Finally, I have fixed TemplateTarget<osg::Quat>::lerp() as it was giving incorrect results when interpolating between some small rotations.
From Cedric Pinson, i renamed the method in channel to be more general. Adjusted the CubicBezier key constructor to use a single value as input.
Update Timeline.cpp to add current layer to the ActionVisitor, use correctly the priority
Add accessors in Action.cpp to retrieve protected data
Split files and rename them to classname
Change de default color of UpdateMaterial to FFOOFF to detect unset value
Add accessors in LinkVisitor instead of accessing data directly
Update osganimationtimeline example to fit the api callback
- Animations with equal priority are now weighted correctly relative to each other
- (minor) Channels no longer store their weight as the only time it's used is in update() when Animation can pass in the weight directly
From Cedric Pinson,
- I adjusted the quaternion blending to keep the commutativy property