/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd. * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Nathan Cournia * Copyright (C) 2008 Zebra Imaging * Copyright (C) 2010 VIRES Simulationstechnologie GmbH * * This application is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified * freely and without restriction, both in commercial and non commercial * applications, as long as this copyright notice is maintained. * * This application is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ /* file: include/osg/Shader * author: Mike Weiblen 2008-01-02 * Holger Helmich 2010-10-21 */ #ifndef OSG_SHADER #define OSG_SHADER 1 #include #include #include #include #include namespace osg { class Program; // set of shader define strings that the shader is dependent upon. typedef std::set ShaderDefines; /** Simple class for wrapping up the data used in OpenGL ES 2's glShaderBinary calls. * ShaderBinary is set up with the binary data then assigned to one or more osg::Shader. */ class OSG_EXPORT ShaderBinary : public osg::Object { public: ShaderBinary(); /** Copy constructor using CopyOp to manage deep vs shallow copy.*/ ShaderBinary(const ShaderBinary& rhs, const osg::CopyOp& copyop=osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY); META_Object(osg, ShaderBinary); /** Allocated a data buffer of specified size.*/ void allocate(unsigned int size); /** Assign shader binary data, copying the specified data into locally stored data buffer, the original data can then be deleted.*/ void assign(unsigned int size, const unsigned char* data); /** Get the size of the shader binary data.*/ unsigned int getSize() const { return static_cast(_data.size()); } /** Get a ptr to the shader binary data.*/ unsigned char* getData() { return _data.empty() ? 0 : &(_data.front()); } /** Get a const ptr to the shader binary data.*/ const unsigned char* getData() const { return _data.empty() ? 0 : &(_data.front()); } /** Read shader binary from file. * Return the resulting Shader or 0 if no valid shader binary could be read.*/ static ShaderBinary* readShaderBinaryFile(const std::string& fileName); protected: typedef std::vector Data; Data _data; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** osg::Shader is an application-level abstraction of an OpenGL glShader. * It is a container to load the shader source code text and manage its * compilation. * An osg::Shader may be attached to more than one osg::Program. * Shader will automatically manage per-context instancing of the * internal objects, if that is necessary for a particular display * configuration. */ class OSG_EXPORT Shader : public osg::Object { public: enum Type { VERTEX = GL_VERTEX_SHADER, TESSCONTROL = GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER, TESSEVALUATION = GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER, GEOMETRY = GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER, FRAGMENT = GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, COMPUTE = GL_COMPUTE_SHADER, UNDEFINED = -1 }; Shader(Type type = UNDEFINED); Shader(Type type, const std::string& source ); Shader(Type type, ShaderBinary* shaderBinary ); /** Copy constructor using CopyOp to manage deep vs shallow copy.*/ Shader(const Shader& rhs, const osg::CopyOp& copyop=osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY); META_Object(osg, Shader); int compare(const Shader& rhs) const; /** Set the Shader type as an enum. */ bool setType(Type t); /** Get the Shader type as an enum. */ inline Type getType() const { return _type; } /** Get the Shader type as a descriptive string. */ const char* getTypename() const; /** Set file name for the shader source code. */ inline void setFileName(const std::string& fileName) { _shaderFileName = fileName; } /** Get filename to which the shader source code belongs. */ inline const std::string& getFileName() const { return _shaderFileName; } /** Set the Shader's source code text from a string. */ void setShaderSource(const std::string& sourceText); /** Query the shader's source code text */ inline const std::string& getShaderSource() const { return _shaderSource; } enum ShaderDefinesMode { USE_SHADER_PRAGMA, USE_MANUAL_SETTINGS }; void setShaderDefinesMode(ShaderDefinesMode sdm) { _shaderDefinesMode = sdm; } ShaderDefinesMode getShaderDefinesMode() const { return _shaderDefinesMode; } void setShaderDefines(const ShaderDefines& shaderDefs) { _shaderDefines = shaderDefs; } ShaderDefines& getShaderDefines() { return _shaderDefines; } const ShaderDefines& getShaderDefines() const { return _shaderDefines; } void setShaderRequirements(const ShaderDefines& shaderDefs) { _shaderRequirements = shaderDefs; } ShaderDefines& getShaderRequirements() { return _shaderRequirements; } const ShaderDefines& getShaderRequirements() const { return _shaderRequirements; } /** Set the Shader using a ShaderBinary. */ void setShaderBinary(ShaderBinary* shaderBinary) { _shaderBinary = shaderBinary; } /** Get the Shader's ShaderBinary, return NULL if none is assigned. */ ShaderBinary* getShaderBinary() { return _shaderBinary.get(); } /** Get the const Shader's ShaderBinary, return NULL if none is assigned. */ const ShaderBinary* getShaderBinary() const { return _shaderBinary.get(); } #ifdef OSG_USE_DEPRECATED_API /** Deorecated use osgDB::readRefShaderFile().*/ static Shader* readShaderFile( Type type, const std::string& fileName ); /** Deorecated use osgDB::readRefShaderFile(). */ bool loadShaderSourceFromFile( const std::string& fileName ); #endif /** The code injection map used when generating the main shader during main shader composition.*/ typedef std::multimap CodeInjectionMap; /** Add code injection that will be placed in the main shader to enable support for this shader. * The position is set up so that code to be inserted before the main() will have a negative value, * a position between 0 and 1.0 will be inserted in main() and a position greater than 1.0 will * be placed after the main(). * During shader composition all the code injections are sorted in ascending order and then * placed in the appropriate section of the main shader. */ void addCodeInjection(float position, const std::string& code) { _codeInjectionMap.insert(CodeInjectionMap::value_type(position, code)); } /** Get the code injection map.*/ CodeInjectionMap& getCodeInjectionMap() { return _codeInjectionMap; } /** Get the const code injection map.*/ const CodeInjectionMap& getCodeInjectionMap() const { return _codeInjectionMap; } /** Resize any per context GLObject buffers to specified size. */ virtual void resizeGLObjectBuffers(unsigned int maxSize); /** release OpenGL objects in specified graphics context if State object is passed, otherwise release OpenGL objects for all graphics context if State object pointer NULL.*/ void releaseGLObjects(osg::State* state=0) const; /** Mark our PCSs as needing recompilation. * Also mark Programs that depend on us as needing relink */ void dirtyShader(); /** If needed, compile the PCS's glShader */ void compileShader(osg::State& state) const; static Shader::Type getTypeId( const std::string& tname ); public: /** PerContextShader (PCS) is an OSG-internal encapsulation of glShader per-GL context. */ class OSG_EXPORT PerContextShader : public osg::Referenced { public: PerContextShader(const Shader* shader, unsigned int contextID); void setDefineString(const std::string& defStr) { _defineStr = defStr; } const std::string& getDefineString() const { return _defineStr; } GLuint getHandle() const {return _glShaderHandle;} void requestCompile(); void compileShader(osg::State& state); bool needsCompile() const {return _needsCompile;} bool isCompiled() const {return _isCompiled;} bool getInfoLog( std::string& infoLog ) const; /** Attach our glShader to a glProgram */ void attachShader(GLuint program) const; /** Detach our glShader from a glProgram */ void detachShader(GLuint program) const; protected: /*methods*/ ~PerContextShader(); protected: /*data*/ /** Pointer to our parent osg::Shader */ const Shader* _shader; /** Pointer to this context's extension functions. */ osg::ref_ptr _extensions; /** Handle to the actual glShader. */ GLuint _glShaderHandle; /** Define string passed on to Shaders to help configure them.*/ std::string _defineStr; /** Does our glShader need to be recompiled? */ bool _needsCompile; /** Is our glShader successfully compiled? */ bool _isCompiled; const unsigned int _contextID; private: PerContextShader(); // disallowed PerContextShader(const PerContextShader&); // disallowed PerContextShader& operator=(const PerContextShader&); // disallowed }; struct OSG_EXPORT ShaderObjects : public osg::Referenced { typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr > PerContextShaders; ShaderObjects(const Shader* shader, unsigned int contextID); unsigned int _contextID; const Shader* _shader; mutable PerContextShaders _perContextShaders; PerContextShader* getPCS(const std::string& defineStr) const; PerContextShader* createPerContextShader(const std::string& defineStr); void requestCompile(); }; PerContextShader* getPCS(osg::State& state) const; protected: /*methods*/ virtual ~Shader(); friend class osg::Program; bool addProgramRef( osg::Program* program ); bool removeProgramRef( osg::Program* program ); void _computeShaderDefines(); void _parseShaderDefines(const std::string& str, ShaderDefines& defines); protected: /*data*/ Type _type; std::string _shaderFileName; std::string _shaderSource; osg::ref_ptr _shaderBinary; CodeInjectionMap _codeInjectionMap; // ShaderDefines variables ShaderDefinesMode _shaderDefinesMode; ShaderDefines _shaderDefines; ShaderDefines _shaderRequirements; /** osg::Programs that this osg::Shader is attached to */ typedef std::set< osg::Program* > ProgramSet; ProgramSet _programSet; OpenThreads::Mutex _programSetMutex; mutable osg::buffered_value< osg::ref_ptr > _pcsList; private: Shader& operator=(const Shader&); // disallowed }; class OSG_EXPORT ShaderComponent : public osg::Object { public: ShaderComponent(); ShaderComponent(const ShaderComponent& sc,const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY); META_Object(osg, ShaderComponent); unsigned int addShader(osg::Shader* shader); void removeShader(unsigned int i); osg::Shader* getShader(unsigned int i) { return _shaders[i].get(); } const osg::Shader* getShader(unsigned int i) const { return _shaders[i].get(); } unsigned int getNumShaders() const { return static_cast(_shaders.size()); } virtual void compileGLObjects(State& state) const; virtual void resizeGLObjectBuffers(unsigned int maxSize); virtual void releaseGLObjects(State* state=0) const; protected: typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr > Shaders; Shaders _shaders; }; } #endif