of these methods in src/osgViewer/Renderer.cpp to make sure that the draw thread keeps references to all in scene graph Cameras
that are being used by the drawing threads, to keep the Camera's alive even when the main thread removes these Cameras from the scene graph.
viewport settings in stereo mode. It seems that the SceneView::cull()
method will pass the full size viewport to the left/right
cullvisitors, instead of the modified stereo viewport. I made quite a
few changes to SceneView to fix the issue. The SceneView::cullStage()
method will now receive the viewport as an argument, instead of using
the global viewport. The SceneView::cull() method will pass the
modifed viewport to cullStage when rendering in stereo.
There are 2 new private methods computeLeftEyeViewport() and
computeRightEyeViewport() that will compute the stereo viewports. I
also modified the draw() function so it applies the correct viewport
to the prerender stages. These changes are only necessary for
horizontal/vertical split stereo."
Added setting of osg_SimulationTime and osg_DeltaSimulationTime to the uniforms set by SceneView
Added frame(double simulationTime) and advance(double simulationTime) parameters to
osgViewer::SimpleViewer, Vewer and CompositeViewer.
Updated various examples and Nodes to use SimulationTime where appropriate.
handle scenes with multiple views with elements that need coordinating on a per view basis.
Added beginings of new osgText::FadeText class (not functionality yet).
the viewport, the clear colour and the subgraph needing rendered. This is done
transparently so all existing functionality will behave as before. What it does
add is the ability to set a SceneView directly by a single osg::CameraNode when required.
into line with OpenGL shader languague conventions.
From Robert Osfield, changed the SceneView::ActiveUnforms enum to from INVERSE_VIEW_MATRIX_UNIFORM
VIEW_MATRIX_INVERSE_UNIFORM to be convistent with the above change.
limit the maximum number of occluders used in the cull traversal, default is
now 10.
Added set/getCollectOccluderVisitor() method into SceneView to allow control
of the the settings of the CollectOccluderVisitor.