inserted a static transform to do the work of rotating the scene, then
applied a standard osgUtil::Optimizer::FlattenStaticTransformsVisitor
traversal to flatten the transfrom down on to the geometry nodes.
Moved CullVisitor/RenderStage/RenderStageLighting across to managing lights
entirely within RenderStageLighting, and changed the management of modelview
matrices so that RenderLeaf now stores the absolute modelview matrix, rather
than a model matrix as done previously. The later allows RenderLeaf's to do
a glLoadMatrix rather than a glPushMatrix/glMultMatrix/glPopMatrix.
level which appears to cause the code to hang, -O works fine for some strange
reason, I havn't found any direct problems in the code. This may be compiler
bug or a code bug, the bug may go away in later versions of GNUC++, the
problem currently occurs under GCC2.96.
plugin names hanging around despite being deprecated. These definiations
confused the make install/make instclean so it tried to link a non existant
library. Have removed old definitions and everything intalls properly once
Change the osg::NodeVisitor::getLocalToWorldMatrix() /
getWorldToLocalMatrix() methods so it do not initilize the matrix being
passed to them, and assume the the users has already initiliazed them
appropriately, such as to take account of camera positions.
coords of the intersection point with the scene rather than the world
coord value for that point. The code now uses
osgUtil::Hit::getWorldIntersectionPoint() method for getting the world coords.
Added support for getWorldIntersectionPoint to Viewer.cpp.
Put and #ifdef around the setting of the default display list visitor so
it nolonger sets in under IRIX. This is a world around to the IR graphics
imbending lighting info into display lists, if the display lists are
created before state is set up it produces lighting artifacts such as
flickering. Remove the the default display list init visitor removes
these problems, display lists are then built on the fly and drawables
a drawn for the first time.
does not flatten drawables which have double references to them, but only
one reference with a static transform on it. This case can't be flattened
but this wasn't picked up. The code now detects the case correctly.
distribution clean from GUI examples, these instead should live in the bazaar.
This can better accomodate the many different types of viewer that users are