- Animation : removed the _name attribute that is never used.
- BasicAnimationManager : fix a crash on Windows with the example
osganimationviewer. The _lastUpdate attribute was not initialized when
using copy constructor.
- CMakeLists.txt : add RigGeometry to the headers list"
The fix was to convert the osg::State to use C pointers for the set of applied PerContexProgram objects, and use the osg::Oberver mechanism to avoid dangling pointers for being maintained in osg::State.
Better package naming. example
openscenegraph-core-2.7.7-Linux-i386.tar.gz on my ubuntu laptop and
openscenegraph-core.2.7.7-win32-x86-vc80.tar.gz on winxp.
CMakers will not get options for selecting compression format. TGZ
goes for all platforms (on win32 I use 7zip)
The wrappers is now given the COMPONENT name
libopenscenegraph-wrappers. Feel free to change the name.
On windows with visual studio the OsgCPack script make some efforts to
discover the compiler used but support is a bit poor so I've given
CMake acces to OSG_CPACK_COMPILER to provide some mean to name the
The platform part is taken from CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME and for windows I
change this to win32 or win64 based on CMAKE_CL_64. This might not be
necessary if the arch part has that information. This information is
taken from CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR. I only have 32bit here so if some
of you could uncomment line 15,16 in OsgCPack.cmake and report what
cmake report it would be nice. I'm especially interested anything but
win32 and linux32"
Standard is to generate one stl file.
With an additional option it is possible to write one file per Geode. This option is not very "useful" for typical application, I use it for separating and conversion of geometric data. So it could be removed if considered to special."
a capping the number of PagedLOD to a sepcified maximum, with pruning of inactive
PagedLOD when the total number of inactive and active PagedLOD goes above the maximum.
To enable the mode set the env var OSG_MAX_PAGEDLOD to a value something like 1000.
"I made several modifications:
* The cause of my errors was that my OSG source directory path contains spaces. To fix this issue I wrapped all paths with quotes, as stated in doxygen documentation.
* I also received some warning messages about deprecated doxygen settings, which I fixed by updating the doxygen file, i.e. running \u2018doxygen \u2013u doxygen.cmake\u2018. By running this command deprecated doxygen options are removed, some option comments have changed and quite some options have been added (I kept their default settings unless mentioned).
* I was surprised to find that the doxygen OUTPUT_DIRECTORY was set to \u201c${OpenSceneGraph_SOURCE_DIR}/doc\u201d, which does not seem appropriate for out of source builds; I changed this to \u201c${OpenSceneGraph_BINARY_DIR}/doc\u201d. (On the other hand, maybe a cmake selectable option should be given to the user?)
* Fixed two warnings I received about unexpected end-of-list-markers in \u2018osg\AnimationPath and \u2018osgUtil\CullVisitor due to excess trailing points in comments.
* Fixed a warning in osgWidget\StyleInterface due to an #include directive (strangely) placed inside a namespace.
* Fixed a warning in osg\Camera due to the META_Object macro that confused doxygen. Adding a semi-colon fixed this.
* Removed auto_Mainpage from the INCLUDE option, because I am positive that this file does not belong there; It never generated useful documentation anyway.
* I added the OSG version number environment variable to the PROJECT_NUMBER option so that the version number is now shown on the main page of generated documentation (e.g. index.html).
* Changed option FULL_PATH_NAMES to YES, but made sure STRIP_FROM_PATH stripped the absolute path until the include dir. This fixed an issue that created mangled names for identical filenames in different directories. E.g. osg/Export and osgDB/Export are now correctly named.
* Changed option SHOW_DIRECTORIES to yes, which is a case of preference I guess.