//C++ header - Open Scene Graph - Copyright (C) 1998-2002 Robert Osfield //Distributed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL) //as published by the Free Software Foundation. #ifndef OSG_ANIMATIONPATH #define OSG_ANIMATIONPATH 1 #include #include #include #include namespace osg { /** AnimationPath for specify the time varying transformation pathway to use when update camera and model objects. * Subclassed from Transform::ComputeTransformCallback allows AnimationPath to * be attached directly to Transform nodes to move subgraphs around the scene. */ class SG_EXPORT AnimationPath : public virtual osg::Object { public: AnimationPath():_loopMode(LOOP) {} AnimationPath(const AnimationPath& ap, const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY): Object(ap,copyop), _timeControlPointMap(ap._timeControlPointMap), _loopMode(ap._loopMode) {} META_Object(osg,AnimationPath) struct ControlPoint { ControlPoint(): _scale(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f) {} ControlPoint(const osg::Vec3& position): _position(position), _rotation(), _scale(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f) {} ControlPoint(const osg::Vec3& position, const osg::Quat& rotation): _position(position), _rotation(rotation), _scale(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f) {} ControlPoint(const osg::Vec3& position, const osg::Quat& rotation, const osg::Vec3& scale): _position(position), _rotation(rotation), _scale(scale) {} osg::Vec3 _position; osg::Quat _rotation; osg::Vec3 _scale; inline void interpolate(float ratio,const ControlPoint& first, const ControlPoint& second) { float one_minus_ratio = 1.0f-ratio; _position = first._position*one_minus_ratio + second._position*ratio; _rotation.slerp(ratio,first._rotation,second._rotation); _scale = first._scale*one_minus_ratio + second._scale*ratio; } inline void getMatrix(Matrix& matrix) const { matrix.makeScale(_scale); matrix.postMult(_rotation.getMatrix()); matrix.postMult(osg::Matrix::translate(_position)); } inline void getInverse(Matrix& matrix) const { matrix.makeScale(1.0f/_scale.x(),1.0f/_scale.y(),1.0f/_scale.y()); matrix.postMult(_rotation.inverse().getMatrix()); matrix.postMult(osg::Matrix::translate(-_position)); } }; /** get the transformation matrix for a point in time.*/ bool getMatrix(double time,Matrix& matrix) const { ControlPoint cp; if (!getInterpolatedControlPoint(time,cp)) return false; cp.getMatrix(matrix); return true; } /** get the inverse transformation matrix for a point in time.*/ bool getInverse(double time,Matrix& matrix) const { ControlPoint cp; if (!getInterpolatedControlPoint(time,cp)) return false; cp.getInverse(matrix); return true; } /** get the local ControlPoint frame for a point in time.*/ virtual bool getInterpolatedControlPoint(double time,ControlPoint& controlPoint) const; void insert(double time,const ControlPoint& controlPoint); double getFirstTime() const { if (!_timeControlPointMap.empty()) return _timeControlPointMap.begin()->first; else return 0.0;} double getLastTime() const { if (!_timeControlPointMap.empty()) return _timeControlPointMap.rbegin()->first; else return 0.0;} double getPeriod() const { return getLastTime()-getFirstTime();} enum LoopMode { SWING, LOOP, NO_LOOPING }; void setLoopMode(LoopMode lm) { _loopMode = lm; } LoopMode getLoopMode() const { return _loopMode; } typedef std::map TimeControlPointMap; TimeControlPointMap& getTimeControlPointMap() { return _timeControlPointMap; } const TimeControlPointMap& getTimeControlPointMap() const { return _timeControlPointMap; } protected: virtual ~AnimationPath() {} TimeControlPointMap _timeControlPointMap; LoopMode _loopMode; }; class SG_EXPORT AnimationPathCallback : public NodeCallback { public: AnimationPathCallback(): _timeOffset(0.0), _timeMultiplier(1.0), _firstTime(0.0), _animationTime(0.0) {} AnimationPathCallback(const AnimationPathCallback& apc,const CopyOp& copyop): NodeCallback(apc,copyop), _animationPath(apc._animationPath), _timeOffset(apc._timeOffset), _timeMultiplier(apc._timeMultiplier), _firstTime(apc._firstTime), _animationTime(apc._animationTime) {} META_Object(osg,AnimationPathCallback) AnimationPathCallback(AnimationPath* ap,double timeOffset=0.0f,double timeMultiplier=1.0f): _animationPath(ap), _timeOffset(timeOffset), _timeMultiplier(timeMultiplier), _firstTime(0.0), _animationTime(0.0) {} void setAnimationPath(AnimationPath* path) { _animationPath = path; } AnimationPath* getAnimationPath() { return _animationPath.get(); } const AnimationPath* getAnimationPath() const { return _animationPath.get(); } /** implements the callback*/ virtual void operator()(Node* node, NodeVisitor* nv); public: ref_ptr _animationPath; double _timeOffset; double _timeMultiplier; double _firstTime; mutable double _animationTime; }; } #endif