexMat
class SG_EXPORT Texture
Texture state class which encapsulates OpenGl texture functionality
[more]typedef __int64 Timer_t
[more]typedef unsigned long long Timer_t
class SG_EXPORT Timer
class SG_EXPORT Transparency
[more]typedef unsigned int uint
[more]typedef unsigned short ushort
[more]typedef unsigned char uchar
[more]typedef uchar ubyte
[more]#define M_E
[more]#define M_LOG2E
[more]#define M_LOG10E
[more]#define M_LN2
[more]#define M_LN10
[more]#define M_PI
[more]#define M_PI_2
[more]#define M_PI_4
[more]#define M_1_PI
[more]#define M_2_PI
[more]#define M_2_SQRTPI
[more]#define M_SQRT2
[more]#define M_SQRT1_2
class Vec2
General purpose float pair, uses include representation of texture coordinates.
class Vec3
General purpose float triple for use as vertices, vectors and normals.
class Vec4
General purpose float quad, uses include representation of colour coordinates.


oSG_EXPORT extern std::string getFilePath(const std::string& filename)

oSG_EXPORT extern std::string getFileExtension(const std::string& filename)

oSG_EXPORT extern std::string getLowerCaseFileExtension(const std::string& filename)

oSG_EXPORT extern std::string getSimpleFileName(const std::string& fileName)

oSG_EXPORT extern std::string getStrippedName(const std::string& fileName)

oinline Vec3 Matrix::operator * (const Vec3& v) const

oinline Vec3 operator * (const Vec3& v, const Matrix& m)

oextern NotifySeverity g_NotifyLevel

oextern ofstream* g_absorbStreamPtr

oSG_EXPORT extern void setNotifyLevel(NotifySeverity severity)

oSG_EXPORT extern int getNotifyLevel()

oinline ostream& notify(NotifySeverity severity=INFO)

oSG_EXPORT extern ostream& notify(NotifySeverity severity=INFO)

ostatic NotifyInit niftyNotifyInit

oSG_EXPORT extern void Init( void )

oSG_EXPORT extern void SetFilePath( const char *_path )

oSG_EXPORT extern char* FindFile( const char *file )

oSG_EXPORT extern char* findDSO( const char *name )

otemplate<class T> bool writeArrayBlock(Output& fw, T* start, T* finish)

oSG_EXPORT extern Object* loadObjectFile(const char *name)

oSG_EXPORT extern Image* loadImageFile(const char *name)

oSG_EXPORT extern Node* loadNodeFile(const char *name)

oSG_EXPORT extern bool saveObjectFile(Object& object, const char *name)

oSG_EXPORT extern bool saveImageFile(Image& image, const char *name)

oSG_EXPORT extern bool saveNodeFile(Node& node, const char *name)

otypedef __int64 Timer_t

otypedef unsigned long long Timer_t

otypedef unsigned int uint

otypedef unsigned short ushort

otypedef unsigned char uchar

otypedef uchar ubyte

o#define M_E

o#define M_LOG2E

o#define M_LOG10E

o#define M_LN2

o#define M_LN10

o#define M_PI

o#define M_PI_2

o#define M_PI_4

o#define M_1_PI

o#define M_2_PI

o#define M_2_SQRTPI

o#define M_SQRT2

o#define M_SQRT1_2

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