/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield * * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ #include using namespace osg; LineSegment::~LineSegment() { } bool LineSegment::intersectAndClip(vec_type& s,vec_type& e,const BoundingBox& bb) { // compate s and e against the xMin to xMax range of bb. if (s.x()<=e.x()) { // trivial reject of segment wholely outside. if (e.x()bb.xMax()) return false; if (s.x()bb.xMax()) { // clip e to xMax. e = s+(e-s)*(bb.xMax()-s.x())/(e.x()-s.x()); } } else { if (s.x()bb.xMax()) return false; if (e.x()bb.xMax()) { // clip e to xMax. s = s+(e-s)*(bb.xMax()-s.x())/(e.x()-s.x()); } } // compate s and e against the yMin to yMax range of bb. if (s.y()<=e.y()) { // trivial reject of segment wholely outside. if (e.y()bb.yMax()) return false; if (s.y()bb.yMax()) { // clip e to yMax. e = s+(e-s)*(bb.yMax()-s.y())/(e.y()-s.y()); } } else { if (s.y()bb.yMax()) return false; if (e.y()bb.yMax()) { // clip e to yMax. s = s+(e-s)*(bb.yMax()-s.y())/(e.y()-s.y()); } } // compate s and e against the zMin to zMax range of bb. if (s.z()<=e.z()) { // trivial reject of segment wholely outside. if (e.z()bb.zMax()) return false; if (s.z()bb.zMax()) { // clip e to zMax. e = s+(e-s)*(bb.zMax()-s.z())/(e.z()-s.z()); } } else { if (s.z()bb.zMax()) return false; if (e.z()bb.zMax()) { // clip e to zMax. s = s+(e-s)*(bb.zMax()-s.z())/(e.z()-s.z()); } } return true; } bool LineSegment::intersect(const BoundingBox& bb) const { if (!bb.valid()) return false; vec_type s=_s,e=_e; return intersectAndClip(s,e,bb); } bool LineSegment::intersect(const BoundingBox& bb,float& r1,float& r2) const { if (!bb.valid()) return false; vec_type s=_s,e=_e; bool result = intersectAndClip(s,e,bb); if (result) { value_type len = (_e-_s).length(); if (len>0.0f) { value_type inv_len = 1.0f/len; r1 = (float)((s-_s).length()*inv_len); r2 = (float)((e-_e).length()*inv_len); } else { r1 = 0.0f; r2 = 0.0f; } } return result; } bool LineSegment::intersect(const BoundingBox& bb,double& r1,double& r2) const { if (!bb.valid()) return false; vec_type s=_s,e=_e; bool result = intersectAndClip(s,e,bb); if (result) { double len = (_e-_s).length(); if (len>0.0) { double inv_len = 1.0/len; r1 = ((s-_s).length()*inv_len); r2 = ((e-_e).length()*inv_len); } else { r1 = 0.0; r2 = 0.0; } } return result; } bool LineSegment::intersect(const BoundingSphere& bs,float& r1,float& r2) const { vec_type sm = _s-bs._center; value_type c = sm.length2()-bs._radius*bs._radius; vec_type se = _e-_s; value_type a = se.length2(); // check for zero length segment. if (a==0.0) { // check if start point outside sphere radius if (c>0.0) return false; // length segment within radius of bounding sphere but zero length // so return true, and set the ratio so the start point is the one // to be used. r1 = 1.0f; r2 = 0.0f; return true; } value_type b = sm*se*2.0f; value_type d = b*b-4.0f*a*c; if (d<0.0f) return false; d = (value_type)sqrt(d); value_type div = 1.0f/(2.0f*a); r1 = (float)((-b-d)*div); r2 = (float)((-b+d)*div); if (r1<=0.0f && r2<=0.0f) return false; if (r1>=1.0f && r2>=1.0f) return false; return true; } bool LineSegment::intersect(const BoundingSphere& bs,double& r1,double& r2) const { vec_type sm = _s-bs._center; value_type c = sm.length2()-bs._radius*bs._radius; vec_type se = _e-_s; value_type a = se.length2(); // check for zero length segment. if (a==0.0) { // check if start point outside sphere radius if (c>0.0) return false; // length segment within radius of bounding sphere but zero length // so return true, and set the ratio so the start point is the one // to be used. r1 = 1.0f; r2 = 0.0f; return true; } value_type b = sm*se*2.0; value_type d = b*b-4.0f*a*c; if (d<0.0f) return false; d = (value_type)sqrt(d); value_type div = 1.0f/(2.0*a); r1 = ((-b-d)*div); r2 = ((-b+d)*div); if (r1<=0.0 && r2<=0.0) return false; if (r1>=1.0 && r2>=1.0) return false; return true; } bool LineSegment::intersect(const BoundingSphere& bs) const { vec_type sm = _s-bs._center; value_type c = sm.length2()-bs._radius*bs._radius; if (c<0.0f) return true; vec_type se = _e-_s; value_type a = se.length2(); value_type b = (sm*se)*2.0f; value_type d = b*b-4.0f*a*c; if (d<0.0f) return false; d = (value_type) sqrt(d); value_type div = 1.0f/(2.0f*a); value_type r1 = (-b-d)*div; value_type r2 = (-b+d)*div; if (r1<=0.0f && r2<=0.0f) return false; if (r1>=1.0f && r2>=1.0f) return false; return true; } bool LineSegment::intersect(const Vec3f& v1,const Vec3f& v2,const Vec3f& v3,float& r) { if (v1==v2 || v2==v3 || v1==v3) return false; vec_type vse = _e-_s; vec_type v12 = v2-v1; vec_type n12 = v12^vse; value_type ds12 = (_s-v1)*n12; value_type d312 = (v3-v1)*n12; if (d312>=0.0) { if (ds12<0.0) return false; if (ds12>d312) return false; } else // d312 < 0 { if (ds12>0.0) return false; if (ds12=0.0) { if (ds23<0.0) return false; if (ds23>d123) return false; } else // d123 < 0 { if (ds23>0.0) return false; if (ds23=0.0) { if (ds31<0.0) return false; if (ds31>d231) return false; } else // d231 < 0 { if (ds31>0.0) return false; if (ds31length) return false; r = (float) d/length; return true; } bool LineSegment::intersect(const Vec3d& v1,const Vec3d& v2,const Vec3d& v3,double& r) { if (v1==v2 || v2==v3 || v1==v3) return false; vec_type vse = _e-_s; vec_type v12 = v2-v1; vec_type n12 = v12^vse; value_type ds12 = (_s-v1)*n12; value_type d312 = (v3-v1)*n12; if (d312>=0.0) { if (ds12<0.0) return false; if (ds12>d312) return false; } else // d312 < 0 { if (ds12>0.0) return false; if (ds12=0.0) { if (ds23<0.0) return false; if (ds23>d123) return false; } else // d123 < 0 { if (ds23>0.0) return false; if (ds23=0.0) { if (ds31<0.0) return false; if (ds31>d231) return false; } else // d231 < 0 { if (ds31>0.0) return false; if (ds31length) return false; r = d/length; return true; }