IF("${SDL_LIBRARY}" MATCHES "SDLmain") # Found a precompiled SDLmain library. SET(TARGET_SRC osgsimpleviewerSDL.cpp) ELSE("${SDL_LIBRARY}" MATCHES "SDLmain") # No SDLmain has been found. # Depending on platform, code may need to be provided for SDLmain. IF(APPLE) SET(TARGET_SRC osgsimpleviewerSDL.cpp SDLMainForMacOSX.m SDLMainForMacOSX.h) ELSE(APPLE) # Unhandled case. No libsdlmain has been found and no code substitute. # Depending on platform (or SDL version), # this may or may not link successfully. SET(TARGET_SRC osgsimpleviewerSDL.cpp) ENDIF(APPLE) ENDIF("${SDL_LIBRARY}" MATCHES "SDLmain") SET(TARGET_EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES ${SDL_LIBRARY} ) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${SDL_INCLUDE_DIR} ) #### end var setup ### SETUP_EXAMPLE(osgsimpleviewerSDL)